I started working on a new class selection, not really sure how i feel about it yet
Account Details | |
SteamID64 | 76561198057671988 |
SteamID3 | [U:1:97406260] |
SteamID32 | STEAM_0:0:48703130 |
Country | Afghanistan |
Signed Up | September 26, 2013 |
Last Posted | March 13, 2025 at 5:48 PM |
Posts | 740 (0.2 per day) |
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32 |
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Monitor |
Marcy Playgroud
Margot and the Nuclear So and So's
f_bluecollycatanyone know how to change the bg color for hudchathistory? I'm getting a transparent black that goes over the main offwhite bg. http://imgur.com/cMO0Lvyprobably resource/chatscheme.res
I know it's in chatscheme, I just cant find the definition for it.
anyone know how to change the bg color for hudchathistory? I'm getting a transparent black that goes over the main offwhite bg. http://imgur.com/cMO0Lvy
f_blueI noticed that a lot of new threads only contain one short question so I thought we could use an "aggregate thread" for that instead.
Post your question here, ideally add a screenshot, and hope for a quick answer.
I'm gonna start: How do I edit this? http://puu.sh/alTaj/16aaf984cd.jpg
something i've been working on.
reminds me of delihud/yahud, i like it
I had an idea for the quickplay menu, here's a video of it. (sorry about the messed up colors)
I made a hitsound based on the item pickup from the new gamemode.
anyone know where I would edit this menu? (sorry for the question)
TekpakmaI love this HUD and updated it on my own. Hope you like it ;).
If you find bugs just post it. This is not my HUD like you can see above.
youre a babe
pwny_collycatyo, I hate to keep asking hud questions on this thread, but does anyone know how to change the killstreak notice? It's kind of broken for me right now.
You've tried changing the wide value of "Background" in HudKillStreakNotice?
yes, still nothing
yo, I hate to keep asking hud questions on this thread, but does anyone know how to change the killstreak notice? It's kind of broken for me right now.
PlayerStatusHealthImage controls the xpos for all the images like bleeding