hey "tftvtruther" post on your main you pussy
Account Details | |
SteamID64 | 76561198036391020 |
SteamID3 | [U:1:76125292] |
SteamID32 | STEAM_0:0:38062646 |
Country | Virgin Islands, U.S. |
Signed Up | January 8, 2014 |
Last Posted | December 30, 2024 at 9:22 PM |
Posts | 3839 (1 per day) |
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800 |
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2560x1440 |
Refresh Rate |
144hz |
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Mouse | you like the beach boys or what? |
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Monitor | someones gotta be the one to die |
if people had a sentence or two in their fundraiser posts saying "this is why i cant raise the money myself" all of these complaints would not be necessary, and people wouldnt have to jump to conclusions on either side of the argument
gargle i dont know how you can believe that being toxic on forums and in game doesnt affect your team's rep
also your only response to accusations of personal attacks is a tu quoque personal attack so im not really sure what you were trying to accomplish with that
lets stop talking about ThePepe and start talking about how venom went nuts for his first season of pocket
Obiare the -frags back?
only for threads in the dumpster
gargleburryTheMelonI hate Melonya u ready to get knocked out by us? LOL.
But: https://gyazo.com/75461aa74cbd4f74b0bc7285bb857862
in freshman year??
are u trying to say that joshuawn is my alt?
ZordonFreemanjoshuawnI GOT BANNED
How? I wanna see.
eeefatswimdudea little old but i dont think it got postedbeekay was kind of just being an asshole tbh
whole thread is great
like i hate engineer as much as the next person but there was no reason to just aggress on ppl
ya but its guaranteed replies
a little old but i dont think it got posted
whole thread is great
can someone explain to a non-player what the big deal is? and why they would do this?
star_ currently #13 highest viewed streamer sitewide, #4 for overwatch!
Air_owl literally sits with tf.tv open on at least 2 different devices, everytime he stops to breath he refreshes tf.tv and has every subforum on the sidebar.
is that not the norm?