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Last Posted February 16, 2016 at 3:42 AM
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#2608 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization

Was wondering if its possible to edit the red drawoutline on the kill/death notice up in the top right corner and only the red drawout line on kills that I make, cause im using a hud atm that uses the same color for other player kills and the kills I make so its quite hard to see when I kill someone.

Ty for answers!

nvm found it (:

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it was "LocalBackgroundColor" under HudDeathNotice in hudlayout.res
posted about 9 years ago
#7 Safe to use textures? in Customization

So im safe aswell even if I add the additional .vpk files from these two folders "defaults in sv_pure & works differently in sv_pure"? to play on normal pub servers

posted about 9 years ago
#6 Safe to use textures? in Customization

Ah I see, cheers for the fast answers! btw +1 for your epic fps config.

edit: yeah i'll use the flat texture from clean TF2 instead as it seems to be more legit and more used, then the gamebanana link one. Sad that I cant find any reply from a steam dev saying its legit, but I guess it is.

posted about 9 years ago
#3 Safe to use textures? in Customization

2# Comanglia, Is it 100% sure it will never cause a VAC ban? If I only use the mod I linked.
Have anybody analyzed the .vpk of this mod to see that its 100% legit aswell?

posted about 9 years ago
#1 Safe to use textures? in Customization

Wondering if using custom textures like Flat World Textures can cause a VAC ban? Is it really safe to use it? failed to find an answer to this question when googling around, dont wanna risk anything.

Thankful for answers and ye sorry if dumb question.

posted about 9 years ago