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Country United States
Signed Up June 25, 2013
Last Posted January 3, 2014 at 1:00 PM
Posts 78 (0 per day)
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#1 <>< in Off Topic


posted about 10 years ago
#19 music suggestions? in TF2 General Discussion

my friends music https://soundcloud.com/elbeshken would be sick if used some of it

this would be sick too http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zTNqWTK_LvY

or this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5S6U_krabrk

posted about 10 years ago
#131 Suspended for being a bystander to cyberbullying in Off Topic

i pinched a kid on saint patricks day, whom was not wearing green, and got suspended for a day :/

posted about 10 years ago
#27 Coolest picture you've ever taken. in Off Topic
is pic 2 at santa monica?
just a wild guess

u know it

posted about 10 years ago
#21 Coolest picture you've ever taken. in Off Topic




posted about 10 years ago
#145 Taking HUD edit requests in Customization


my settings : Macbook Pro 15 inch -- tf2 ( 720 x 480 // widescreen 16 : 10 // full screen )

my base hud = goo.gl/YpY74 = (en -> resource / scripts) [basically just the default hud with a different main menu and damage #'s)

so, if u are so generous, i would love a hud mix and mash

1. ya_huds fragvid hud has a great health and ammo configuration that i would love to use in a real hud. when i currently use this hud, the health numbers are cutoff (i.e 1...) and i would love for that to be fixed as well. if thats all possible heres the link to that hud -->

ya hud link

2. my current hud has yellow damage numbers, if those could be changed to green, that would be great.

3. when overhealed, i would like it if my health turned green. similarly, i would like my health to turn cyan when at low health.

4. finally, if some basic custom crosshairs could be added, such as an outlined dot, outlined cross, circle around my crosshair etc... if those crosshairs turned yellow when i hit something, that would be cool too.

if u decide to do this, i could give u a hat or something if it works! thanks :D

posted about 10 years ago
#86 your favorite place to buy pizza in Off Topic

moza in la

posted about 10 years ago
#624 yahud in Customization

would it be possible to make the version of the hud used for making movies, for actual gaming (with crosshair etc)? it would also be lovely if the health didnt appear as 1... on my mac as well.

posted about 10 years ago
#27 getting back into it in TF2 General Discussion

Max! is the first highlander sniper in Auto-Aim

posted about 10 years ago
#7 Coachella in Off Topic
paradoxi've gone every year for the past 5 years, cya there friends (week 1 > week 2)
MangachuPretty sure i'm going to week 1 this year
its time to formalize this love affair mangapoo

going week two because my school gives a day off the monday after and 4/20 is always nice. very excited though, hoping chance will be there as well as flume and foxygen.

posted about 10 years ago
#1 Coachella in Off Topic

anyone going? secured myself a ticket for week 2 and was wondering if any of u guys were going :)

posted about 10 years ago
#86 What music do you game to? in Off Topic

shifty with the clutch. just saw chance live and xxyyxx is always great.

posted about 10 years ago
#31 What music do you game to? in Off Topic
disengageWhatever I'm feeling at the time. Nujabes, Wax Tailor, Foreign Beggars, Baths, Infected Mushroom, Lemaitre, Machine Drum, Massive Attack, Chevelle, A Perfect Circle, deadmau5, Passion Pit. If none of my music sounds good I downloaded all (at the time) songs from majesticcasual from tpb.
I also have premium on Digitally Imported (which is awesome)

saw baths live few months ago, houses opened for them and it was sooo sick. back to the point, i tend to listen to artists such as nick drake, the growlers, sbtrkt and foxygen.

posted about 10 years ago
#7 now that breaking bad is over... in Off Topic
MangachuI'm kind of interested in watching orange is the new black, can anyone confirm that its good?

friends mom created/ writes it, pretty good

posted about 11 years ago
#29 Help Really Scared! in Customization


posted about 11 years ago
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