Person above doesn't
Account Details | |
SteamID64 | 76561198096570937 |
SteamID3 | [U:1:136305209] |
SteamID32 | STEAM_0:1:68152604 |
Country | Croatia |
Signed Up | April 20, 2019 |
Last Posted | December 18, 2024 at 11:46 AM |
Posts | 565 (0.3 per day) |
Game Settings | |
In-game Sensitivity | Croatia |
Windows Sensitivity | Croatia |
Raw Input | 1 |
Croatia |
Resolution |
Croatia |
Refresh Rate |
Croatia |
Hardware Peripherals | |
Mouse | Croatia |
Keyboard | Croatia |
Mousepad | Croatia |
Headphones | Croatia |
Monitor | Croatia |
ShooshI keep losing "connection to the server" every minute or so on the website. Is there a reason?
U prolly lost connection to the server if that pops up
If i was the leader of a team called i wouldnt have that name changed even for money tbh
Damn hows croatia red when all (2) croatian players r high
NUTSHey, edited the match hud of ql hud a bit, sometimes the respawn timers show up, sometimes they don't show up. anyone know how to fix the respawn timers?
"ControlName" "CExLabel"
"fieldName" "respawntime"
"font" "Garm3nFontSmallest"
"xpos" "cs-0.5"
"ypos" "0"
"zpos" "10"
"wide" "f0"
"tall" "15"
"autoResize" "0"
"pinCorner" "0"
"visible" "1"
"labelText" "%respawntime%"
"textAlignment" "center"
"proportionaltoparent" "1"
"fgcolor_override" "255 255 0 255"
Hud Download:
This just happens sometimes but u can try increasing the zpos just to be sure
You can try but you will never overthrow this tftv ring of pedophilia
Atleast a big name made this thread so itvwon't get locked (right?)
StylaxBut the fact remains that you'd get more pugs going if the draft wasn't killed so often and people would spend less time waiting.
Yes I agree completely and my previous point was pretty stupid.
IMO kills can be ok but most of the time they're big mood killers, especially if long wait or if they got chained, but what can be done to prevent them? Theres already captain bans and removing the draft timers could break the site for obvious reasons
StylaxDisregarding the above, why is it a thing that people can kill the draft so that their friends can play?
A few nights ago we had a draft going, someone killed so their friend could play and then half the people didn't bother re-adding cause it was taking so long. I know it's a circle jerk but it also slows the process and makes it harder for shitters like me to get into pugchamp. You kinda end with the same people playing every pug rather than new people.
Surely that's the whole point of the deadline timer really; to get pugs starting asap so you can have more pugs overall.
pugs were made for high level of play and most of the time people kill either to not have a shitty roll pug or to have a few better players add increasing the quality of the pug, there's new rules about killing without a reason too
Share your thoughts.
Sin is one of my favorite american players i wont even read this thread there's no way he's a Lil Bitch Boy
Tftv mods r pedos so this is just getting locked