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SteamID64 76561198005495521
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Country United States
Signed Up September 3, 2016
Last Posted January 5, 2017 at 9:38 PM
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#39 Esports Arena Rewind announced in News

Ended up getting the weekend off from work so I am going to be able to attend and spectate. First tf2 lan Ill ever been too so this is exciting. Just hope I can find a hotel sorta cheap for that weekend.

posted about 8 years ago
#1 Scout LFT Low Open in Recruitment (looking for team)

Hello I am a newcomer to the TF2 scene, switching my care-about fps game from csgo to a game that valve cares even less about lol.

Anyways, I have around 200 hours in this game, I am 22 years old, and I am looking to join a low open team to learn at a faster rate and play with a consistent group of people. I want to take this game rather seriously, in the sense that I want to learn and really delve deep into the neutral game and figure out how to play this game at a higher level more than someone thats watched bannys stream and has solid DM coming from counter strike.

I understand communication and how to aim, (I can also offclass sniper and do pretty well using my awping experience from GO), but I still struggle with the neutral and knowing what to do, but if someone can teach it to me I can learn at a quick rate. I can commit alot of time in the evening's after 5pm pst, and I would love to sub for an open team or just be someones option for scrims. I know some people will say CSGO doesnt matter coming to this game, but its all I have to sell myself with sitting next to my less than 200 hours on tf2 lol.

posted about 8 years ago