chellcamp3r101 wordsmore words
It isn't only the act of complaining that is the issue I mean to point out. Feedback is feedback.
It is the complaining and bandwagoning of it, taking no direct responsibility for the community we all prop up collectively, and then devaluing any attempts at resolutions that pushes further into 'not worth it'-land any (all) of this nearly entirely unseen hard effort in the first place. (Yes, I realize that I am also complaining.)
It is just like real life: if a person wants to see something change for the meaningful betterment of themselves and their fellows, they almost always need to take a step into an active leadership role, of whatever degree, and make those dreams and ideas into realities. I sincerely wished more players here, the experienced ones who have that needed experience to back up their opinions and concerns, actually cared that much. Words on a forum are helpful, yes. Words on a forum are meaningful and important to have. They unfortunately don't mean much of anything when the actual work comes calling. Hence the roadblocks we always find ourselves stuck behind.
I'm not mad that players are upset about something that is so obviously frustrating to be seemingly forced to endure.
I'm frustrated that players (high division players especially) continually and historically show that they would rather be frustrated and throw the whole lot out. That they would rather take and take while giving next to nothing back to the very system they are benefiting from.
No one is here for money or a cash flow. We are here because we like a game.
I get the current situation sucks. And I'm sorry RGL only ever seems to have "Just wait a little longer, please" to communicate. But being strong armed into capitulating for a community that, from my perspective over 2 years of silent effort, would rather be another facet of the problem than actually a shining feature of Its fantastic aspects is something I will not attempt to sugar coat to retain face.
We can and are doing better despite what this particular TF2 forum enjoys pushing.
It just takes a lot of time and focused effort that does not always exist when it would otherwise be preferred.