Pros: good at medic, a very nice person
cons: her bathroom is carpeted, her cat is psychotic
Account Details | |
SteamID64 | 76561197999215868 |
SteamID3 | [U:1:38950140] |
SteamID32 | STEAM_0:0:19475070 |
Country | United States |
Signed Up | July 27, 2012 |
Last Posted | February 24, 2025 at 7:22 PM |
Posts | 2182 (0.5 per day) |
Game Settings | |
In-game Sensitivity | 12 inches/360 |
Windows Sensitivity | |
Raw Input | 1 |
900 |
Resolution |
1080p |
Refresh Rate |
420hz (120) |
Hardware Peripherals | |
Mouse | vaxee something |
Keyboard | durgod |
Mousepad | steelseries something |
Monitor | benq 144hz |
Pros: good at medic, a very nice person
cons: her bathroom is carpeted, her cat is psychotic
aim has good aim.
pfffttt hahahahahahahahaha. oh man i'm hilarious and witty oh boyyy
kirbySo you were masturbating at the thought of being able to potentially save lives in Africa by saving the water you're using to masturbate with the thought of saving lives in Africa.
nothing gets me off like being a hero :>
Today while i was masturbating in the shower, I started thinking about how many lives in Africa I could have saved if the water went to them instead of being used by me to masturbate. I've been practicing my endurance so I usually spend at least 45 minutes to an hour stroking myself in the shower. I thought about all of the poor children I could have saved from dehydration. Images of children with throats drier than than the desert they live in consumed my mind. At that precise moment, I finally came.
EDIT: im a dumbass and fucked up the title: The team name is Five Knights With Freddy.
we're a close knit group of friends that need a dope ass pocket to complete our rad ass team.
Let me introduce the knights.
pie_hero: This mexican guy is our scout. he has amazing dm and is really good at +forwarding and killing your medic faster than you can say "quesadilla taco burrito jose mexico tostada muy bien". He has IM experience and is a great playmaker.
xen: a highly underrated roamer who's rocket launcher does more damage than other people's rocket launchers.
freddy: This guy is our demo He has a lot of experience and hits some sweet pipes. hes really attractive <3
capnfapn: I am the 2nd scout and leader of the team, the mastermind behind it all. Every single action a player on my team makes is decided by me. My knowledge of the current state of the game is always so strong that my teammates constantly ask me if I have another computer i use to view the game from a bird's eye view. Unfortunately all of this commanding stuff is really hard on my brain so thats why i do like 150dpm.
pyrokanetis: he plays medic and he doesnt drop. he also does some clutch stuff. his heal beam aim isn't that great but don't worry, he is working on it. If he asks you to stand still for a sec help the poor guy out and do it.
pocket: this could be you omg!!!
what we want out of you:
be chill
be experienced
be able to hit rockets
and above all be able to have a fun time :)
measure ur dick and then double it to find your ideal sens
counter jump to tyrone shot is a 1 2 punch combo
instead of basing it on the number of hours played why dont you just make it so that if your most played class is pyro/engie/heavy you can't play.
works every time
when i was 10 i googled something like "cool punk rock bands" and these guys came up.
(why cant afi be like this anymore :< )
This is my absolute favorite math rock record.
loljkJust be cool, don't be annoying. Act mature, don't whine and complain all the time. Listen and take advice from others. Have a good attitude. If you can't say something nice don't say it. Follow the golden rule; treat other the way you would want to be treated. Have dignity and respect. Help those less fortunate than yourself. Remember its a large world and there are literally millions of others out there just like you. You are not god's gift to humanity. Life isn't always fair, but sometimes it can be just. Don't freak out around girls. Be yourself but know when to tone it down. Don't lie. Be punctual and don't forget commitments.
thank you for the advice. i will be sure to keep it in mind while i am out on my date.
MR_SLIN When I was younger, my parents would randomly take my sister and I out to dinner or something.
can i take your sister out to dinner or something
indecencycapnfapnyou mean every asian girl that have some sort of highlight or bizarre color in their hair stereotype for some reasondeykuzorTaken to prove I was not awake enough to drive. I drove anyway.
you kinda look like one of those short haired asian girls with stupid colors in their hair that go to art school that i like
its the best stereotype ever
play mge/dm mod under an alias on an alt while youre still unknown for a billion hours and then ask to try out for a mid open team. If they ask you about your experience tell them that you've been playing quake and cs since you were 5 years old. Destroy the other team as hard as you can with your amazing DM while yelling HAHA MEATSHOT in your young high pitched voice. You will be a legend.