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SteamID64 76561197999215868
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Signed Up July 27, 2012
Last Posted February 18, 2025 at 6:40 PM
Posts 2181 (0.5 per day)
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In-game Sensitivity 12 inches/360
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420hz (120)
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Mousepad steelseries something
Monitor benq 144hz
1 2 3 4 ⋅⋅ 144
#6 TF2 Promod in TF2 General Discussion

If there's going to be a promod, i want it to be worth the download. I'm not really interested in redownloading tf2 so that I can +15 fps and more air control during the 3 seconds per game I'm getting airblasted. I'd like there to be changes that are actually kinda ballsy and improve the moment to moment gameplay and newcomer experience.

Here's my wishlist for a promod: All of these changes are centered around the medic as I believe making the class as accessible and fun as possible is super important for the health of the game. It really sucks when people play medic in their first competitive game and their team instantly yells at them because they don't know the heal order and theyre forced to give up mid when they haven't even left spawn yet.

  • the ability to build uber with any melee weapon by right clicking. Ideally this would be accompanied by a hilarious animation of your class deliberately hitting their self on the head while a voice line plays of the medic laughing maniacally. This would communicate how uber building works to new players and spectators, and it would feel true to tf2's goofy soul. It would allow for more melee weapon flexibility while also making the game ever so slightly less scout centric.
  • I'm totally fine with QoL changes for medics even if it comes at the expense of true gamer skills like keeping track of how long it has been since your flank scout took 3 damage while watching IT. I'd like to see things like crit heal indicators, the medigun's beam being influenced by your current build rate, and having your team's ubercharge on everyone's hud.
  • standardized spawn positions so that you dont have to thread the needle to heal your demoman. Id also be into more radical changes like just making it so that you start every round overhealed so that your midfight isnt instantly ruined because your medic is alt-tabbing back into the game.
  • kritz should apply to the medic's own weapons for a brief moment after weapon switching.
posted 5 days ago
#2 pugscrims vs mixes in TF2 General Discussion

I hope we can get something like this going. My work schedule makes it basically impossible to play on a team, but I'm still able to play during scrim times pretty often. Something like this allows players like me to contribute directly to the health of the league by making it easier for me to be an opponent for league players to practice against.

posted 1 week ago
#43 scout lft (main/low advanced) in Recruitment (looking for team)

Bump for LAN. will play scout/soldier/med.

posted 1 week ago
#114 TL Harbors Pedophiles in TF2 General Discussion

what you retards dont get is that it isnt about the fucking diaper its about the implication of incontinence

posted 2 weeks ago
#2 New anticheat method? in TF2 General Discussion

Can we also test them astrologically

posted 3 weeks ago
#15 scouty lft inv scout s14 in Recruitment (looking for team)
MAGIC+rep chill, good dm (blatant aimbot)
posted 3 weeks ago
#13 pick a side in Off Topic

Guys ....

posted 3 weeks ago
#6 Physgun Fireside Denver 2025 (24-26 May) in LAN Discussion

lft scout/medic/soldier

posted 1 month ago
#16 holiday vibe check in Off Topic
torritprideBrockI’m going to destroy all the holiday cheer, all the Xmas bullshit w/ nights of lights in Saint Augustine, FL. Essentially it rains here instead of snowing, so I’m going to film all the tourists and traffic that’s slammed in the rain, stuck behind horses, and people crossing the street. And while I’m filming all of this I’m going to be blasting Future of the Left’s, “You Need Satan More Then He Needs You” at them, with kids crying, and screaming, etc. And then I’m gunna edit it all up and sell it to Falco as a official music video.
It's currently fashionable to dismiss the Grinch's entire worldview because of what he did, ignoring his valid points about clamor and excess noise in Whoish culture.

posted 1 month ago
#8 Pokemon Go in Esports

posted 2 months ago
#2 models randomly going black at a distance in TF2 General Discussion


posted 2 months ago
#1 pocket cheese. in Off Topic

Anybody else is into pocketing their cheese? I think cheese sticks taste way better if you let them sit in your pocket for about an hour before consumption. Letting the cheese warm up a bunch really helps bring out the flavor, like how certain beers are better if you let them warm up. Are there any other foods that benefit from being pocketed? I'm sure there are tons of foods that are kept in the fridge but taste better once they've warmed up a little bit.

posted 3 months ago
#88 new valve hero shooter - Deadlock in Off Topic
Richarrrrdif you make it so gold doesn't matter and most emphasis is on pure mechanical player skill then what's the point of this even being a moba

what i was trying to say was that even if your opponent only has a small soul advantage, it can be really difficult to kill them by out-deathmatching them because items are very strong. I'd like items to be slightly less powerful (not weak) so that the its a bit easier to outplay people with a small soul lead by catching them off guard. Its not that making plays like this is completely impossible right now, I just wish the range of the soul difference where this is possible was larger.

posted 5 months ago
#85 new valve hero shooter - Deadlock in Off Topic

I've put a whopping 25 hours into the game now and have read some reddit threads about the philosophy of moba game design. As expected, CC seems to a huge point of contention between the shooter side of the playerbase and the moba side. I found a thread talking about how in mobas, CC is necessary because its the only way you can reasonably outplay an opponent who is straight up statistically superior to you everyone else on your team. This makes a lot of sense as its not like you can have much room to out aim or maneuver your opponent. Since so much of people's skill expression is based on positioning, you have to punish bad punishing super hard by making them stay in that bad position.

The issue with this in a moba shooter hybrid like deadlock, is that now you have aim and movement as a way for players to outplay each other. If the shooting was less forgiving, then it would be easier to outplay a stronger opponent because you were able to hit your shots and they were not. In the game's current state though, the items you get from earning souls are so powerful that even a small difference in souls gets you to a point where you don't really need to worry about missing your shots. If they made these items less powerful and the shooting less forgiving, then it would be much more feasible to kill a stronger player by flanking them or landing your shots.

I'm sure CC will always be in the game, so I'd like to see them make CC more interesting for both players and for viewers. I'm totally fine with the softer forms of CC like the walls you can put up and the ice dome thing you can trap people in. My issue lies almost entirely around the hard stuns, as they're huge impactful plays, but theyre so boring on every level besides their context. Instead of stuns, I'd like to see stuff like players getting launched up into the air and taking extra damage from your projectile ability depending on how high up they are. This would lead to cool moments where you were only able to kill the obese opponent because you waited until they were as high up as possible before firing your follow up attack.

There are so many times in this game where I don't even bother attacking because I just know that I am statistically incapable of killing my opponent and all I can do is run away. you really never get that feeling you do in tf2 where you get forced into a scout 1v1 at only 34 hp and then you win the fight because you juked their shots while landing 2 meatshots. I honestly think its best that the game isn't as aim dependent as tf2, but I think a nudge towards emphasizing shooter skills would let the devs put much less emphasis on using CC to outplay people.

One thing I really like about this game is the melee system. you can do a quick jab by pressing q or you can charge it to do a heavy melee attack. If you think a player is about to melee you, you can parry them by pressing F. If you're timing was right, you are rewarded by stunning your opponent for a few seconds. The stun is kinda lame, but it does feel really good if you're the one landing the parry. to its credit, it feels more like stunning your opponent in smash or street fighter. What I like about the melee is that its very useful in the game and not just a trolling/desperation tool. You charge ahead during your melee which greatly increases the number of situations where its a relevant part of your toolkit, reload times are pretty lengthy so melee is often your best option, and if you melee a creep you get their souls instantly which means they can't be denied. Melee'ing creeps adds a lot of depth to laning stage as now you have a good reason to position yourself aggressively.

posted 5 months ago
#4 hey what food do you guys like in TF2 General Discussion

I like 2015 reddit man food (Craft beer, bacon, medium rare steak) and food desert food (hot Cheetos, Takis).

posted 5 months ago
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