Hello friends.
Sal and I are throwing the idea around of doing a weekly tf2 show. It's going to be a more focused, all-tf2 encompassing version of the MGE Podcast (at least the version that BUICK and I/CB and I did). Unlike the previous version of this, our goal is to include all levels of tf2 --- not just NA 6v6. So we're going to be talking highlander, 6v6, TF2 general news, and other such things. We're going to be streaming it on Sal's stream and uploading each episode to either Sal's youtube or the eXtv youtube. There will also be a Sal cam........... And a cbear cam...
Anyway, we've got the ball rolling on this -- but we're stuck on the name. I've always been bad at naming things (see: 'cbear' 'rbSIX' etc.), so I'm asking you, wonderful tf2 community -- suggestions?