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SteamID64 76561198045371389
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SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:42552830
Country Rainbow Nation
Signed Up November 26, 2017
Last Posted September 11, 2024 at 9:35 AM
Posts 38 (0 per day)
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#6 can u disable halloween souls visual effect in Customization

posted about 5 years ago
#2 code please in TF2 General Discussion

posted about 5 years ago
#3 name change in Requests


posted about 5 years ago
#1 name change in Requests


posted about 5 years ago
#34 tf2 cosmetics in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 6 years ago
#4 A perhaps selective bug in TF2 - What I have found in Customization


posted about 6 years ago
#4 game crashes in Q/A Help


posted about 6 years ago
#5 Improving player visibility help in Customization


posted about 6 years ago
#56 post your current tf2 setup in Customization


posted about 6 years ago
#53 post your current tf2 setup in Customization


posted about 6 years ago
#5242 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization


posted about 6 years ago
#5240 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization

What should I look for in my hud files if I want to remove player names, ie. have player names in the scoreboard, targetui, etc, replaced with something like "-"

posted about 6 years ago
#4 Demo Support ds_prefix on any map in Customization

actually, I'm not sure scanning peoples tf/custom and tf/cfg for map configs is a good idea. I doubt many people have enough of those to justify automating it. the approach i'm thinking of is:
1. you use the script
2. you manually delete the generated configs for maps you already have a config of
3. you append ds_prefix "mapname_" to those map configs manually

posted about 6 years ago
#3 Demo Support ds_prefix on any map in Customization

Right now I'm having an issue where my registry has TF2 in drive E:/, while it's actually in drive C:/. I think I moved the game folder manually at one point.
Maybe it would be best to run the script from the base TF2 folder as a baseline instead of checking the registry?

your other suggestions are pretty good also

posted about 6 years ago
#1 Demo Support ds_prefix on any map in Customization

After switching to valve's alternative to P-REC, my demos looked like this:

The thing I missed the most from P-REC was being able to tell what map the demo was on, at the very least

To fix this, I wrote a short script you can run on your tf/custom folder, and it'll generate a config for every map you have there.
For example, it'll see you have arena_byre.bsp, and write an arena_byre.cfg:

ds_prefix "arena_byre_"

With this, you don't only get a date and time on the filename,

you also get the map name.

Here's the script:
Linux version:

To use this , open this link (linux version), press Ctrl+S on your keyboard, and save this file to your tf/custom folder, then go there and double click the script.
It'll create a new folder in tf/maps named "map_cfg". Move this folder to tf_custom.
I've compiled one of these for official maps only: MEGA download (22KB)

This folder has a cfg folder with a config named after every map in your maps folder. When you enter a map in TF2, the game tries to run a config named after the map, so we generate one of those for every map you have. This will obviously conflict with any other mapname.cfg files you might already have (why?)
Another issue is you will have to either manually add new map scripts or run the script again for every new map you play on.

This is a batch script so I think windows might freak out and tell you it's a virus or something.
Any feedback is appreciated

If you use this, make sure to have ds_prefix "" somewhere on your autoexec
otherwise, if you join a new map, it'll save the demo with the prefix for the last map you played on.

*EDIT* The script now also checks for maps in tf/download/maps and places the files in a folder in tf/custom
*EDIT* linux version
*EDIT* warning about playing on new maps

(25/04/2019) Update: I stopped using this and the links here are dead. If you want the scripts they're under the spoilers below:


Show Content
:: gen_map_cfgs.bat
:: run from the top of your TF2 custom folder
:: eg. C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Team Fortress 2\tf\custom

setlocal enabledelayedexpansion

set "tf2_custom=%~dp0"
set "tf2_maps=%~dp0..\maps\"
set "tf2_custom_maps=%~dp0..\download\maps\"

:: move to tf2 maps folder
cd %tf2_maps%

:: make a folder in which we'll store the cfgs
rmdir map_cfg /S /Q
mkdir map_cfg
mkdir map_cfg\cfg

:: iterate over maps
for %%i in ("*.bsp") do (
set o_name=%%i
:: remove the last 4 characters (file extension)
set _name=!o_name:~0,-4!
:: echo the command into the config
echo ds_prefix "!_name!_" > .\map_cfg\cfg\!_name!.cfg

:: move map_cfg to tf/download/maps
move "map_cfg" "%tf2_custom_maps%"
:: and follow it
cd %tf2_custom_maps%

:: iterate over maps again
for %%i in ("*.bsp") do (
set o_name=%%i
set _name=!o_name:~0,-4!
echo ds_prefix "!_name!_" > .\map_cfg\cfg\!_name!.cfg

:: finally, move the map_cfg to tf/custom
move "map_cfg" "%tf2_custom%"

Show Content
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# run from the top of your TF2 custom folder
# eg. C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Team Fortress 2\tf\custom

# we start from TF2/tf/custom

# make a folder for the cfgs
rm -r map_cfg
mkdir map_cfg
mkdir map_cfg/cfg

# move to tf/maps
cd ./../maps

# iterate over maps
for i in *.bsp; do
# break if there's not a single file here (???)
[ -f "$i" ] || break
# remove last 4 characters (file extension)
# echo command into config in map_cfg
echo "ds_prefix \""$a"_\"" > ./../custom/map_cfg/cfg/$a.cfg

# move to tf/download/maps
cd ./../download/maps

# iterate again
for i in *.bsp; do
[ -f "$i" ] || break
# this time we go up two directories
echo "ds_prefix \""$a"_\"" > ./../../custom/map_cfg/cfg/$a.cfg

# return to starting folder
cd ./../../custom
posted about 6 years ago
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