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SteamID64 76561198033351858
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SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:36543065
Country Brazil
Signed Up April 3, 2016
Last Posted May 11, 2024 at 5:06 AM
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#83 This person should not be in this community in Off Topic

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posted 8 months ago
#3 scouty lft adv scout s12 in Recruitment (looking for team)

never played with scouty before til s11 but he has been a pleasant gentlemen playing for us and playing with him has been really fun despite his rep :D very good player and tries really hard to learn from his mistakes, give him a shot :)

posted about a year ago
#2 heks LFT season 10 (main/adv Medic) in Recruitment (looking for team)

I haven't played on a team with heks, but I have scrimmed, pugged, and talked to her more than enough to justify that she is definitely a hard worker and is pretty devoted with whatever time she is able to spend on it. Always willing to improve by keeping her head in the process and be open with her team to create a good environment and relationship with her teammates, instead of bringing them down and just being unsavory. It's clear to me that she thinks about 6s pretty adequately and has the experience to back her up, and as a person I think she's really enjoyable to be around and talk to, so if you want to pick up someone oriented on improvement, I think heks is worth picking up.

To me I think she was a good leader considering her goals and mindset but she could definitely benefit from taking a step back from being a TL, as being a medic main is just very stressful, and focusing on herself may prove more helpful. If you're willing to learn at a higher level and be patient, heks will be twice as into it. Definitely worth looking into; heks is awesome and I wouldn't gloss over her as a potential med pickup :)

posted about 2 years ago
#3 what's the VR market like these days? in Hardware

oculus quest is great but keep in mind it has three preset options for some eye adjustment thing, so it may or may not be comfortable to look through, but everything else about it is great and probably the most affordable thing on the market. oculus rift tagged games should include oculus quest as well or really any VR as far as i know. however you need to remember that you need a cable to connect the quest to your computer, and you want to buy a high speed cable that is long too. cables can basically bottleneck your VR sometimes. otherwise I don't have any accessories for mine but down the line you may want a strap for your head or cover for around the eyes to make it more comfy, but that's up to your experience. i only use it for vrchat and beat saber sometimes but comfort is really the thing i recommend most

posted about 3 years ago
#1 Demo (NEW COMP PLAYER, TRAINING NEEDED) MM Beta in Recruitment (looking for team)

Please message me via Steam. Note that I'm open to advice for comp, I'm new to the competitive scene.

posted about 8 years ago