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Last Posted August 1, 2016 at 12:45 AM
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#14 tf2center down? in TF2 General Discussion

Don't negotiate with terrorists tf2c

posted about 9 years ago
#9 Razorback Idea in TF2 General Discussion
fatswimdudePaladin_IMSfloeyjust stay scoped for 1 more sec lol
didn't know that you could scope in and charge shots as spy, thanks for the info.
ok but spies cant 1-shot a sniper either way

the point is that snipers are playing as part of the combo so if he gets amby headshot/hit with another revolver like 4 people are gonna turn around and fuck up the spy's aim with spam and/or kill him.

Razerback has led to the hl meta to be "whoever has the sniper that plays the gayest wins"

posted about 9 years ago
#1 ESEA S20 W4: Team SoloUber vs. Getawhale Fanclub in Matches

go nursey

posted about 9 years ago
#207 Overwatch Event Impressions in Other Games
iridescentFUZZThe pellet scatter on certain hitscan weapons really doesn't look very fun to play with, and the game seems like it often becomes a clusterfuck of effects(a much worse clusterfuck of effects than TF2).

As for the point about TF2 players giving Blizzard feedback in order to "Mould the game into something playable by comp TF2 standards", I find that to be a little naive. The way I see it there's likely going to be as many MOBA and traditional FPS players giving "feedback" with their own agendas in mind, and for all you know they may even far outnumber the amount of TF2 players who switch to Overwatch. This of course is assuming Blizzard even takes community feedback in any meaningful sense for the purposes of balance and gameplay.

I think complaining about random spread in pellet based guns is a legitimate complaint. Its the same element that makes crits unfun to play with. Why should someone do more damage because their gun randomly shoots straighter and vice versa(why should someone do less damage because their gun randomly shoots funny). I don't think anyone is trying to mold ow into something its not. It is what it is: an fps with moba elements.

I can already hear myself in skype calls/mumble with friends in the future though complaining about how bullet spread fucked me on that last life though. Random elements in the only part of the game that seems to take any level of raw skill(aiming) is really obnoxious though.

posted about 9 years ago
#28 HALLOWEEN in Off Topic

posted about 9 years ago
#111 in Projects
classicA big problem with tf2c is that its often a roll because of people stacking lobbies. I would suggest making all lobbies played on tf2stadium more pug-esque by randomizing teams after everyone picks their class. Maybe set up an elo system as well to assist in balancing teams?

I feel like people would take it more seriously this way and you wouldn't get people that are afraid to add up because they're scared its gonna be another group of people stacking or players alting or something.

Noticing recent posts about balancing in tf2c I'd like to reiterate my earlier suggestion of balancing teams after classes have been selected.

I'd also like to elaborate on an elo system to be used. Its a simple unrefined idea i had to balance the teams based off of each individual's win% on the class they have selected. The tf2 player rankings system that tf2c uses with its advanced lobbies is flawed in that players of various skill levels can basically farm dpm/kdrs by stacking teams against players they see have no comp experience. Balancing it off of this data would be stupid, so just take from the best determinant of individual skill: whether or not you can help win with a randomized team(ie without your personal tf2 friends stacking against noobies) on your class.

I may be looking over some inherent flaw, but to me it seems like the best way to rank players because it shows that you know how to be a team player on your class as well as contribute positively to the team's environment(generally the team that has a yelling match with eachother in tf2c mumble doesn't win).

Not really sure how interested tf2stadium is in implementing something like this into their current site because it sounds like a pain in the ass to code or whatever but i think its something that would give people that feel like edy does the motivation to play there. I'm sure there's more people that share his opinions that play tf2c reluctantly.

posted about 9 years ago
#79 in Projects

A big problem with tf2c is that its often a roll because of people stacking lobbies. I would suggest making all lobbies played on tf2stadium more pug-esque by randomizing teams after everyone picks their class. Maybe set up an elo system as well to assist in balancing teams?

I feel like people would take it more seriously this way and you wouldn't get people that are afraid to add up because they're scared its gonna be another group of people stacking or players alting or something.

posted about 9 years ago
#1669 Cheater/Hacker thread in TF2 General Discussion
rickjamesxosince everyone likes to shit on people, can we ignore who posted it and discuss the video itself? I will say, the video looks pretty fishy on the part where he snaps to axio 100% accurately. Though, feel free to prove me wrong, I'm not exactly experienced when it comes to AC stuff.I don't know why people always got to callout who made the video instead of paying attention to it lol

Here's what i observed from the video: He misses everything on a soldier jumping behind at the beginning, does a bit of damage non-suspiciously to the pyro left of rock, and then as jarrett gets more aggressive on the enemy combo(jarrett comms a lot on this team so its likely that he called his aggression on cliffside) so kresnik switches focus to the demo ignoring the less important pyro kill.

In the second clip notice that axio is taking damage from two different sources: the heavy and the spy. The spy does considerably more damage because he's closer and hitting every shot. The only thing you could say was suspicious about it was his initial flick, but outside of that you see subtle mouse movements that indicate natural aim. If he were using an aimbot as heavy he would've been centered on axio's chest the entire time. The only way this could be an aimbot is if he toggled it to flick and then immediately untoggled which makes no fucking sense at all.

Not sure why i spent time debunking this as it is an axio video but there's my 2 cents

posted about 9 years ago
#96 Windows 10 release day in Off Topic
funhaver1998is anyone else finding your mouse feeling different? is that supposed to happen?

Yeah but its just weird resolution issues i think. For some reason windows 10 has changed my native resolution to a stretched out 4:3 one. I used 1600x900 before and now i'm forced to use 1600x1200 and it won't let me change that in the system settings. I have yet to update any drivers or anything yet though so i am assuming that's the issue.

posted about 9 years ago
#1612 Cheater/Hacker thread in TF2 General Discussion

fuck i mean this one

posted about 9 years ago
#1602 Cheater/Hacker thread in TF2 General Discussion
mur dumb

And you clearly don't know how obvious walls are when they are being used
Everyone shit on smobo when he made this video because they thought it was some sort of parody but its not its just what you would be thinking were you playing sniper in bo4r's shoes.

what about this one:

The only thing this video showcases is that DAT doesn't know how to kill a sniper. The spy didn't try to kill him until around 30 seconds left to shoot at him and then he misses a standing still sniper with his first amby shot. Other than that "his crosshair is ready for when i peek" that's the only useful spot to watch when you're standing on the point. He shot you through the plank as well yes but he also saw him before doing it.. Anyone remember this?

Marty pointed it out earlier as well. He was basically uncontested. No soldier bombed playground, no scout rushed it, no spy tried until it was too late, and no sniper could out-snipe him. Everyone knows upward first is really good for snipers so why did no one on the team try to take him out?

EDIT: wrong vid was linked i accidentally put the voodoo fragvid there.

posted about 9 years ago
#1599 Cheater/Hacker thread in TF2 General Discussion

Nothing i've seen from bo4r looks suspicious in my book. All of the times he's been accused of wallhacking its a shot that just makes sense to look for as a sniper(eg watching a spawn door for a medic that just spawned, cutting off vision of one sightline so the sniper has to peek you from the one you're already watching, etc.). None of the shit you people post looks anything like a wallhack/aimbot on bo4r. Just give up he's better than you.

posted about 9 years ago
#1529 Cheater/Hacker thread in TF2 General Discussion
domelnatorAnother possible center hacker...

Was playing pyro on viaduct while I was playing spy, always knew where I was and would flare me while invisible randomly. I could be completely wrong but I just wanted to get a second opinion.

Stats and STV from that match: (100 hours and edgy names)

I have decided that the clip with me on concrete is a fluke because my pyro was kinda behind me, and the clip on bats I could have been called. The fact that he doesn't really seem to know what he is doing makes it more fishy in my mind.

Those are all kinda spots that i check from time to time when playing pyro because they're the obvious decloak spots. He's probably just new to the class if he's not really good at anything but spychecking.. 100 hours. I'd say its probably just some silver pyro or someone alting.

Speaking of alts, nice to see you're still using this alt discario.

EDIT: yeah that flare looked kind of weird and its projectiles like those that got that some people banned from ugc. the vid doesn't showcase that happening any other times though so i'd have to look at the stv later.

posted about 9 years ago
#9 Ascent edges out FROYO, advances to grand finals in News
QuazzyMore proof i55 will be the best tf2lan yet in terms of competition

Considering the fact that badlands was a roll in 4G's favor until they started having issues, I don't think this is proof of anything other than the fact that LAN finals are the best.

Not that Ascent didn't play well, they did, its just that its hard to say whether or not they would've won 3 rounds in a row had 4G been using their actual roster.

posted about 9 years ago
#69 ESEA S19 UBF – Ascent vs. froyotech in Matches

more like surf0

posted about 9 years ago
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