SetletTF2 Major:
No classlimits
Maps like Gorge and Swiftwater
Every unlock allowed
Thats what Valve wants right?
You can compare Valve's negligence to Blizzard's Overwatch competitive matchmaking rules, but lest we all forget, TF2 in its current, competitive 6s format has been played for nearly a decade now. To ignore the majority of the rules and maps that made the 6s format successful for as long as it has been without any developer support is an enormous oversight. I tried matchmaking for the first time 2 nights ago, to play 6 maps, 3 of which were cp_gorge/swiftwater, and the rest but 1 taking place on a Stockholm server. 1/6 maps I played felt "legit," as all the players had normal ping, but then again it only lasted a total of 3 minutes.
It's honestly shocking.