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Signed Up May 13, 2015
Last Posted May 30, 2018 at 3:45 AM
Posts 79 (0 per day)
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#1907 Do you like the song above? in Music, Movies, TV

Good bass riff throughout and the vocalist is talented. A bit repetitive though.

posted about 6 years ago
#1 My Epistimology and Existential Thesis in Off Topic

well done

posted about 8 years ago
#2 Literary analysis in Off Topic

Was me writing this a questionable use of company time? Could I have been more productive by doing literally anything else?

posted about 8 years ago
#1 Literary analysis in Off Topic

1. Sonic the Hedgehog and other characters live in a fictional world. Yet in the narrative, the city is described as "filled of buildings with lights and other things like places like McDonalds." Does this realistic modern day setting make the story more relatable to you, the reader? What are some other things the author does to make the story more true to life?

2. Many authors publish their work under an alias or pen name. The author of this story chose the name DarkDoomFIreMaster. Why do you think they chose to publish this under an assumed name?

3. During the story Shadow drives Omega the Robot car and commits multiple traffic violations. Do you think Omega supports Shadow's reckless behavior, or is he an unwilling accomplice?

4. What does the quote, "EHH EHH PENIS NOT TRASH, NOT ALLOWED IN TRASH HOLE," tell you about Omega the Robot car's personality? How does that compare to Shadow's rouge behavior?

5. What types of symbolism do you find in this story? What do those items really represent?

6. What themes - self discovery, - wilderness, -motherhood, -etc are explored in this story? How does the setting help, or hinder the portrayal of these themes?

7. Does this story fit into a particular genre? Is this story typify any particular region or culture?

8. After reading this chapter would you be more or less likely to read other chapters of this story or other works by this author? Why or why not?

Please discuss.

posted about 8 years ago
#13 ASSISTANCE! in Off Topic
phobiawhere would u rather get ur haircut from?

great clips?

or sports clips ?????

(they both suck)

Great clips is the ex-girlfriend of haircuts, 90% of the time it's terrible but I always keep coming back.

posted about 8 years ago
#81 Beer in Off Topic

Idk about favorite, but this is pretty delicious

posted about 8 years ago
#29 /r/tf2 posts that make you cringe vol 2? in The Dumpster

Unfortunately it's been deleted, but a bit over a year ago some one made a post with the title "What did the engineer say after having a really good beer?" and linked this.
Someone replied saying good joke, but people really don't take shots of beer, maybe change it to whiskey.
The OP replied that people take shots of beer all the time, fucking google it before you post like an asshole.
I told him no one over 12 has ever taken a shot of beer.

posted about 8 years ago
#57 Where do you work? in Off Topic

Currently working as a customer service manager at a grocery store. But, I'm one test away from becoming an EMT, so the plan is I'll be quitting soon to work for an ambulance service.

posted about 8 years ago

Relic called this the worst thing he's ever seen on the internet. Sorry about the shit crop.

posted about 8 years ago
#24 Improve the tutorial? in TF2 General Discussion
faggetInstead of changing the default values, they could make you pick your own the first time you open the game, before being able to do anything else, and then make you do a tutorial.

Most people don't know what the values are, what they do, or why they even matter for the first few hundred hours. Forcing them to chose them on start would make some pretty fucked, random, broken configs if valve didn't add detailed explanations of what each did and the pros and cons of different values. If they added that, it would be a lot of reading and decisions that would turn people off of what they thought was a fun, free to play game.

But, I can definitely support a forced tutorial. Hopefully, much more streamlined faster paced. The current one has a lot of standing around and waiting, with very restricted movement. Which is just stupid, considering movement is possibly the highest skill ceiling in the game. It would be pretty cool to have a simple rocketjumping tutorial. Just enough to teach the basics of what can be done, but easy enough that a new player won't get stuck long enough to be frustrated. Maybe a small vertical jump, then one over a pit explaining horizontal jumps starting from a wall.

posted about 8 years ago
#176 best pub quotes in TF2 General Discussion

one of my favorite binds came from an angry pubber

u suck very much u gort

posted about 8 years ago
#24 how to slide into dms in Off Topic
lighthousepaging rando

Pls send clockwork too

posted about 8 years ago
#29 i58 mvps in TF2 General Discussion
concor-Most baller player: Paulsen, Mike and Silentes.

Most attractive player: Paulsen dear god

He's taken D:

posted about 8 years ago
#98 Crowns are gold at Insomnia58 in News
MouldcirloThere is nothing you can do but accept the fact that now coaches are a reality in tf2 too
yes there is, ban it if people want it gone

personally I don't think I'd like to see this happen again

I'm not sure we should ban it right away. But, it definitely needs to be looked at. In its current form it really does give a clear advantage.
I like the idea of dedicated coaches being allowed to watch games. But main-calling feels like it's way too far. Letting them talk to their team between rounds and during pauses is pretty close to what coaches do in real sports, but pauses are infrequent and between round timers are way too short for any meaningful discussions or advice. Increasing the time or frequency of both is annoying for viewers and would really hurt tf2 as an esport. It really could be an amazing tool for scrims, but I don''t think live comms from an outside source should be allowed in matches.

It's always nice when the community changes things and has new ideas to improve the game, and I think this could become one of them. In its current form however, it feels like a thing done exclusively by and for one team to give them an advantage.

posted about 8 years ago
#97 Crowns are gold at Insomnia58 in News
iliumTomuStark made a game changer in the GC and probably not kaidus and that's where it came down to really.So GGWP.
Honestly a lot of their games were so close this entire lan that if just one advantaged was removed they probably wouldn't have done nearly as well. Kaidus coaching was a huge advantage.

Without kaidus to maincall they were honestly pretty weak earlier this etf2l season. They had to switch Kaptain to scout and Starkie to pocket to have a solid maincaller in the combo. If they had to play like that, rely on some combination of spudd, raymon, and kaptain calling, or stark calling from the flank, I doubt they could've beaten full tilt. They may have even struggled against froyo.

posted about 8 years ago
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