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Last Posted October 23, 2020 at 10:03 PM
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#3 stock GL sound to IB? in Q/A Help

i use elacour's xhair pack and specifically for the iron bomber and the grenade launcher, ive tried integrating the xhair and explosion, the explosion works but changing the xhair doesn't work also i dont know if its relevant but my caber explosion script got reset as well.

edit: im dumb it works now thank you

posted about 4 years ago
#1 stock GL sound to IB? in Q/A Help

ive tried numerous of methods to change the sound for GL to IB, such as editing lava's scripts but all attempts to do so just crash my game or it just doesnt play any sound and the only solution so far is just having a weapons folder with the .wavs. i feel like sv_pure just determines if you can use a script for sound or what not.

im not experienced with modding the game or such so if any of the methods below do work im sorry for posting this.

The threads that i'm referring to.

posted about 4 years ago