thank god
Account Details | |
SteamID64 | 76561198038083185 |
SteamID3 | [U:1:77817457] |
SteamID32 | STEAM_0:1:38908728 |
Country | United States |
Signed Up | November 13, 2013 |
Last Posted | June 27, 2016 at 5:51 AM |
Posts | 321 (0.1 per day) |
Game Settings | |
In-game Sensitivity | 9001 |
Windows Sensitivity | ??? |
Raw Input | 1 |
853 |
Resolution |
haha |
Refresh Rate |
xd |
Hardware Peripherals | |
Mouse | lel |
Keyboard | cheap ass mech |
Mousepad | steelseries qck heavy |
Headphones | akg k7xx |
Monitor | ASUS VG248QE |
flight of the concords
hyperx cloud are pretty good, you can get a pair for about 60 bucks. Sound quality is really good and the mic is decent too.
very good low-mid open player.
+comfortable with maincalling
+fun to talk to
+decent understanding of the game; great potential to improve
+try him out
waieraidk why youre TRYING to hop on the bandwagon here and being hostile towards a guy whos not even directly insulting anyone at all (like what #2 posted, he had good intentions but just the wrong target audience). everyone else in this thread is contributing anti-malware suggestions or giving him constructive criticism besides ufatswimdudeno one blinked when someone straight up posted someone's facebook on another thread damn these double standardsaieramean and creepy :(TheOfficialLunchboxI made it because I am a malware analyzer, and I want to share the tools I use to clean a family computer.yo stfu up dude I found your facebook and you are in your second year of highschool (not about to link it due to privacy concerns)
cuz honestly reading ur posts triggers me. you cuss at ppl in one liners and telling them to die or something
you shouldve stayed banned username ToastyTHT
i never called out anyone on this forum until today. sry
Looking for Trees is Looking for Players
lf subs now, but we're interested in low-mid open players
scout - Marty
scout - Junktron
pocket - Afrikan08
medic - forivall
demo - Applesteak
roamer - cme
we plan on scrimming 3-4 times a week after mid-may.
we have a server and mumble.
Name: ^ESS^ Graiser
Current Steam Profile Link:
Lobby we caught him cheating in (He was kicked after about 10 minutes, which is why his DPM is 377. His actual DPM is more around 1000.
It's great to catch this guy so quickly after only his second lobby on TF2C! I already filed a ban report there.
who the hell needs 26 gb of ram
These guys are great people. Fun to play with and they take the game seriously.
The guy is a fucking psychopath wtf
joejoe347Herman Cain pls come back.
Lol alfa got baited by gyazo link
i came for the memes