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Country Indonesia
Signed Up April 7, 2015
Last Posted January 2, 2021 at 2:43 AM
Posts 448 (0.1 per day)
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#5 Environments - TF2 Edit in Videos


posted about 5 years ago
#118 My Story With Dashner: A Thread in TF2 General Discussion

I have no words. I know for a fact Console, you're one of the most talented person I know regarding production in TF2. You'll get there. We know you can do it, Console. What Dashner did... is unforgivable. Someone who I have been looking up to as a somewhat old-man-wiseman of competitive TF2 in a way, did such atrocities. Unbelievable. I hope you never comeback to TF2 again, Dashner. I think we got things rolling and settled here even without you.

posted about 5 years ago
#2 The Pacific Rumble set to begin in News

Someone get the rest of Asia to come and make their own all-star Asian team

posted about 5 years ago
#1 AFC 15 LBF: Club Penguin Crusaders vs. POTATO PHOTO in Events

A bit of schedule change, it will be on 10 PM GMT+8!

posted about 5 years ago
#4 SVIFT AS to waddle on as Club Penguin Crusaders in News
RepulseThis is not their roster for playoffs. hira is on med, smily is on pocket and itachi is on demo

Copy that, we'll update it!

posted about 5 years ago
#1 AFC 15 SF: SVIFT Asia vs. POTATO PHOTO in Events

Live now!

posted about 5 years ago
#1 AFC 15 W2: xiao vs. SVIFT AS in Events

We are live! Come join us!

posted about 5 years ago
#32 Formula 1 Megathread in Off Topic

Heartbroken at Leclerc's misfortune, but I am hopeful for the future of Ferrari. Now please, can any of these top 5 teams don't choke on China?

posted about 5 years ago
#19 SVIFT ventures into the rice fields for AsiaFortress Cup 15 in News
JopperSpuIn terms of demo and pocket you couldn't find better replacements for cuteman and cloverella then with Ry4n and hsr, hsr is the only person who could contend with cloverella for his strengths in maincalling and aggressive strategy, and whereas cuteman had some of the best aim and dm in the region Ry4n is a super selfless player who's mindset lies solely in what his play can do to make his team's job easier.
Isn't clovis the roamer for xiao and 26 the pocket who does the amazing, strong maincalling etc. and hits 26 airshots per game (scrims/matches)? :thinking:

Also, AMC died season 11. We didn't play Season 12 because of real life obligations to country and families.

Season 13 and 14 me and RY4N played with Koreans and Japanese players due to most of the original first and 2nd version of AMC crew members was still busy with real life obligations.

Sadly it didn't work out due to language barrier and we picked up new players straight to div 1 which was a slight mistake but nevertheless was a fun experience to talk about kimchis and ramen while dying 20 times per game.

I don't know about AMC's lack of success of recent history as we didn't play for almost 3 seasons now not including the most recent AFLAN! Lol.

And also AMC is a Singaporean team made by RY4N and Tharnos back in November 2013. Only Malaysians was me and Sakisa (God bless his soul)

It's a copypasta, Jopper.

posted about 5 years ago
#59 Sketchek is back? in TF2 General Discussion
kyaaJojoYou might not know who he is but his name is literally in the description of the axetinguisher so is relevant to some people.Uh??? Where

Sketchek's Bequest.

Someone please convince Valve to take it off.

posted about 6 years ago
#3 TFTV Highlight: AFLAN 2018 by Beater in Videos

Note: Lerl is actually from the Phillipines. Do not be deceived.

posted about 6 years ago
#13 Recruitment Thread in TF2 General Discussion
bleghfarecHey, FYI we only have one European writer on-board, so if you live in Europe and want to write for TFTV, we're open to all applicants! :)

Don't let Aelkyr write in pain. Actually let it be, but please, join us!

posted about 6 years ago
#43 AFLAN18 | 15-16 December 2018 | Singapore in LAN Discussion

And with that note, from me, representing Rednaxela and the rest of the AFLAN committee would like to thank you all for playing, attending, or simply tuning into AFLAN18. These past two days have been a very exciting experience for us. #AFcanAFLAN has been, and will always be our spirit. See you next time.

posted about 6 years ago
#3 AFLAN 18 - Day 2 in Events

Grand finals is coming right up, a repeat of the AFC 14 Division 1 GF to the exact measure! TCF vs. xiao, on Rednaxela's stream!

posted about 6 years ago
#1 AFLAN 18 - Day 1 in Events

We're pre-event live! Hang out with some of us in Twitch chat!

posted about 6 years ago
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