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Signed Up August 27, 2012
Last Posted December 25, 2017 at 8:06 PM
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#6 spilled coke (soda xD) on keyboard issue in Hardware

So the issue fixed itself over night, but a few keys get stuck when pressed down. Will applying rubbing alcohol on the switches fix this?

posted about 7 years ago
#1 spilled coke (soda xD) on keyboard issue in Hardware

spilled soda on my cm quickmaster tk...

after i dried and cleaned it, every time i type "h" it reads "hj" or doesn't type anyting at all

is my keyboard rip?

hjelp me plz im sad tey don't sell tis keyboard anymore :*(

posted about 7 years ago
#89 hey in Off Topic

zheep reading this thread be like:

posted about 8 years ago
#13 Twitch Prime in TF2 General Discussion

i'm assuming you can't use the free channel subscription when using the free trial version of twitch prime? has anyone tried?

posted about 8 years ago
#10 Twitch Prime in TF2 General Discussion

i bet all the streamers @ twitchcon wish they were streaming right now

posted about 8 years ago
#1646 PC Build Thread in Hardware
What's your budget?

my dad just wants his computer to run for homework

so cheap enough to run and play wow but good quality? idk..
maybe something around the same caliber as the processor quality would suffice

posted about 8 years ago
#1622 PC Build Thread in Hardware

My brother's PC broke so i'm trying to help him fix it. Looking for suggestions on a new Motherboard and PSU. He mostly needs it for schoolwork but he said he plays WoW. not trying to spend more than necessary but also want it to last.

Current Parts:
CPU: AMD AM3+ FX-837 8 cores @ 4.0 ghz
Ram: 16 GB Ram
GPU: 8800 gts

Needed Parts:
Motherboard: ???
PSU: ???

posted about 8 years ago
#222 ESL One Cologne 2016 CSGO in CS2 General Discussion

finally a na team to root for

posted about 8 years ago
#1171 in Projects

won a key's worth of items, get half a keys worth of items.

posted about 8 years ago
#8 Highlight: Corsa vs. Aeonic in Videos

corsa over lucrative reenactment:

Show Content
posted about 8 years ago
#21 whats killing my fps in overwatch [gpu or cpu?] in Hardware

I'll give those a try panda, thanks. but i still think it's a hardware issue causing the artifacts.

That be great Kevinn, I could go up to $1000 on an entirely new rig. But I'm not sure that it's necessary to go that high considering my requests. I'd like to be able to run dual monitors as well as have the ability to stream overwatch on low settings (with no fps lag if possible). The streaming part isn't as important depending on how much more i'd have to spend. I have no clue what type of power it takes to stream so maybe my price range is way off.

posted about 8 years ago
#18 whats killing my fps in overwatch [gpu or cpu?] in Hardware
panda106What is the error code that appears on the BSOD?

It's hard to read but this is what I think it shows:
0x00000116 (0x55555a800574450, 0x5555588003618504, 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000002)

posted about 8 years ago
#16 whats killing my fps in overwatch [gpu or cpu?] in Hardware

so i have a new problem...

i figured out that you can setup battlenet to exit after you launch overwatch, which i previously though was required to run in order to play overwatch and it helped with my FPS greatly. I was playing overwatch with frustration free fps for about a week until last night, while in a game, all of a sudden my graphics artifact, pc freezes, then shuts down. it wont let me boot up my pc to my desktop.

this is what happens when i restart: ( ) and after i did the system restore it failed to correct the problem. when i start windows normally i just get blue screen of death (i couldn't make out any error code) or if it doesn't bsod it looks like it does in the beginning of the video with the yellow lines scattered over my monitor.

anyone have a hunch if this issue is related to the mobo, cpu, or gfx card issue?
visually this looks like a gfx card issue, but i found it odd that it couldn't boot up to my desktop, which leads me to believe its an issue with my cpu / mobo.

i though i'd post this before i went to buy parts to test out the problem.

posted about 8 years ago
#13 whats killing my fps in overwatch [gpu or cpu?] in Hardware
You still haven't told me which settings you're getting 25fps on.

all low 1920 x 1080 *144
on these setting i get 25 fps some games and 5 fps other games, it's bipolar.
I'm pretty much convinced I need to upgrade my whole pc if i wanna play overwatch at this point.

SetsulAlso 115fps on 144Hz feels like having your eyes removing with a cheese grater, why would you buy a 144Hz monitor instead of a new CPU + mobo that would've got you 300fps?

because i needed a monitor not a computer 2 years ago. I had no reason to upgrade my whole pc when i only played csgo and tf2 at the time. The 144Hz still looks much smoother compared to my old 60 Hz and now I have a 144 Hz monitor when i eventually have to upgrade.

SetsulPlaying on low fps can't fuck up your GPU.

it can't cause my GPU to overheat?

posted about 8 years ago
#11 whats killing my fps in overwatch [gpu or cpu?] in Hardware
SetsulAlso why the fuck do you even own a 144Hz monitor?
I'm betting you can't get 144fps in any game. Do you even get 60fps?

No, I average about 115 FPS in CSGO and TF2 but i figured I'd plan ahead for a future PC upgrade when i invested in a new monitor, the Asus VG248QE. I think the time to upgrade has arrived. Last night my computer completely froze (Couldn't ctrl+alt+del) in CSGO and Rocket League, games i never have issues with...i think playing overwatch on such low FPS fucked up my graphics card :*(

posted about 8 years ago
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