Account Details
SteamID64 76561198040365065
SteamID3 [U:1:80099337]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:40049668
Country Rainbow Nation
Signed Up August 3, 2014
Last Posted November 19, 2022 at 9:24 PM
Posts 88 (0 per day)
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In-game Sensitivity 2 ish
Windows Sensitivity 6/11
Raw Input 1
800 i think
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Keyboard ducky miya
Mousepad big
Headphones hyperx earbuds
Monitor some philips thing
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#38 etiquette of "gg" in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 2 years ago
#23 Addressing Racism/Anti-LGBTQ Speech Off-Platform in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 4 years ago
#21 Addressing Racism/Anti-LGBTQ Speech Off-Platform in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 4 years ago
#951 unpopular tf2 opinions in TF2 General Discussion

all community leagues were and are ill-suited for popularizing tf2's competitive play, and that's why there's no investment other than minor sponsors, individuals and private capital. it has nothing to do with the meta excluding classes.

posted about 4 years ago
#142 gush your happiness in Off Topic
eeedoes it have to be a rock?

I don't see why. if you instead have a rubber duck in your pocket that reminds you of good times then that's just as useful.

posted about 4 years ago
#137 gush your happiness in Off Topic

when i stopped playing competitive TF2 around a year ago, everything initially just crumbled. i wasn't in the best state when it came to my identity, i lost most contacts around the same time, i had manic/depressive episodes, my college course was fucked, i couldn't keep my job so i couldn't rectify my college or my dorm room so i had to move back in with my parents.

got some professional help in the meantime, and while i'm still not completely sorted out, i at least know who i am personally now. got ADs prescribed which started kicking in about a week ago (took way too long to get them because i don't have balls), so i'm not constantly dragging my mind through the darkness anymore and i got accepted for a traineeship so i can actually continue my study while having a job at the same time.

however, the one thing that really got me sorting myself out is getting in a relation. i've been in absolutely horrible ones before, and this one when we started, everything just stayed the same except we have each other now. i can't really describe it, with other relations sure i felt attracted but the emotional happiness i get from being with her is just inexplicable. we've been together for nearly 10 months now, and it's just been such a positive influence on my life.

oh yeah i also went down from 105 to 90 kilos in about 2,5 months which is absolutely wonderful. still not my goal of 80 but with this speed i'll be there in another 2 months

posted about 4 years ago
#5 My cousin came down with corona :( in Off Topic

Ask her, or her husband, directly if there's anything you can help with. If you can do something for them that they asked you to do, that's the best.

posted about 4 years ago
#10 pedophilia in an Brazilian team fortress 2 league in Off Topic

That's disgusting. I'm just not sure how the community could help you, if the administration is related to this person. Other large people / communities could denounce the setting, but what does that do? I don't know about Brazil Fortress, but I assume they'd just chug on and that anyone with a voice is kicked out.

trullyros...and pedophilia not stated in the rules, the administration probably shrugged it off and let it be like that.

It's ridiculous that we've gotten to a point where communities need to explicitly state that pedophilia is not allowed. This should by all means fall under 1. breaking local laws and 2. admin discretion. If it's not treated as either, which this thread is showing right now, it really makes clear how much of a shitshow the smaller competitive communities worldwide are.

posted about 4 years ago
#86 Tagg: Why I "Quit" TF2 in Videos

he mentioned in the video that it wasnt going to stay up and this thread is a perfect example of why he would delete it

posted about 4 years ago
#97 Any confirmed corona cases in the tf2 community? in Off Topic
-protogrocery shopping was great today, barely anyone out. only shortage I see is meat, why would people stock up on meat?

no mince here, no deep freeze pizzas here, at least corn flakes were untouched

it's weird how panic shoppers work "yeah let's get the food that relies on appliances to work 24/7 and leave the dry store food alone"

posted about 4 years ago
#4 froyotech pads their roster as blaze bows out for LAN in News

hope to see you back soon tyler, massive inspiration

gl paddie go devour enemies

posted about 5 years ago
#65 ETF2L Ban Policy in TF2 General Discussion

What happens now? Are you guys considering adjustments of the bans given to Nyar and/or Houston, do you have no intention of doing so, or are you still discussing this? Both in this thread and on the news post there hasn't been much information for either.

posted about 5 years ago
#52 ETF2L Ban Policy in TF2 General Discussion
MagikarpA caught VAC banned cheater should really be either a permaban or at least 10 years (which is practically a lifetime ban).

A VAC ban is really only a formality from what I can tell; even if they get unbanned on ETF2L, they still can't play on VAC servers, so they can't play any offis.

although I do agree with a harsher ban for cheaters

posted about 5 years ago
#47 ETF2L Ban Policy in TF2 General Discussion

not an etf2l admin but this seems like a case where the person who got banned can easily get unbanned, or at least their time reduced, by talking to the admins. they're regretting their actions, so if they just go talk to someone and say something like "i'm sorry, i said that because {whatever}" it would be totally unreasonable for anyone to say "nah 5 years is 5 years GLHF" to that.

posted about 5 years ago
#46 What do you guys do for a living? in Off Topic

i feed off the government by quote unquote studying

i can program

posted about 5 years ago
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