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Signed Up December 3, 2016
Last Posted June 16, 2023 at 6:08 PM
Posts 215 (0.1 per day)
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#41 RGL PUGs Public Alpha in Projects
ArieThere's also a queues endpoint which gets polled once a minute. It appears to return a list of all matches ever played and all the players in those matches and the pug histories of those players. While it probably just should return the current queues.

So that's become a 1.7MiB JSON with 80k lines. It gets loaded 5 times after opening the site.

If you compare the two endpoints '' and '' they are the same responses, except queueEvents is responding an infinite amount of times with the data stream of 'queues' as its messages. So its pulling that 80k line json file every second.

Presumably this is so that the client is updated to match the server but the client itself should handle its own update requests when needed. Also, having a front facing API that just spews data seems like it would be incredibly expensive lol.

posted about a year ago
#39 RGL PUGs Public Alpha in Projects

7.4 GB of api requests in 5 hours...? respect.

edit: its this function btw

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posted about a year ago
#4 Acessing Other Player's Pov From Demos in TF2 General Discussion

yeah one sec, just gonna solve a paradox and upload it to the Team Fortress 2 community workshop

posted about a year ago
#12831 stream highlights in Videos

posted about 2 years ago
#13 dave gameing eSports and muffler repair is looking in TF2 General Discussion

glad to see Bobby Tarantino III supporting the up and coming superstars of rgl :)

posted about 3 years ago
#22 most intimidating hat in Off Topic

Honorable mentions:

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posted about 4 years ago
#50 $GME in Off Topic

I will forever find it hilarious that hedge funds exist thinking that their strategies are invincible because they just outweigh most opponents with liquidity (and cause everyone always gets bailed out anyways) but all it took to completely dismantle this was a bunch of autists with 0 commission trade apps and two weeks of allowance

I didnt think it was possible to have such a non partisan issue in current year and yet here we are

posted about 4 years ago
#4 Respawn League announces new seasons of Highlander & 4v4 in News

If this is the format they are going with, wouldn't it be sexlander...

posted about 4 years ago
#978 unpopular tf2 opinions in TF2 General Discussion

Probably already posted, but damage based bullet applied push force is an annoying and poorly implemented mechanic. You shouldn't be able to fully charge body shot a bombing ubered player to cancel all of their horizontal momentum.

posted about 4 years ago
#11 tf2 brightness bug in TF2 General Discussion
poyHaving a similar issue. When I alt tab, the game just becomes darker but the in-game gamma is still the same; switching from 1.6 to 2.6 and back to 1.6 fixes the issue until I alt tab again. (Disabling fullscreen optimization did not change anything as well)

Yea this is the bug I'm talking about, still no concrete solution. Tried everything in nvidia having to do with gamma, tried rolling back my drivers a bit, no dice.

I still think it has to do with the variable refresh rate options or something else randomly hidden. I ended up just living with 2.2 gamma for now but one thing I didn't try was disabling gsync and everything related with that, so if that's the case I guess you have to decide what you care about more.

Unfortunately I won't have a pc to test that theory for about 2 months, so someone else might have to try and confirm.

posted about 4 years ago
#300 RGL Div-1 S4 Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

the anticheat team really has to look closely to see that he's cheating.

um 16 min into watching handpicked fenodemos:

playmostop deleting shit um, hes cheating
posted about 4 years ago
#6 tf2 brightness bug in TF2 General Discussion
mastercomsFullscreen optimizations?

While this worked for a while, there actually seems to be a new brightness bug that I haven't been able to find a solution to. I'm not sure exactly when it started, but I recently upgraded to the new windows 10 2009 ver, so I assume it must be related to that. More specifically, the variable refresh rate option in the OS might be the culprit but turning that off increases the input lag for my gsync.

This one doesn't seem to increase the brightness though, it just resets the gamma in-game to be 2.2, and then sometimes flips it back to whatever you had it set at.

So everyone who has this bug again, check your windows version and disable the variable refresh rate setting if you are not using that technology. I'll bump this if I find a better solution.

posted about 4 years ago
#1571 best pub quotes in TF2 General Discussion

J BomBer : The Scattergun sucks it does liek 3 damage

posted about 4 years ago
#7 mxr/frkshw cheating in MGE (with proof) in TF2 General Discussion

how do u aimlock but still miss every shot?

posted about 4 years ago
#3 TF2 update for 10/8/20 in TF2 General Discussion
Valve* Fixed players not being able to rocket jump or stickybomb jump during a truce

Underrated improvement.

posted about 4 years ago
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