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Signed Up April 4, 2016
Last Posted September 26, 2017 at 8:02 PM
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#7 Setting up a semi/competitive server in Q/A Help

Thanks, looks like the sort of thing I am trying to do. I'll contact him.

posted about 7 years ago
#5 Setting up a semi/competitive server in Q/A Help

Ok, sweet. I'll look into that.

posted about 7 years ago
#3 Setting up a semi/competitive server in Q/A Help

Fair enough, I still want to give this a shot anyways since I rented it. I usually use it for scrims, playing with friends and such. But thought I could leave it semi-competitive the rest of the time.

posted about 7 years ago
#1 Setting up a semi/competitive server in Q/A Help

Hi, I'm looking to create a custom map server which will be semi-competitive (think nocrits, nospread, no random variables etc, but without whitelist/classlimits). I have a server I purchased from Tragic servers and I know how to get the maps set up. Things I'm I have a few questions about are: How do I set the number of rounds/ time to each game based on the map?, How do I allow people to vote for the next map when it is nearing the end of the game? and changing the map rotation.
If anyone has experience in this or is willing to help, that would be much appreciated!

posted about 7 years ago
#16 mwheel jumping in TF2 General Discussion

Thanks for the responses, I'll try out just using space for a bit and see how it feels.

posted about 8 years ago
#1 mwheel jumping in TF2 General Discussion

I mostly play roamer and was wondering what your guy's thoughts were on mwheel jumping. When I rj I use space but I like to use it when I'm going from place to place almost like bhopping, is this a bad habit? What do you guys think: Keep it simple with space, or use mwheel for consecutive jumps?

posted about 8 years ago