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Signed Up April 30, 2013
Last Posted November 27, 2013 at 9:33 PM
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#459 rayshud in Customization

Hey, Rays/Tree, a friend of mine seems to not like the font used in your hud, ever think about adding different fonts to the installer/hud? I don't know, I like it as/is, but people like different things, yeah?

posted about 11 years ago
#454 rayshud in Customization
LinKr_The crosshair preview on the installer doesn't work.

They never have, use to view the available crosshair types. This has already been resolved previously, but I suppose it wouldn't hurt to repost the link to the crosshairs?

posted about 11 years ago
#335 rayshud in Customization

So - I found the remaining remnant of DoodleHud, a script of it was still running due to the restore (A hud I dipped into directly after MvM update, then another update killed it, returned to your hud.), got rid of it, fixed it.

Fighter Pilot crosshair is off-center on a 16x9 resolution. (Goes about 2-3 inches to the right.)
My combination of wings show up, (Maybe using Wings + Konrwings turns konrwings invisible, but WingsPlus + WingsSmallDot + Konrwings works.) Everything works as intended. The help was much appreciated rays.

posted about 11 years ago
#330 rayshud in Customization

I've recently done a test run of TF2.
It doesn't save the color settings, It's using the color settings I had pre-system restore. It will install a select few options, the nameplates are all cut off. I'll do a list of things selected and things not "installed".

I currently have one drive, and is installed in the correct location.

Hud - Minimal
Aspect Ratio - 16x9
Resolution - 1440x900
Alt Scoreboard - 9v9
Menu Sounds - On
None of the options register in-game, nor does it allow for stock crosshairs to be enabled without console
Health Cross - Enabled + Shows
Team Colored - Enabled + Shows
Health Pack Pickup anim - Enabled + Does NOT show
Custom Colors do not work
Blink/Flash on low ammo - Enabled but does not show in-game (left colors as-is)
Dam. Number Size - M + Shows
Last Damage Postion - Above Health + Does Not Show
Dam Number Outline - Enabled + Shows
Colors do not show aside from Damage Number
Medic Uber options - N/A, haven't played medic to check *EDIT* Is stuck on Blue (I have it set to Rainbow, because why not)
Chat Box - Bottom Left + Shows as intended
Team/Class Select - Center + Shows as intended.

Hope this helps?

posted about 11 years ago
#327 rayshud in Customization

I am using the updater v2, as listed, I know of the correct filepath, and while it has worked perfectly, it isn't just the crosshairs, it's that there's a bug or something akin to it, that's preventing the hud from using custom colors + settings (aside from the options on the General + Health as well as a few on the Misc. page). Having no crosshairs doesn't bother me as much as the odd bug preventing the customization of the hud as a whole. (And previously, even after steampipe update ( I immediately switched to the v2 updater), I've been able to use a combination of Wings.

(I'm quite impressed at how fast you two respond to this, it helps immensely.)

posted about 11 years ago
#325 rayshud in Customization
d0m3rcyberneticReverbHmm, after a technical difficulty (moreso a brief human error causing the computer to lose power, and thus forcing a system restore for some reason...), I've had to reinstall the hud and dig up my old scripts, the scripts went in fine, the hud went a little less than optimal.

Currently I've settings set up with a combo of wings as the crosshair, (Being WingsPlus, WingsSmallDot, and KonrWings) set up custom colors for the crosshairs + hud, and then I press the Install command on your updater (Steampipe ready). what ensues is the confirmation it installs correctly, but alas, when I go into TF2 and load up a game, I have no crosshairs, none of the colors I edited, and none of the animations selected. It seems to be going on the install I had pre-steampipe, despite me removing it prior to the conversion.

#304 Tree +1 Frags +–

Hey guys, I don't mean to spam the thread, but another update:

Update 1.2 4/19/13:
-Crosshair position is now based off of the aspect ratio/resolution selections. All of the listed resolutions are supported!
-Crosshair setting selections will not maintain their state between sessions like the rest of the options.

Enabling konrwings, and wings at the same time will make konrwings invisible.

If there are any issues with crosshairs not being centered, it was probably an error by rays or I. Say something, and we will fix it.

The thing being, it's a fresh updater, and I've had no problem with Wings and KonrWings being enabled at the sametime, by having a outline around them, looks quite nice, but now they're gone entirely. (I've had the new updater for around four days, tech error today, and now the crosshairs have gone, as have the customizations that were proclaimed as "Installed".)

posted about 11 years ago
#323 rayshud in Customization

Hmm, after a technical difficulty (moreso a brief human error causing the computer to lose power, and thus forcing a system restore for some reason...), I've had to reinstall the hud and dig up my old scripts, the scripts went in fine, the hud went a little less than optimal.

Currently I've settings set up with a combo of wings as the crosshair, (Being WingsPlus, WingsSmallDot, and KonrWings) set up custom colors for the crosshairs + hud, and then I press the Install command on your updater (Steampipe ready). what ensues is the confirmation it installs correctly, but alas, when I go into TF2 and load up a game, I have no crosshairs, none of the colors I edited, and none of the animations selected. It seems to be going on the install I had pre-steampipe, despite me removing it prior to the conversion.

posted about 11 years ago
#321 rayshud in Customization

Hey rays, amazing hud, I've used it for quite a while now, and recently updated to Steampipe, and I enjoy using your Installer for it, it's simple and easy to use - aside from previews not working, so I can't exactly grasp what it's going to look like in-game. (Also any updates on fixing the Fighter Pilot crosshair for use on 16x9 + 4:3 resolutions?) Cheers, and keep up the amazing work. c:

posted about 11 years ago