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Signed Up | June 5, 2023 |
Last Posted | February 8, 2025 at 12:12 AM |
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tobiascyg[1002.4] - Content Involving Minors⚓︎who else remembers when rgl used this rule to ban 2 players for posting alvin and the chipmunks getting head
Do not sexualize children in any way.
I don’t lol can you post it
What if we hosted a tournament where cheats werent illegal
Wasabiicygif you could communicate this to his team or any future teams that would be good, or if you could find evidence of him soliciting he should def be perma’d.
I saw you edit your shit, but I was about to say. BS that RGL doesn't ban people based on morality.
We got fuckers like GAR https://rgl.gg/Public/PlayerProfile?p=76561198079098551
Who got banned for having an edgy name about Yomps on their items.
Then you got other fuckers like jyp https://rgl.gg/Public/PlayerProfile?p=76561198208382525
Who got banned "upon request". This fucker was a nazi.
RGL DOES care what you do privately even if it is NOT ILLEGAL.
Yeah i checked the rgl code of conduct so i edited my msg
[1002.4] - Content Involving Minors⚓︎
Do not sexualize children in any way.
This includes but is not limited to text, images, links, videos, and general descriptions of sexually explicit material, NSFW content, gore, and obscenity, on or off our platforms that portray children in a sexually suggestive, pornographic, or violent way. This content encompasses any type of illustrated or digitally modified pornography featuring children, as well as behaviors related to grooming.
Due to the highly harmful nature of this content, off-platform evidence will also be considered. RGL strongly urges that users report off-platform content or behavior of this nature first and foremost to the appropriate national or local authorities as well as the platform owner. RGL misconduct reports are not a substitute for law enforcement.
if you could communicate this to his team or any future teams that would be good, or if you could find evidence of him soliciting he should def be perma’d.
cygWild_RumpusI've noticed from recent higher-profile cheating cases that the trend is to share clips of gameplay, usually with some convincing clips mixed in with mundane ones, and users analyze the gameplay. While this makes sense as a direct means to spot cheated gameplay, still it makes things difficult if a cheater is trying particularly hard to conceal their cheats in the gameplay.
One common trend I've noticed, and one which cheaters simply can't seem to hide, is the Cheater Personality. Think back to recent examples and you'll find in every case someone who is either emo or emo-adjacent, usually egotistical, and uses a mask of aloofness to shield from sharing real thoughts and emotions.
While I'm sure this method of anticheat would have some false positives, i think that's simply a worthwhile sacrifice the community should make to ensure the integrity and fairness of competitive Team Fortress 2, thank you.
This would never work
I wouldn't trust anyone in this community to psycho-analyze players to try to figure out if they're cheating or not
Wild_RumpusI've noticed from recent higher-profile cheating cases that the trend is to share clips of gameplay, usually with some convincing clips mixed in with mundane ones, and users analyze the gameplay. While this makes sense as a direct means to spot cheated gameplay, still it makes things difficult if a cheater is trying particularly hard to conceal their cheats in the gameplay.
One common trend I've noticed, and one which cheaters simply can't seem to hide, is the Cheater Personality. Think back to recent examples and you'll find in every case someone who is either emo or emo-adjacent, usually egotistical, and uses a mask of aloofness to shield from sharing real thoughts and emotions.
While I'm sure this method of anticheat would have some false positives, i think that's simply a worthwhile sacrifice the community should make to ensure the integrity and fairness of competitive Team Fortress 2, thank you.
This would never work
MarioManzhttps://external-preview.redd.it/Qi3Kz7P-GohPJzmc6_2qpnC283qSi3FkINDq7kf42vE.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=4da2f12827cffd198a14c56c7995c601b209939bShow Content
I did not know about this thread lol
also Nursey post rgl ban and Peter Griffin from Family Guy:
Who are the top 3 6s players for each class that are currently active in invite this season?
Ordered from first best, second best, and third best. DISCUSS
melkyhow do I remove the medigun's beam like LOLGUY does?
Yeah if you use yttrium's competitive viewmodels (look for the thread), the medigun beams disappears along with the model. If instead you simply turn off your viewmodel in the console the model will be gone but the beam will still be there.
BrightWholesomeConsentistSaphbanned pedo accuses people of being pedos ggs.
Posted at July 17th 2024 at 1:42AM EDT
edited Jan 28, 2025 at 3:21 AM EST
This community will die out completely if we continue to let it be ran by people who don't play the game or don't actually care about being a part of the community besides when they're being edge lords and whiny nerds in random discord vc's (M17). This isn't just for rgl, but for every sub-community. The people we let admin for Tf2CC and newbie cup, the people we let run pug servers, and the people that are known sex offenders, racists, or any other form of unforgivable weirdo behavior being able to play with and around us. I have never been in a community so intent on constantly complaining about how things are, and have always been, without doing anything about it.
delete your post before your embarrassed any further in your contradictory statements. Pathetic.
Rgl admins, Tf2cc admins, and M17 help bring in an influx of new players and work as volunteers, what have you done to help the community besides making this post and getting banned for cheating? This thread is pointless, you should just report them through the links posted by mariomanz
Zebulon, the creator of https://mapreview.tf/ has turned the "Definitive Pug List" into a website!
The website makes it a lot easier to sort through the pug list and works on both desktop and mobile.
Thank you Zebulon for creating and hosting this website for the community
Please share this resource with your friends!
Link: https://pickup.tf/