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Country Wales
Signed Up June 22, 2012
Last Posted September 11, 2014 at 10:23 AM
Posts 96 (0 per day)
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#16 Classic Mixup needs your help.. in LAN Discussion
shlanerAs much as I think the community should contribute I don't know if teams should be asking for financial aid every LAN. I understand flights and hotels cost money and sometimes money isn't there but doesn't it seem odd that we're always depending on the community to send teams to LAN? That being said, I'll probably chip in a couple bucks anyway.

would u rather see a 2 team lan?

having to pay out of pocket to put on a show for the community is pretty fucking shitty, especially when you're providing the content.

posted about 12 years ago
#42 Good Dm Scout settings in TF2 General Discussion

playing like carnage w/o the aim

posted about 12 years ago
TrekkiemastodonOh look lets have a league where there is no salary cap so players and GMs can stack teams and circle jerk each other. I wonder who is going to win? Lakers or Heat?

NBA sucks go watch college basketball or literally anything else

NBA has a salary cap...

its a soft cap so you can still buy your way to a championship

posted about 12 years ago
#24 IRL Things to make you better in game in TF2 General Discussion

sm0k3 w33d

posted about 12 years ago
#10 Demo Reviews by cyzer in Mentoring
cyzerill get to more later tonight!

how did you not laugh at saltysally's first rollout?

DrakeMegrimIt would be nice to link the VODs of the review so others can watch.

they're on his twitch http://www.twitch.tv/cyzerr

posted about 12 years ago
#154 Invite Player Rule lifting- made any difference? in TF2 General Discussion
NakedapeI call them auxiliaries for a reason, but the "fact" is calling a scout better than a pyro is just flat out wrong no matter how you spin it. The current meta may be that scouts/soldier/demo dominate, but that can be wiped away in a flash.

scout > pyro
current meta = ~5yrs now?
lmk when that flash comes

posted about 12 years ago
#14 eCigarettes in Off Topic
mastodonIf anyone is interested you can get a free disposable eCig from this website, technically you have to pay a penny for shipping so you'll still need a debit/credit card. Flavours available are cherry, menthol, coffee, tobacco and vanilla. You can also choose your desired strength of nicotine.

Ordered mine the other day and it should be here soon


coupon: freeecig


apparently they taste like 555's =]

posted about 12 years ago
#13 eCigarettes in Off Topic
kirbyI tried to make the switch once, but the place that sells them near me that I know of cells some really shitty brand. I'll prob be down to switch if I can find a good one.

the convenience store prefilled e-cigs taste like shit

ego, go-go, and o2vapor are some brands i know of that are pretty good and don't cost a lot ~40 bucks.

posted about 12 years ago
#8 eCigarettes in Off Topic

I have an ego c-twist

I use it once in a while, but e-cigs aren't as satisfying as a regular cig. You don't get the throat hit and it felt like the nicotine wasn't as strong regardless of how strong the juice was.

The one thing I love about ecigs are all the different flavors you can have/make.

posted about 12 years ago
#103 Invite Player Rule lifting- made any difference? in TF2 General Discussion

highlander has been around way longer than 1 year, more like 3.

posted about 12 years ago
#46 Help Get Chess Club to LAN! in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 12 years ago
#7 Star Citizen in Off Topic

reminds me of star wars galaxies jump to lightspeed

posted about 12 years ago
#15 strategy and theorycrafting threads/section? in TF2 General Discussion
Key10 depot
12 rax
15 cc
15 oc
16 depot

tf2 equivalent - go2mid dontmiss

posted about 12 years ago
#68 Invite Player Rule lifting- made any difference? in TF2 General Discussion
MYLESSorry, but if I keep seeing this, I'm going to uninstall TF2, quit the game, and find something else.

how "competitive" of you.

posted about 12 years ago
#8 strategy and theorycrafting threads/section? in TF2 General Discussion
Go read that "Pyro" thread for more fun examples of theorycrafting.
I don't mean theorycraft like "If you airblast their soldier and he shoots a rocket at you AFTER you already airblasted, back off. You gave yourself extra distance by airblasting him so you have a chance to escape and get healed up."

I'm talking about strategy, not how to 1v1 a scout as a demo.

you don't see them because teams aren't going to give up their strats they've worked to develop.

posted about 12 years ago
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