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Signed Up March 18, 2013
Last Posted July 14, 2024 at 3:03 AM
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#38 What if... it was all... just a dream? in TF2 General Discussion

uhh... there's a mid in fridge


posted 8 months ago
#14 noscrim team IM in Recruitment (looking for players)

+rep loot
-rep bobby terror tokki uglow

not sure who those subs are but it's nice to see new faces to the scene, hope they get some play time

posted about a year ago
#67 taiga lft in Recruitment (looking for team)


Show Content
posted about a year ago
#15 [shounic]TF2 but without the sniper in TF2 General Discussion

This, except instead of a smoke grenade it was the fertilizer bomb I made and instead of "blocking line of sight" it was "mailed to the home of a sniper main and remotely detonated."

posted about a year ago
#144 Alfa legacy 2 in TF2 General Discussion
hannahI reported logs with Alfa to rgl to no avail. They seem to not care

Not that I disagree that something should be done, but there is some limit to what they can do. They had to draw a clear line somewhere, but sometimes that just gives people the ability to get as close to the line as they can without crossing it. I mean, they did already perma-ban him and he's not allowed to participate in anything RGL related, so they did do something.

Realistically what needs to be done is people need to collectively hold people like alfa (rapist) accountable for the shit they do (like rape) and stop enabling them. People already did it with nursey, why can't it be done with alfa?

Same with the people currently enabling it. Like, b4nny, bro, you really can't find 6 other random morons to pug scrim you for stream content so you just say fuck it and play with the rapist? Just my 2 cents here, but maybe the "face of the community" can at the very least not help establish a status-quo that if enough people like you, you can rape someone and still get asked to +1 for a pug scrim lol

posted about 2 years ago
#9 pluribis/potato pat lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

hate this guy

posted about 2 years ago
#8 knsume lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

haet this. Fucker

posted about 2 years ago
#12747 stream highlights in Videos

that was a nice clip, but man your neighbors must HATE you

posted about 2 years ago
#11 3rd place b4nny in TF2 General Discussion

hubida - Cool Cids club 10/12/2021 12:05 AM EDT Well GG █████████████████████████████████████████ have fun █████████

posted about 2 years ago
#56 taiga lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

ugly, +rep

posted about 2 years ago
#22 nehcro lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

hate this guy

posted about 2 years ago
#284 RGL S10 Main Discussion Thread in TF2 General Discussion

Maybe it really is time to log off for a bit young man. As much as I enjoy reading the borderline incoherent ramblings of a highschooler online about competitive Team Fortress 2, it just may be for the best my friend.

posted about 2 years ago
#53 TF2 player vocabulary in TF2 General Discussion
aim-as the pioneer of the word schizo, i can assure you it was not a targeted word. i just heard it somewhere and thought it was funny

You're right, I didn't personally take into account the fact that you, the pioneer of the word schizo, weren't using it as targeted language. I guess I should trust the moral compass of one of the guys that still regularly hangs out with the rapist. You know, the guy that got banned from the game for raping someone.

posted about 2 years ago
#5 Quality Single Player Games w/ Short Stories in Other Games

Idk what you've played so I'm just gonna start sayin shit. I also don't know what really constitutes "short" fpr you either so I'm just throwing some shit out.

Disco Elysium is arguably the best and most interesting game to come out in recent years and I think everyone should at least try to play it through once, especially since they released the final cut and everything is voice acted. The setting, writing, visuals, world-building, and overall presentation of the game is incredible and IMO unmatched by and major release in recent years. I think the game is roughly ~20hrs or so.

Outer Wilds was also a very good game, though not super story heavy per se. The game is primarily exploration based and it's pretty engaging. The DLC for it is also very good. Main game + DLC ran me about ~25 hours. Go in blind if you play it.

STALKER: Shadow of Chernobyl is also very good. I don't think that game is very long either, I have about ~17hrs in SoC and I enjoyed my time playing it. (I also recently read the book the game was based on and would recommend that one as well.) If you're about playing the game in it's native language there's a good like community patch mod that changes the spoken language back to native with subtitles + bug fixes and shit.

Titanfall 2 campaign is short and sweet and fun. The story isn't like mind-blowingly good or anything bit it's a lot better than it should be for a multiplayer focused FPS game. Could probably beat it in 1 sitting. That + the Northstar private server shit reviving the multiplayer makes it worth getting IMO.

Undertale if you've never played it. I only played the game through once and it took me like idk like 7 hours to do the true pacifist ending. One of the best games made in the 2010s.

I've never played these games but I've heard good things and intend to play them soon. Spec Ops: The Line and Return of the Obra Dinn. I've heard the gameplay is a bit dated in Spec Ops but the story is good. AFAIK neither of them are super long or anything.

posted about 2 years ago
#12648 stream highlights in Videos


posted about 2 years ago
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