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Signed Up July 22, 2012
Last Posted August 12, 2020 at 7:30 PM
Posts 524 (0.1 per day)
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#20 CEVO Whitelist Poll in TF2 General Discussion

I'd rather play with a malware client (which it isn't) than play in a league where the admins even consider allowing wrangler and short circut. What a joke.

PYYYOURAll I see is talk from ESEA.

All I see is action from CEVO.


This being plus fragged so much makes it really obvious how little people are thinking for themselves.

posted about 10 years ago
#61 Bill Nye/Ken Ham religion debate in Off Topic

people of god don't concern themselves with science or spelling duh

posted about 10 years ago
#57 Bill Nye/Ken Ham religion debate in Off Topic

well now that's just awkward

posted about 10 years ago
#55 Bill Nye/Ken Ham religion debate in Off Topic

jesus fucking christ

holy shit another gem

posted about 10 years ago
#134 Superbowl in Off Topic

NFC vs the AFC (Amateur Football Conference)

gg was close

posted about 10 years ago
#44 Seahawks will win the SuperBowl this year in Off Topic
LKincheloedefianceI'll bump this when it's all said and done.Kronitonlol this guy called it
... Why'd you ruin it for him?

Yeah man way to steal my thunder. Couldn't login on my phone :\

posted about 10 years ago
#37 time warner in Off Topic

I hope you guys know that your down/up doesn't really have anything to do with a good/bad isp >.>

posted about 10 years ago
#139 Who's following the NFL? in Off Topic

I bathe in the tears of Sherman's haters.

posted about 10 years ago
#14 ESEA looking for a new TF2 admin in TF2 General Discussion

I like this thread.

posted about 10 years ago
#13 Who plays hearthstone? :3 in Off Topic
brownymasterdefiancewill give away my gotfrag admin account for a keyYou didn't get in the everybody-who-signed-up wave?

Got an email after I already had it on my account 1-2 weeks ago.

no because i didn't actually think I wanted to play until the January 7th deadline passed :\

posted about 10 years ago
#10 Who plays hearthstone? :3 in Off Topic

will give away my gotfrag admin account for a key

posted about 10 years ago
#108 ESEA season starting soon, let's talk? in TF2 General Discussion
IrishhhhJeez can you guys type a post without making things spelled like they came from reddit.
posted about 10 years ago
#106 ESEA season starting soon, let's talk? in TF2 General Discussion
WariIgnoring everyone spouting "malware!" and "ruined my trust", there's actually legit reasons to play in CEVO instead of ESEA.

CEVO won't have a dumb premium service that you never use, and more money will be going into the prize pot.

CEVO will use sizzling stats instead of the dumb ESEA stats.

CEVO client is simply the bare requirements they need to enforce their rules.

Personally this is why I'd play in CEVO rather than ESEA (if I wanted to pay to play my free videogame)

Sorry but I'm not going to trust you when you say there are legit reasons and then you go on to, basically, say "esea is dumb". And if you use the client then you use the premium service. Which gives you access to their servers. So you can play matches. Idk if you thought about this yet, but yeah. There you go.

posted about 10 years ago
#2 motherboard in Hardware

feel free to recommend another cpu, I'm flexible on the price. Would only like to spend 350-400 in total and might need a new fan.

posted about 10 years ago
#1 motherboard in Hardware

So I am going to get this cpu and obviously my 775 socket mobo is not going to cut it. I'd like to know what some of your experiences have been with certain boards and which manufacture you'd recommend.

posted about 10 years ago
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