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Signed Up August 26, 2012
Last Posted April 12, 2015 at 6:34 PM
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1 ⋅⋅ 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 ⋅⋅ 176
#11 TeamFortress.TV DM Servers Changes in TF2 General Discussion
4812622Now that the Sticky Launcher is limited, can you lift the Demo class limit to two?

2 demos on the same team in dm is honestly a joke

posted about 11 years ago
#24 LF keyboard good for typing & fps gaming in Hardware

this keyboard is built like a tank
do you have this one, defy? are the keys super heavy as some have said about blacks?

i use this one, its not heavy at all this is the best keyboard for gaming or just typing in general. takes a little getting used to at first but its definitely worth it
I'll definitely think about it but I'm afraid it might be above my price range 8(

honestly what it comes down to is, you get what you pay for. while everyone has their own price range for new gear sometimes its better to just wait a little longer and save so you can chip out that little extra. in most cases the price can justify the quality if you know what you're getting of course. i'd say the same thing for headsets and monitors etc. you buy something good and take care of it, it will last a long time

posted about 11 years ago
#21 LF keyboard good for typing & fps gaming in Hardware

this keyboard is built like a tank
do you have this one, defy? are the keys super heavy as some have said about blacks?

i use this one, its not heavy at all this is the best keyboard for gaming or just typing in general. takes a little getting used to at first but its definitely worth it

posted about 11 years ago
#16 LF keyboard good for typing & fps gaming in Hardware

this keyboard is built like a tank

posted about 11 years ago
#27 RIP in piece chriz tah fah in TF2 General Discussion

goodnight sweet prince

posted about 11 years ago
#7 LF keyboard good for typing & fps gaming in Hardware

filco majestouch 2

posted about 11 years ago
#23 Oldschool TOURNY in TF2 General Discussion
FzeroI'm almost 100% sure that I have my old drive drive from my first build computer, I just have to find it. I stopped using this computer like 3 months after the beta launch, so I should still have the original maps.

I'm not sure if I still have defy on my friends list, but tomorrow I'll add you.

sounds good!

NahanniSounds Awesome!! I am up for helping out. I would suggest though waiting till after community vs pros please. We usually run it two weeks after lan for the same reasons mentioned above. As soon as ESEA gives us a date on LAN, announcements about CVP will be brought forward! I would suggest that when we bring the oldies back that we go "VANILLA" (best flavour of ice cream in the world by the way) I would love to help out.....what a great idea! <3

glad you're on board ! we'll map this out when you have time

posted about 11 years ago
#5 Oldschool TOURNY in TF2 General Discussion

yeah browny you got the right idea, all the little things that were around back then like crits/random spread as well. im talking about the absolute core of everything that was allowed then. obviously vanilla would play into the factor but i think this will be that much more fun with all the original ruleset/maps etc

posted about 11 years ago
#1 Oldschool TOURNY in TF2 General Discussion

I'm glad the topic of sparked some interest for newer player and maybe brought a bit of nostalgia for the vets of tf2. with that being said i was thinking of organizing (with tons of help + support of course) and oldschool tournament (name pending).

I feel like it would be a fun project for a lot of people, maybe sometime in the near future fully charged can have a topic of discussion about the history of comp tf2 with how 6s started, some of the very first players to get into it, also some special guests that haven't been around in a while (or are back now I.E fragile etc), pull some of those oldschool heads out of retirement for a night that would be fun for some people if they're willing of course ;) and a great way to present this idea and get more people interested. increasing the level of involvement and promoting it well to make things go over a lot smoother.

basically the gist of this: a tournament with the original rule set whether it would be 7v7 or 8v8, the first maps to be played, no new unlocks, basically revisiting the origin of how tf2 was first played in a competitive environment before 6v6 was even made. maybe have a combination of some of the original players that were around then with some newer players now.

i know nahanni has successfully organized a lot of tournaments in the past with the pubbers vs pros events, and if she is interested or has the time to do so maybe she can get involved in this idea as well. i feel like this would be best for after LAN because right now people are really busy with getting ready since playoffs are right around the corner for everyone. as well as ETS next weekend ! so with that being said tell me what you guys think of this. throw some ideas out there and gimme some feedback !

posted about 11 years ago
#4 NEKKID GRANDMA!!! in Off Topic

who in their right mind would watch this piece of trash show

posted about 11 years ago
#12 Who pioneered 6s in TF2? in TF2 General Discussion

also i forgot to mention TWL, good times

posted about 11 years ago
#9 Who pioneered 6s in TF2? in TF2 General Discussion

that's awesome, i figured someone would remember that far back. animeman was great, played a little bit of everything right? was around when coL was really dominate for quite some time

posted about 11 years ago
#1 Who pioneered 6s in TF2? in TF2 General Discussion

i figured this would make for an interesting read, and i know there is still a good amount of oldschool players/vets that are around now, but even some of us didn't play comp THAT long ago. for me it was ESEA S5, but even before that i played cevo and ugc i cant remember what season that was but i can assure you it as a while ago

but even before i played 6s i remember doing highlander within a pub community ladder system (no heroes)

i thought about this when everyone was mentioning the first matches they played, but who started 6s? who was the first person to say hey these are the classes we should run forget about highlander and 7v7, this is what the standard format is going to be, whether it was a couple of players that presented the idea? or was it an admin within a league that was all for it? but obviously 1 person sparked this idea of what should be ran from the absolute beginning

posted about 11 years ago
#62 Incident Wrap-up in TF2 General Discussion
LazyPandakalkin gets a 2 day ban?

from what exactly? being admin?

he hasn't been playing tf2 since those trophy snatchin days, oh lawdy

posted about 11 years ago
#218 ETS LAN 2013 announced in LAN Discussion


posted about 11 years ago
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