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Signed Up August 26, 2012
Last Posted April 12, 2015 at 6:34 PM
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1 ⋅⋅ 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 ⋅⋅ 176
#128 MGE ALTS PART TROIS: AU NATUREL in TF2 General Discussion

posted about 10 years ago
#125 MGE ALTS PART TROIS: AU NATUREL in TF2 General Discussion

posted about 10 years ago
#15 Screwah/Comatoste eXposed in TF2 General Discussion

clicked link, saw 4chan, closed immediately

posted about 10 years ago
#122 MGE ALTS PART TROIS: AU NATUREL in TF2 General Discussion

posted about 10 years ago
#97 MGE ALTS PART TROIS: AU NATUREL in TF2 General Discussion

bunch of baby back bitches in this thread

posted about 10 years ago
#7 Squidd_ whats going on in Off Topic

squid streaming brought you out of your shell, i remember at ets you didn't say a word to anyone

bravo sir

posted about 10 years ago
#15 free time in Mentoring

add him now....your first mentor sesh comes with free pizza and some bagels, and it's from new york so you already know its the best. this offer is for a limited time only so don't sleep on it

posted about 10 years ago
#33 It's almost 2014...time to reflect! in Off Topic
FzeroI might get fragged for this but, finding out that Harb does not like vaginas. Having a connection with someone is one thing, which is very understandable, but finding another ladyboy means you're seeking it.

Just so you know, I don't care. I just thought the fear of vagina might joke might be funny. I just hope that he understands it's a joke and won't take it as an attack.

PS-Can I be anymore of a liberal, if I have to make sure it's only a joke :P

yo i know this was 5 days ago but i just saw it right now, so i have to point out how terrible this post is

i mean, its seriously just shit in every way, shape, or form

carry on

posted about 10 years ago
#44 fuckin colorado in Off Topic

alright we get it everyone is a doctor please stop arguing about antidepressants, and let snoop lion take over

posted about 10 years ago
#42 fuckin colorado in Off Topic

posted about 10 years ago
#22 Feedback on my music in Off Topic
I'm starting to get serious with my hobby as a music producerThis is the worst piece of advice... Apart from what Casual said about compression not being the holy grail to a great sounding song, technicalities should come last.

the key to audio production is knowing how to use what you have in front of you

that's like handing someone an instrument and telling them to just wing it, in order to know what you're doing you have to learn the basics of mixing which starts with the program in front of you and the hardware/outboard gear you have to use. learning the ins and outs and knowing the full potential of your set up will ensure that everything runs smoothly. i'm sure he came in here expecting just criticism about how his tracks sound but mixing music is very complex and when you're running solo on a project you need all the help you can get...especially if you're a beginner

posted about 10 years ago
#4 sooooooo in TF2 General Discussion

posted about 10 years ago
#1 sooooooo in TF2 General Discussion

who is gonna cast lan?

Last Online: 63 days ago

goodnight sweet prince

posted about 10 years ago
#15 Feedback on my music in Off Topic
CasualdefyOnce a song has been mixed properly (no peaking past 0 db), and is essentially "complete", it is mastered, which is the final polishing of it to make it more cohesive and professional.
mastering is a lot more complex than that, and in the mixing world it has proven to be a rather dark art. EQ is one of the most important factors there. he definitely needs to learn the basics of mixing first thats what he should focus on EQ, compression, busing tracks for effects, managing levels without clipping/distortion, creating a good space for instruments, panning etc

the more advanced stuff like RTAS/filters/effects, sidechaining, parallel compression etc he can definitely pick up on later once he has a better grasp on mixing. mastering tracks is really advanced...even some of the best producers will take their mixes to someone who strictly does mastering because they're that good.

Not sure if you read my whole post, but I mentioned almost everything you did, and I apologize for giving you the assumption I was trying to convey that mastering was simple and was only compression/limiting, but like I said I didn't want to delve to deep into it, was just trying to give him pointers of things I didn't understand when I was where he was at.

And tbh sidechaining and other effects aren't incredibly difficult to pick up, and often are a key piece in one's mixdown.

all good, i know they definitely aren't hard to pick up but like i said its definitely better for him to focus on the basics first

@OP some people get trigger happy with effects when they first get into music production and it can make a mix rather sloppy, its best to take a nice subtle approach first so you can see what works best for don't want a ton of different filters/effects all over the place because it can be extremely overbearing and take away from the quality of your song

learn the basics of dry vs wet signal too! and busing out tracks...for instance if you want some delay/reverb etc on an instrument you don't need to apply the filter directly to the track because it can sound pretty awful (not in all cases) but try creating a separate track for 1 or 2 effects so you can send it to your original ones (I.E drums/synth/guitar any sound really) you will notice quite a bit of difference there

posted about 10 years ago
#13 Feedback on my music in Off Topic
Once a song has been mixed properly (no peaking past 0 db), and is essentially "complete", it is mastered, which is the final polishing of it to make it more cohesive and professional.

mastering is a lot more complex than that, and in the mixing world it has proven to be a rather dark art. EQ is one of the most important factors there. he definitely needs to learn the basics of mixing first thats what he should focus on EQ, compression, busing tracks for effects, managing levels without clipping/distortion, creating a good space for instruments, panning etc

the more advanced stuff like RTAS/filters/effects, sidechaining, parallel compression etc he can definitely pick up on later once he has a better grasp on mixing. mastering tracks is really advanced...even some of the best producers will take their mixes to someone who strictly does mastering because they're that good.

posted about 10 years ago
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