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Signed Up August 26, 2012
Last Posted April 12, 2015 at 6:34 PM
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1 ⋅⋅ 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 ⋅⋅ 176
#31 demo reviews in Mentoring

the vod is up on my channel, i did jay's and lins. snowy post up your new one here and ill do that tonight, and yours as well key

posted about 10 years ago
#84 tf2 quake dm server in TF2 General Discussion

can you turn off rtv please, i'd rather the maps go through a normal rotation other then people spamming rtv every time it changes. that'll get really annoying after a while

posted about 10 years ago
#29 demo reviews in Mentoring

going live now, starting with snowy

posted about 10 years ago
#50 tf2 quake dm server in TF2 General Discussion

holy shit this is so good, thank you

posted about 10 years ago
#176 rip invite in TF2 General Discussion

posted about 10 years ago
#6 Scout - movement/dodging help? in Mentoring

some people are born with good movement, maybe its maybelline ( ?

posted about 10 years ago
#39 Assholes in MGE in TF2 General Discussion

posted about 10 years ago
#58 Cancelled shows that you loved/liked in Off Topic

posted about 10 years ago
#28 demo reviews in Mentoring

aite now that scrims are done ill be doing these tonight

posted about 10 years ago
#8 Cancelled shows that you loved/liked in Off Topic

Those were some of the best shows Adult Swim ever aired.

also brak show, sealab 2021

posted about 10 years ago
#4 Cancelled shows that you loved/liked in Off Topic

bored to death, flight of the conchords

posted about 10 years ago
#19 Where to get Garm3n hud quake style? in TF2 General Discussion
blinKI'm looking for the QL version. It's not on the googled website. Herp derp. That's why I said quake style on my original post.

why do people still say 'herp derp' , i cringe every time i read that

posted about 10 years ago
#251 huh check that out in TF2 General Discussion
KanecomarmadukeGRYLLSno, i suggest we try and be reasonable and come together as a community and talk with esea. rather than everyone flipping their shit and getting nothing done aside from possibly getting dropped by esea.

what we should be doing is getting a core group of top players together, making a list of things we'd like to see changed, and presenting them to ESEA like regular people. not "CHANGE THIS SHIT OR WE'RE FUCKIN GONE MAN"

I agree with you, the best solution would be a pacific one but how has that solution worked out so far? Because I have seen plenty of Invite players vent their frustration or unhappiness with ESEA's decisions or lack of them in the past, and doesn't seem anything has changed.

Didn't you guys submit lots of support tickets or tried to politely talk your way into getting the client updated? Did it get updated in time? If 1 week later is in time then it sure did. It seems that is working out so far. And this is just one of the latest issues, honestly as a whole ESEA has shown a real lack of professionalism for a so called professinal league, if you say it's possible they will hear the needs of our players then you have to show me that because from what I have seen so far it looks like they dont care the slightest.

honestly man you're preaching to the choir

NA TF2 thrives on independent support, i've said this via stream 3482374234576 times but just to make myself 110% clear (incoming nerd essay with bad grammar)

you need to realize that we already have a handful of people that do their part (when they don't even have to but simply do for love of the community/game) and then some

fog with and the dm servers (sponsor support), nahanni with the AG community/sponsorship, klanana with the jump it servers and sponsorship support, enigma running, everyone who puts the time in to cast matches regular season and lan etc the list goes on

just take a moment and let this sink in, no one is forcing any of them to do all this but they're seriously dedicated and they do so much for the NA TF2 scene (arguably more since everyone has access to what they provide) this is all VERY time consuming and not free at all

ESEA has been the premier league for NA comp games for a long time now, yeah of course it can be a real bitch with client/server issues, shitty admins etc any other complaints you can toss out there

NA TF2 doesn't have the resources to run an independent league, you seriously need to stop simplifying things and just come to terms that ESEA is the best we got and thats it there is NO sugarcoating it at all, without ESEA you wouldn't see a LAN and you bet your ass a lot of high level players would quit and/or go on a very long hiatus and our scene would be on life support, it would be really really ugly

the idea of us having our own league is completely unrealistic, it would take tons of time, patience, money and x10 the independent support we already have. a lot of people have jobs/school and other things on their plate, the EU scene is massive when compared to NA. you guys are very fortunate to have etf2l and all the lan's, we have a decent amount as well (I.E intel, pax, ets) etc but it is only limited to those in that area

yeah it would be wonderful if we had our own league, our own lan etc things of that nature but the money isn't there, the support is strong among individuals but it would take a lot more, much more than you can even imagine

we're extremely fortunate that tf2 hasn't been dropped from ESEA (yet) why you ask?

counterstrike has been around for over a decade and it built a very impressive following right out the gate, TFC not so much....yes it had a comp scene but it wasn't recognized internationally like cs.

cs 1.6 became an instant classic and was in ESEA for a long time. what happened though? CS source happened...well ESEA wasn't going to hesitate to pick that up even though the cs 1.6 community was still going strong, well if you don't wanna make the switch over sorry not our problem, a lot of people stopped playing all together because they don't care for source, well that didn't last long at all....cs:go is here! <---?????? holy fuck 2 titles back to back, something i thought i would never see. i played tfc and cs 1.3, after i quit comp with 1.6 i thought it was great that they still had so many people supporting an old game, but ESEA doesn't hesitate to switch to the next big thing. THIS is what its all about. valve support is a pipe dream, ESEA is the reality here, FPS games have taken a huge blow with the popularity of games like dota,league, sc2 etc and we're just hanging on here

my point is this, tfc was overshadowed by a handful of fps games when it came out. if this wasn't the case then some people can argue that maybe tf2 would have way more recognition from a competitive stand point and a much bigger following now, its no surprise to me that the majority of tf2 players never even touched TFC and have no intention of doing so and realizing how this game was completely raw oh so long ago.

so in conclusion to all of my rambling, i hope you and more people understand that ESEA is the best we got , leagues come and go, they have a ton of issues like i stated before, but they still provide lan and prizes, obviously a lot of top players (veterans to this game) can make do with that otherwise they would've left quite some time ago...most have already with no sign of returning. who knows what will happen if lpkane decides to stop supporting tf2, i can assure you it wouldn't be pretty

posted about 10 years ago
#147 huh check that out in TF2 General Discussion

i'm still scratching my head on this one, so ultimately the tf2 admins had the final say, and it wasn't torbulls decision. so they had the choice to help watch this out and they just didn't (??????) cool

even though for countless seasons now there is always extended registration, and invite matches have been pushed back for more than week(s) <----thats right) at a time due to holidays, client issues, server issues, tf2 updates etc pretty much anything that would prevent a team from being able to play and for whatever reason this one was just out of there hands? makes sense

so these guys still haven't said a word in this thread, haven't gave any explanation what so ever. this is pretty much the start of whats to be a boring, repeat of the past few seasons. top 2 teams, and then just the rest of invite. why even bother being an admin for tf2 in esea if you're just going to bend the rules whenever you feel like it? obviously the lack of interest for tf2 ultimately leads to other can just quit all together or become a douche bag for esea

its like last season, all these changes to current unlocks and as well as new ones weren't banned on the spot till the season was over so they can be reviewed by everyone, they were allowed for whatever reason, but every other season prior to that they would be banned on the spot

All packs that come out during the season are automatically banned. Additionally, all sets are banned. If you complete one, intentionally or not, the punishment will be the same as using a banned weapon. All weapons released after May 8th 2013 will be automatically banned. Please review the list before your matches, a weapon not being blacklisted will not be an excuse. The bans are as follows:

yeah lets just not follow that rule, maybe well bend it again this season when another big update hits that should make lan more interesting right?

posted about 10 years ago
#43 Halloween in Off Topic

i love halloween

posted about 10 years ago
1 ⋅⋅ 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 ⋅⋅ 176