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Last Posted April 12, 2015 at 6:34 PM
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#77 ESEA reg closes tonight in TF2 General Discussion

Abethecop: !extend
Killing_Idiot: !cancel

posted about 11 years ago
#22 TOP 3 HACKERS in TF2 General Discussion

posted about 11 years ago
#33 Deli Sandwiches in Off Topic
neeko_shouldn't this be in off topic

thanks eagle eye

posted about 11 years ago
#64 $60 in TF2 General Discussion
Marmie1st- i miss understood that 60 dollars is only for invite
2nd - defy i think that taking skill in a game has nothing to do with money and how much im paying to play a video game, bashing on people for being less skilled then you at something is a pretty dick move

for future reference if you're gonna debate a topic like this on an open forum do some research before regurgitating all this shit

are you kidding? maybe you should go back and read some of your posts, and then realize why people are calling you out for being less experienced and pretty much still wet behind the ears

posted about 11 years ago
#29 Deli Sandwiches in Off Topic
Saberdefyspaceghostpurrpdefyi guess nj/nyc heads are pretty spoiled with good deli's and diners which is why i always cringe when i hear people praising spots like subway (terrible)

few spots around the city that make some of the best pulled pork sandwiches ever. sooooooooo good

also you haven't lived until you hit the late night food trucks, those gyro's are godly

and wawa's sandwiches are the tits
53rd street and 6th avenue
86th street on the ridge. best truck spots

those spots are legit, you should check out the roadside grill it's a food truck thats always parked right in front of hunter college on lexington ave
i'm too lazy to take the subway up there any recommendations on delis in lower manhattan

just head over to bleecker st, right by NYU (stop after 14th st union sqare). strip of bars and lots of great food spots/delis etc

posted about 11 years ago
#58 $60 in TF2 General Discussion
flatlinei dont actually have a facebook so there aren't any on the internet, if i had one i'd be dickwaving it all over the place

i have lots of pool parties

cum 2 my place for tftv pool party

edit: this is now pool thread

go outside right now, and take pictures of that beauty

watch all the grillgamurs flock to it, it'll be like a petting zoo in your backyard

posted about 11 years ago
#50 $60 in TF2 General Discussion
mMemphisVonflatlinei spent $5k building a huge pool in my backyard
Not to get off topic of bashing some random euro about $60, but what does a $5,000 pool look like?

more or less

damn, be right there. i'll bring the beers :[]

posted about 11 years ago
#46 $60 in TF2 General Discussion

this clown is div6, that's like arguing with a pubber/hat trader

posted about 11 years ago
#40 $60 in TF2 General Discussion
and 60 dollars not much for a hobby?

lol you obviously dont work
why are you paying???? if im paying for a hobby such as tennis, i buy a new racquet to make myself better, just as i would buy a new mouse, you are paying an overpriced fee to play in a league that u are getting no benefits out of, i am playing in a league for free,

i've had multiple full time jobs for quite some time now, i'm gonna go out on a limb here and assume you fall victim to a minimum wage position if you're continuing to make a fuss about a mere $60...also you're completely contradicting yourself

and yes everyone is well aware that etf2l is free, congrats

i am playing in a league for free, only negatives of this league is that the prize pool is lower and there is no lan

that sounds very exciting....good lord where are you going with all of this, i hope you realize you're making a complete ass of yourself

4th place div 6 season 14 with interstellar overdrive #neverforget
2nd place div 5 season 15 with hippo esports

i guess that sums that up, anything else?

posted about 11 years ago
#11 TF2 Update 9/16/13 in TF2 General Discussion

ay ggrillgamur turn around so i can see dat rump-o-lantern

posted about 11 years ago
#16 Deli Sandwiches in Off Topic
spaceghostpurrpdefyi guess nj/nyc heads are pretty spoiled with good deli's and diners which is why i always cringe when i hear people praising spots like subway (terrible)

few spots around the city that make some of the best pulled pork sandwiches ever. sooooooooo good

also you haven't lived until you hit the late night food trucks, those gyro's are godly

and wawa's sandwiches are the tits
53rd street and 6th avenue
86th street on the ridge. best truck spots

those spots are legit, you should check out the roadside grill it's a food truck thats always parked right in front of hunter college on lexington ave

posted about 11 years ago
#6 Deli Sandwiches in Off Topic

i guess nj/nyc heads are pretty spoiled with good deli's and diners which is why i always cringe when i hear people praising spots like subway (terrible)

few spots around the city that make some of the best pulled pork sandwiches ever. sooooooooo good

also you haven't lived until you hit the late night food trucks, those gyro's are godly

and wawa's sandwiches are the tits

posted about 11 years ago
#27 $60 in TF2 General Discussion
MarmiedefyMarmiewow u guys play 60 dollars a month to play a video game :C one of the reasons esea will never overtake etf2l
yeah finals on lan + over 3k to the winners

whats the prize for etf2l?

how does the prize pot effect u? have you ever won money from esea?

no, i know you havent so how much have you spent on this hobby? giving money to people who are giving you no benefit at all, other then to the top players, who are hardly even making money

oh this is fun, so lemme get this straight after your comment about 'esea never overtaking etf2l' which was incredibly stupid to begin with , do you honestly believe prem/invite players are playing TF2 for the money to begin with? or even players below that division? or do you really believe its all that concerning to anyone at all? if it was i don't think they would bother playing in ESEA

we're used to paying league fee's + premium that's the way it's been for quite some time, so before the season starts players know what they're getting into, if they win hey that's awesome get a little cash out of no big deal. as i'm sure you feel the same way going into etf2l and putting in the time and getting absolutely nothing in return

posted about 11 years ago
#11 Really bad cold, does Zinc work in Off Topic
but when it comes to tea, is it true to avoid caffeine? I'm pretty sure all I have is green tea that has caffeine in it.

the caffeine level is pretty low, around 25mg in an 8-10 oz cup at least

it doesn't give you a kick like strong coffee so you should be fine

posted about 11 years ago
#3 Really bad cold, does Zinc work in Off Topic

if you have a cold/flu typically benadryl knocks it out, but if you wanna go more natural... vitamin c and echinacea usually works for me, green tea as well. i get shitty sinus infections and my allergies can be pretty terrible sometimes and that stuff usually does the trick

posted about 11 years ago
1 ⋅⋅ 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 ⋅⋅ 176