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Last Posted April 12, 2015 at 6:34 PM
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#3 A tribute... Never forget.. in TF2 General Discussion

posted about 11 years ago
#9 Thanks HRG xD in TF2 General Discussion

posted about 11 years ago
#7 Thanks HRG xD in TF2 General Discussion
Or have you just never seen an Asian person's face before?

i watch rr's stream all the time

posted about 11 years ago
#3 Thanks HRG xD in TF2 General Discussion

whos the chick, she looks angry

must of been that time of the month

posted about 11 years ago
#8 steam sharing in Off Topic

posted about 11 years ago
#5 steam sharing in Off Topic
See a family member's installed game that you want to play? Send them a request to authorize the computer. Once authorized, the lender's library of Steam games become available for others on the machine to access, download and play.


posted about 11 years ago
#84 9-11 Remembrance in Off Topic
wafflebI really don't care, what with the thousands of innocents the american military has killed recently. If it were truly an eye for an eye, there would be a lot more collapsed buildings around the USA. (which obviously shouldn't be done, mind)

this is a brilliant argument, and it should be taken all the way to the supreme court !


please stop

lock, the end

posted about 11 years ago
#22 9-11 Remembrance in Off Topic

s1ck edit

posted about 11 years ago
#20 9-11 Remembrance in Off Topic

posted about 11 years ago
#16 9-11 Remembrance in Off Topic
Show Content
What's the difference between 9/11 and a cow? You stop milking a cow after 12 years.

I'm going to hell for this

so lemme get this straight, you went on google and searched for 9/11 jokes (wtf is wrong with you)

found this link

and dumped it on


posted about 11 years ago
#57 Eminem in Off Topic
zigzterYou two are taking "being a gigantic nerd" to a whole new level.

i went to audio school, so yeah im an audio nerd which comes with the obsession of music and the retarded arguments that are being displayed here

posted about 11 years ago
#54 Eminem in Off Topic
MikeikeikeikeikeikedefyHaving a fan base doesn't make you main stream
please stop talking
Do you know what that means, or are you trying to imply a straw-man argument? I knew you wouldn't be able to give me an example on how he is main stream. Please stop changing your arguments. That's not how you argue a point.


do you know what mainstream music is? its your typical top 40, popular music that is on the radio, mtv, music that is well known. THAT is mainstream music, not as you described with 'cheese strats <---wtf are you talking about

when i said he was mainstream from the get-go meaning he blew up with his first MAJOR release, HE BECAME POPULAR QUICKLY, and i never said once in this entire thread that it was a bad thing at all so i really don't get where you're taking this argument

why do you automatically assume i'm talking about the very beginning of his career that makes absolutely no sense because you're generalizing what im talking about. thats like me saying metallica was mainstream the moment they stepped into a garage and started to play music together

when you become popular over such a short period of time, and gain rapid success you're whats known as a mainstream artist, there are BAD rappers and good ones, and to repeat myself from the 59437857893645 time i never said he was a bad mainstream rapper, just simply said mainstream and thats it

how many times can i repeat that word over and over until its drilled into your head, your term 'cheese strats' and automatically assuming all mainstream music is cliche makes absolutely no sense

also from the get-go is the START, and i think its safe to say that his MAJOR RELEASE was the START of his career, not when he was just an unknown rapper.

to end this long winded post and assbackwards argument from your idiotic assumptions, to be 110% clear and not repeat myself to get through your thick skull this is all based on MY OPINION, and you obviously don't agree with what i'm saying so you can stop now

posted about 11 years ago
#52 Eminem in Off Topic
Having a fan base doesn't make you main stream

please stop talking

posted about 11 years ago
#48 Eminem in Off Topic
MikeikeikeikeikeikedefyMikeikeikeikeikeikethis is horrible. eminem was cool when he said crazy shit. now he's just main stream boring. have you seen his music video for "im not afraid"? that was ridiculously bad.
he has been mainstream since the get-go
no he wasn't. what other rappers had an alter ego that would yell crazy shit and get in trouble with recording studios and get dropped from labels for speaking his mind? His music was definitely simple and not that unique but his lyrics definitely weren't main stream.

i think you're having trouble understanding what being a mainstream artist is

his first album was in 1996 which was obviously underground, only 3 years later he blew up with the slim shady LP, all over MTV...working with dr.dre, half million copies in a week, recognizable through out the country

when i say from the get-go i'm simply stating how quick he became popular with his first proper release and not through an independent label. 3 years is a very short period of time, some rappers have been doing it much longer and still aren't really known at all

understand, yes?

posted about 11 years ago
#44 Eminem in Off Topic
Excuse the double post. This may sound snobbish and pretentious as fuck, but to me at least hip hop and rap are 2 different genres of music. Hip hop refers to the classics,

your comments are making my head hurt, honestly the obsession of proper genre placement is laughable and is the last thing you should be concerned with if you really consider yourself an enthusiast when it comes to music.

also you need to stop being so hung up on other peoples opinions, my're doing it all wrong !

posted about 11 years ago
1 ⋅⋅ 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 ⋅⋅ 176