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SteamID64 | 76561198049405872 |
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Signed Up | June 20, 2018 |
Last Posted | March 24, 2025 at 3:55 PM |
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If you're looking for feedback the main issue I had with the AIDS joke was a lack of focus.
Good satire has a focus, and a clear idea of what it wants to criticise. Like criticising the ridiculous praise some drunken Irish football fans got (I'm aware this one is a little niche, but trust me, it's pretty spot on). Or more recently, the suspension of democratically elected British parliament under Boris.
Both of those articles keep focus on what they're criticising, and don't overreach. In the case of the AIDS joke, it felt it served no purpose. As if the whole point of the AIDS thing was just an excuse to shit on b4nny/yoshi/sigafoo, which is fine, if that's what you're going for.
my mastermind plan of avoiding having my name on the article and just shittalking everyone is all coming together
shoutout to mirra, row, mackey, sintyre, and ironhawk for a sick non-toxic team to lose with
shoutout to dummtm for making fun of my drug addictions
shoutout to irish boys (u know who you are) for singing the same 4 lines of the national anthem over and over
shoutout to dowel, eve, cosmo and all the OGs who didnt come to play
shoutout to tanning, lena, phong, domiq for putting up with drunk homosexually-inclined dempsey
shoutout to anyone i met 8 times and forgot their name every time (eepily, macamoose, and all of u)
shoutout to mirra, mal, and whoever else supported my nicotine cravings
shoutout to tanning, mal, enzo and mirra for giving me make-up/a choker
shoutout to ironhawk, ascend, enzo, uberchain, extine, tob, storm, fenrir, digyb, frysk, cryo, aelkyr, dummtm, mal, and anyone else i kissed
finally a big fuck you to anyone who let me buy them alcohol this lan, i spent over €400 on alcohol at lan, im broke as fuck someone help
cant believe my title "Glove World? I hardly even know her" wasn't used
Managed to ask Ace and Mak about what players should be looked out for on the rosters.
Are there any ways you've noticed your team improving during the current season? Any star players you'd want the casters to look out for?
Ace / Rakuzan: my team was made with the only intention to win the season. if we win fine, if we dont its okay. team is gonna die after the season. no roster spoliers. shoutout to everyone making my beats
Mak / #BIGBOYSEASON: spirit is an angel and has improved very quickly during the season, jordy and aph are also influential gamers to the extreme. shout outs to KN
No secret combination of console settings is going to magically improve your gameplay, soz
i didnt think a race would be able to top austria for a long time
so glad i was wrong
nice speedy 50.3 second pitstop from hamilton
dont see an issue with it
it came from the heart
junnubro wtf we lost product and won gully against them last seaosn wtf dempsey
Sorry, was going off aelkyr's info, guess he misread the results