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Signed Up June 20, 2018
Last Posted March 24, 2025 at 3:55 PM
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#6 Long distance learning in Off Topic

From my experience as a teacher different people have much different aptitudes for long-distance learning. I know students who found their full potential through online learning, and others who never stopped struggling.

Before you commit to jumping right into university I'd recommend taking a cheaper course online and try to figure out what parts of the system work, and don't work, for you.

posted 1 day ago
#84 TF Competitive 6v6 Class Restrictions in TF2 General Discussion
TynnyriThese quotes show failures to grasp basic language

"If people disagreed based on playtime, that is a sign of mild alexithymia." No comma should be used connecting a subordinate clause to a main one if the subordinate clause follows the main.

"I really hoped people didn't disagree based on playtime" Hope in simple past tense requires "would" as an auxiliary verb.

"I really hoped people didn't have mild alexithymia." Same as above.

"This is what you first described; Claiming ..." Incorrect use of semi-colon, a colon is used to introduce a quotation.

"These quotes show failures" Failure is generally an uncountable noun, except with specific conditions not met here.

"You seem to lack the reading skills or/and" The grammatical conjunction is "and/or".

"Always possible you were just tired or have a reading disability" A listing comma should be used instead of "or".

posted 7 months ago
#34 I Miss The News : ( in TF2 General Discussion
loafeI'm curious if the halt of articles is due to a lack of writers, a lack of leadership, or both

A mixture. The writing (and production) side of tftv was left in a weird state where the people leading those teams moved on, and ultimately no one stepped up to fill those roles. Eventually individual contributors lost interest, and when the team is left with 2/3 active writers for the entire website across all regions, it doesn't exactly motivate you.

We made efforts multiple times to pick up new writers, nothing really ever came of it. From memory I think 3/4 people joined as junior writers to help the EU side of things a couple years back. After pings/reminders across multiple seasons that there was work to be done, I believe 2 articles were written.

If there's no new blood, expect very little news content for the future. Like JMax said, we're happy to bring new people onboard and help them with the work; if you're interested you can reach out to either of us through the tftv discord.

posted 11 months ago
#11 eSports scene in Esports

As a whole esports is downsizing in the Western markets. Dota, CS, and Valorant esports scenes are all roughly plateauing in the Western markets at the moment, which is why Valorant/Counter-Strike are trying to establish themselves in the Chinese market in 2024. Latin America (mainly Brazil) and Asia still have growing markets, so this is where a lot of focus will be moved to for esports.

Esports is mainly MOBA games and mobile gaming MOBAs at the moment, apart from CS/Valorant the top FPS games are Fortnite and Apex Legends, which has a sizable Japanese market.

edit: on the topic of Western vs Asian markets, League of Legends set an esports world record with 6.4M Peak Viewers in 2023, while also trying to buy teams out of their North American franchised league

posted about a year ago
#179 Esperanto should be the language of EU competitive in The Dumpster
AimIsADickIn Esperanto, functional illiteracy is unheard of, because of the easiness of our language.

Yeah true, you don't see any large-scale studies saying people are functionally illiterate in gabagool either

posted about a year ago
#158 Esperanto should be the language of EU competitive in The Dumpster
AimIsADicklol yeah. English is also the same language that has a 18% illiteracy rate in native speakers.[1][2]

functional illiteracy rate*, 18% isn't even especially high for this. It's about the same, if not a bit higher, in many non-English speaking European countries. Literacy is mainly a social/education issue, doesn't matter what language you speak.

posted about a year ago
#153 Esperanto should be the language of EU competitive in The Dumpster
AimIsADickThe hello greeting of spanish is "gracias"

no way we let this slide

posted about a year ago
#13 most poverty comp tf2 setups thread in TF2 General Discussion

won div 5 on the setup on the left

posted about a year ago
#976 Formula 1 Megathread in Off Topic

Offi and f1 race at the same time, sad times. atleast i can wear my alonso jersey to channel the power of the GOAT

posted about a year ago
#17 the truth. in Off Topic
DuMmTmfinding the brits has never been easier

I Do Not Appreciate The Implication Of This Message

posted about a year ago
#973 Formula 1 Megathread in Off Topic

put my man leclerc on suicide watch

posted about a year ago
#26 TF2 UPDATE SOON in TF2 General Discussion
New Team Fortress 2 Merc Revealed


posted about a year ago
#958 Formula 1 Megathread in Off Topic

but if you close your eyes...

posted about a year ago
#33 Hey, can we please ban wall bugs in tournaments? in TF2 General Discussion

just buy these

posted about a year ago
#954 Formula 1 Megathread in Off Topic

i get the stewards should be objective when they hand out penalties but that 5 second penalty was crushing for sainz

posted about a year ago
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