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Signed Up October 23, 2020
Last Posted October 12, 2024 at 9:49 PM
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#15 Good crosshair pls? in Customization
AimIsADickFor the dragon's fury, I use a light green hollow square that has a red hollow square in the lower right. The red square is supposed to approximate where the centrepunch hitbox would be relative to the centre of the crosshair, and it does a pretty good job of that. Thanks to this crosshair I've been able to improve my DF aim a bit and hit centrepunches more consistently.

For the Gas Passer, Jarate, Mad Milk, and Huntsmans, I have a pretty bad rendition of an artillery crosshair. They really need improvement, but I'm not sure where else to go with them, aside from [strike]ab[/strike]using material proxies.

Other weapons use a green circle.

My custom crosshairs can be downloaded here.

only useful reply I got on this thread

posted about 3 years ago
#1 Good crosshair pls? in Customization

Hello im trying to get fragger crosshair for soldeir, demo, and scout.

Any suggestions?

posted about 3 years ago
#32 Dank lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

Literally one of the nicest and most humble dudes I've ever met. Super easy going, never tilts, has a great taste in memes and laughs a lot. Extremely consistent player with rock solid dm, fantastic communication and a great understanding on the scout roll. I have over 600 logs played with dank and he is easily the single most dependable player I've ever played with. Basically never misses a scrim or match and shows up ready to play with a great attitude every single time. DO NOT MISS THIS PLAYER.

posted about 3 years ago
#6 parsuh lft adv in Recruitment (looking for team)

Literally one of the nicest and most humble dudes I've ever met. Super easy going, never tilts, has a great taste in memes and laughs a lot. Extremely consistent player with rock solid dm, fantastic communication and a great understanding on the scout roll. I have over 600 logs played with parsuh and he is easily the single most dependable player I've ever played with. Basically never misses a scrim or match and shows up ready to play with a great attitude every single time. DO NOT MISS THIS PLAYER.

posted about 3 years ago
#26 illya lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

Literally one of the nicest and most humble dudes I've ever met. Super easy going, never tilts, has a great taste in memes and laughs a lot. Extremely consistent player with rock solid dm, fantastic communication and a great understanding on the scout roll. I have over 600 logs played with Illya and he is easily the single most dependable player I've ever played with. Basically never misses a scrim or match and shows up ready to play with a great attitude every single time. DO NOT MISS THIS PLAYER.

posted about 3 years ago
#12 LFT MogulSoap Demo (div main) in Recruitment (looking for team)

posted about 3 years ago
#9 LFT MogulSoap Demo (div main) in Recruitment (looking for team)

posted about 3 years ago
#5 LFT MogulSoap Demo (div main) in Recruitment (looking for team)

He has enough cake to feed an entire division.

posted about 3 years ago
#2 LFT MogulSoap Demo (div main) in Recruitment (looking for team)

Literally one of the nicest and most humble dudes I've ever met. Super easy going, never tilts, has a great taste in memes and laughs a lot. Extremely consistent player with rock solid dm, fantastic communication and a great understanding on the demoman roll. I have over 600 logs played with MogulSoap and he is easily the single most dependable player I've ever played with. Basically never misses a scrim or match and shows up ready to play with a great attitude every single time. DO NOT MISS THIS PLAYER.

posted about 3 years ago
#23 Happy Pride! in TF2 General Discussion

posted about 3 years ago
#8 Monthly RGL Is Bad Thread in TF2 General Discussion

Sure, but is a 1-month ban reasonable? The dude got 23 seconds of useless information. The outcome of the round would have been identical even if he hadn't accidentally spec'd. Missing the first portion of the 6s season is a pretty big punishment for such an insignificant mistake.

Also, pretty scummy that the ban only went through after he had paid up for 6s.

posted about 3 years ago
#2 Grank LFT in Recruitment (looking for team)

Literally one of the nicest and most humble dudes I've ever met. Super easy going, never tilts, has a great taste in memes and laughs a lot. Extremely consistent player with rock solid dm, fantastic communication and a great understanding on the roamer roll. I have over 600 logs played with grank and he is easily the single most dependable player I've ever played with. Basically never misses a scrim or match and shows up ready to play with a great attitude every single time. DO NOT MISS THIS PLAYER.

posted about 3 years ago
#4 Ma3 lft RGL 6s Season 6 in Recruitment (looking for team)

Literally one of the nicest and most humble dudes I've ever met. Super easy going, never tilts, has a great taste in memes and laughs a lot. Extremely consistent player with rock solid dm, fantastic communication and a great understanding on the roamer roll. I have over 600 logs played with Ma3 and he is easily the single most dependable player I've ever played with. Basically never misses a scrim or match and shows up ready to play with a great attitude every single time. DO NOT MISS THIS PLAYER.

posted about 3 years ago
#6 4K Appreciation Day!!! in The Dumpster

Literally one of the nicest and most humble dudes I've ever met. Super easy going, never tilts, has a great taste in memes and laughs a lot. Extremely consistent player with rock solid dm, fantastic communication and a great understanding on the roamer roll. I have over 600 logs played with 4K and he is easily the single most dependable player I've ever played with. Basically never misses a scrim or match and shows up ready to play with a great attitude every single time. DO NOT MISS THIS PLAYER.

posted about 3 years ago
#2 REFUSE WITH MOTOR LFP COMBO SCOUT MAIN in Recruitment (looking for players)

Literally one of the nicest and most humble dudes I've ever met. Super easy going, never tilts, has a great taste in memes and laughs a lot. Extremely consistent player with rock solid dm, fantastic communication and a great understanding on the roamer roll. I have over 600 logs played with illya, maxx, jacohi, yinkies, and nk and he is easily the single most dependable player I've ever played with. Basically never misses a scrim or match and shows up ready to play with a great attitude every single time. DO NOT MISS THIS PLAYER.

posted about 3 years ago
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