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Signed Up April 24, 2013
Last Posted September 17, 2015 at 5:23 AM
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#119 Who's in college right now? in Off Topic
SirBlitzkriegCollege of DuPage,
I'd be surprised to find anyone else from DuPage county, tbh.

Really? Same here, although I'm looking to transfer out next year most likely. It's a nice school but so far all the classes I've been either have a meh teacher or mediocre students.

posted about 9 years ago
#14 CEO 2015 in Esports
r4ptureReally tired of places dropping PM for a chance at some nintendo bux. PMs what made me interested in Smash, and with it being pushed away I'm rapidly losing interest.

PM sits in this weird legal area which has caused to so many TOs to be unwilling to support it as SSB's have caught nintendo's eye again. Nintendo can shut down any event with PM, and with that kind of risk no sponsor is going to give a TO the support they need to keep their event running smoothly. Plus there just isn't the infrastructure to support PM. Jugglguy talked about it about a week ago on the MIOM channel; There's companies to rent stuff from if you need more TVs or whatever that the attendees won't bring. However none of the suppliers have wiis with PM installed, and the PM community has established that they can't be counted on. If a pure smash event like Big House can't get the PM community to support their game beyond tiny locals then a mixed event like this has no chance, so why take the risk?

Back on topic: Looks like fun, but I'm nowhere close enough to get there nor do I have the time.

posted about 9 years ago
#21 Humans Need Not Apply in Off Topic

Well fuck, thanks for the dark thoughts.

On a different note, BLood did you post that in on Grey's page? I'm on mobile so I didn't load the comments but Grey tends to reply somewhere (twitter, podcast, comment back whatever) on the posts that bring up points on topic like yours and it would interesting to see what kind of debate would come up from it.

posted about 10 years ago
#28 Help with new team name please! in TF2 General Discussion
LKincheloeWe're not Bad(Lands) (cp_)


MonkeySuitxensity graveyard

with the tag 6V as in 6 feet under or Z.

posted about 11 years ago
#5 Halloween in Off Topic

Little cousin wants me to match whatever she dresses up as so I don't know yet, but last year had me dressed up as professor x so it's bound to be good.

As for age I don't think there's a limit. I only stopped because I no longer have a sweet tooth but otherwise I'd be all over it.

posted about 11 years ago
#39 so this blows in TF2 General Discussion
Khakidefystonedchinamanjump over the mexican border and steal their tacos
we already have taco bell here
did you just imply taco bell sells mexican food

I wasn't aware that Taco Bell even sold food, I thought it was radioactive fuel.

Great mileage btw if your gas tank can take it.

posted about 11 years ago
#17 Anyone have slipped capital femoral epiphysis? in Off Topic

The screws are that big of a deal but it really varies from person to person though.

As for the scars, they'll be pretty bad for awhile but fade over time. I'm 3 years a bit out from having screws removed and the scars are still there but faded enough that most people don't notice them. Plus you'res will be microcuts most likely (incision < 3 cm) so even if they don't ever fade they'll be tiny.

posted about 11 years ago
#12 Someone give me advice in Off Topic

From what I've heard from friends in strings you're kinda boned, switching to band would e my plan a and bribing would be my play b.

posted about 11 years ago
#11 bp meaning in TF2 General Discussion
milobanny's penisScarabHe tried to but it wouldn't come out, he just smiled and said I can't do it

Put these together maybe?

posted about 11 years ago
#28 Learning to type in Off Topic

I'd learn it, but at the same time if you're happy at the speed which you type I won't be really worried about learning it. I'm currently on typing with one hand (but I use all 5 fingers) and my speed hasn't really diminished. While the keyboard is arranged to make 2 hand/8 finger to make it easier and less stressful on your hands and isn't necessarily that much faster for it to be used that way.

posted about 11 years ago
#12 What songs do you listen to while playing? in TF2 General Discussion

Monstercat, Liquidcity, any of Sheeepy's channels, Niiiiiiii, are YouTube channels I'll surf but if not there I've got lots of punk rock at this point plus whatever bands/artists I've enjoyed from the music thread here and mtgs in my iTunes.

posted about 11 years ago
#12 Team Immunity i49 perk distribution in TF2 General Discussion
TviQwatch out for yuki he will bite

It better leave a mark.

posted about 11 years ago
#22 i49 Predictions in LAN Discussion

I want:
1. iM
2. Broder
3. Infused
4. Epsilon
5. HRG

I expect:
1. HRG/Epsilon
2. which ever isn't first of the above pairing
3. Broder
4. iM
5. Infused

posted about 11 years ago
#15 ESEA-Invite: Classic Mixup vs. tri Hards in Events

While I can see the points in #5 I'm not sure that the off-classing is as big of a deal as they make it out to be nor is the skill-level between the teams on said classes that wide of a gap. If clckwrk is truly as great as many people believe he is he should be doing just fine since he's arguably as experienced with his class as most of the mix^ guys are since many of them are on classes they haven't been for seasons. Sure Plat & Co. can easily be a top 5 NA even if they ran a full time sniper or something with their experience but had they been the same classes as before I don't think they would seem as mortal as this current incarnation. I have the feeling that it's either going to be less than 5 rounds total with both sides having an unbreakable fortress on last or 5-4 either way with rolls and heartbreaker rounds left and right.

Personally I want to see some crazy desperado plays trying to get to that all importain final point capture with overtime and casters that scream their voices out when someone finally wins.

posted about 11 years ago
#58 An Abrupt Farewell to You All in Off Topic

I can't donate since I'm in a similar boat with bills but let me know if you want help figuring out where's the best place to go for your sis's rehab. I'm 3 years out with a spinal cord injury so I have a pretty good idea of what she's going through. If you don't want to share details about her injuries over the Internet shoot me a message on steam or something. If its a SCI I can give you some names of who to ask for at the Christopher Reeves foundation to give you a leg up so you don't have to waste as much time. Sorry that I can't do more but don't be afraid to ask whatever you want, if I don't know where's the places to go for her particular case I'll ask around with people who do and relay what I can.

posted about 11 years ago
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