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Signed Up April 24, 2013
Last Posted September 17, 2015 at 5:23 AM
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#28 OTHER HOBBIES? in Off Topic

Lots and lots of mtg.

posted about 11 years ago
#12 what to do with fully charged--? in TF2 General Discussion

Like others I think Ruwin could fill Sal's shoes pretty well but as long as FC sticks around I'm happy. I also agree with #11 on maybe not being a weekly show anymore to help make things easier on those involved with the show.

posted about 11 years ago
#33 Favourite areas in maps? in TF2 General Discussion

Anywhere that lets me have fun surfs when playing medic; bouncing onto the top of the wall on badlands spires/process 2nds, granary 2nds/mids if I can get a proper surf to get onto a box/2nd floor,ect.

posted about 11 years ago
#3 Pings in tf2?? in TF2 General Discussion

We don't have a minimap, why would we want to ping stuff? Plus using mics after learning maps gets the info across quicker with less effort of the receivers part while trying to figure out why you pinged something could take longer. And as ckap said mics can be dirt cheap, nobody's expecting you to be singing Queen or something like Freddie mid game so don't say quality is the restriction.

posted about 11 years ago
#13 Speedrunners in Off Topic

They have both a stream tab and a truckload of demos to download when there isn't someone you want to watch on.
Their AGDQ marathons are not the best runs but have fun commentary and the next one will be starting towards the end of July.

posted about 11 years ago
#23 Is ratemyprofessors.com reliable? in Off Topic

Everyone's pretty much hit everything, word-by-mouth + site, comments not rating, talk about the teacher vs class since a fun class can be ruined by a bad teach and the opposite, but don't forget that just because everyone says great things about the teach shit can still happen. The most popular teacher at my high school hated me and I hated him with an equal passion. Sometimes people just don't click or do click when nobody else has, these options give you a head start but may not be how it turns out.

And fuck you Dr. P we both know that I can play tuba better than you!

posted about 11 years ago
#8 Ratings? in Off Topic
wtheres a hidden 5th star

if you get that, enigma will personally add you on steam and make you a mod on tf.tv

Sounds just like the fact my high school had a pool on the roof that only seniors and the best of the juniors could use.

posted about 11 years ago
#6 Happy Birthday Kurt "TRUKTRUK" Russ in Off Topic

<3 ya Kurt

posted about 11 years ago
#3 Happy Birthday Sean "seanbud" Stradley in Off Topic

If nobody starts a card by the time I get home from class I'll start one up, if somebody does sign it for me.
<3 ya bud

posted about 11 years ago
#4 Roamers of the past in Q/A Help

Yea the ect is anyone who played roamer invite since season 11 I already have heard of and sorting through their demos that I can get a hand on. Euro, Aussie, NA pre S11/non-invite ever I don't really know of.

posted about 11 years ago
#1 Roamers of the past in Q/A Help

I learn that there's a good chance that I won't have internet access for multiple months this upcoming summer which is kinda a kick in balls dude to the fact I finally have 2 workings hands to the point I feel comfortable playing tf2 to a completive degree rather than my typical fuckin around with other friends in similar boats of having disabilities. So rather than waste the time I was wonder who were the roamers to watch in the past? I started watching comp tf2 around March of last year so I already know about those guys (tag, wonderwall, ect) but I've never really dived into the vods before or seen much outside of invite games being casted and rather than waste space on a shitty laptop drive by downloading all the vods I can, I figured I'd could ask you guys since. I don't care what level or scene the roamer plays or played in, more of just games or good highlights to try and get used to the mindset of roaming since most of my hours are in medicing. I don't normally do this kind of thing but since I won't really get much notice of if I'll be stuck on the family trip or not I figured the worst thing that can happen is a -frag.

I get that medics are in much higher demand than roamers, but healing bots and surfing all day doesn't sound as much fun as learning rocket jumping and dissecting people's decisions for hours on end.

posted about 11 years ago
#7 Idra cut from EG in Off Topic

Is anyone really surprised? I'm mean he hated SC2 pretty much from day 1 and knew that he wouldn't get good enough in BW before the game finally died. I'm amazed he managed to to keep up his persona of an asshole so long without being cut from EG. If you ever meet the guy outside of Starcraft he's actually really nice and quiet. Props for making a big splash in the game but he backed himself into a corner as a player. Maybe he can team up with Day9 to make a new tastosis duo, would be a lot of fun.

posted about 11 years ago
#10 help a brutha out in Off Topic

Don't particularly like vans but voted as well, hopefully your friend wins.

posted about 11 years ago
#90 Your favorite game(s) in Off Topic

I played Mario 64 so much that I actually knew some of the speedrunning routed before find SDA.
Other games that have eaten too much of my life that haven't been listed yet:
Injustice: Gods Among Us
Starcraft + Starcraft: Brood War
Diablo 1 + 2
Halflife Death Match
Yoshi Story
Diddy Kong Racing
The star wars rts thats name I can't remember at the moment
Soul Calibar 2
Coolboarders: 2000
Tony Hawk pro skater 2
All these games have at least 300-400 hours put into them if not more excluding Injustice as its so new but even that's in the triple digits already.

posted about 11 years ago
#74 Giveaway contest for all-stars! in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 11 years ago
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