do not let him find his hat
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TurboTabsdishsoapso why did jeremy and i get nuked again? i thought we were being more lenient here.
10 hours guys... 10 hours...
We're still going to mod the forums, we never said you're free to do whatever. This isnt a 'The Purge' kind of scernario
but what rule did we break here?????????????
nigga u cannot be serious rn ur telling me that 2 black people are no longer allowed to exchange friendlies?????
so why did jeremy and i get nuked again? i thought we were being more lenient here.
10 hours guys... 10 hours...
#ShitposterLivesMatter #AAAB
thread locked in 20 minutes. post while you can
Maybe just don't use that language then, regardless of who is saying it?
You are a fucking idiot dude.
Allow me to try to help. WHY is it seen as racist for white people to say the n word? This is an incredibly basic question, but I have to preface my point with it because it seems to be getting lost in translation. It's racist because it is associated with chattel slavery, when black people were seen as property and not as human beings. It's racist because even after slavery, whites continued to use it as they lynched black people and as they enacted Jim Crow laws to replicate the same racial caste system. It serves as a painful reminder to many people of this legacy of oppression, and also of privilege, because there's no equivalent word that can be used against white people to remind them of a similar dark time in history, because there was no such dark time.
Now, as is plainly obvious to see, a lot of black people have reclaimed the word as, if not exactly a point of pride, a point of defiance. Of course, this topic is debated in the black community all the time, and there are definitely people who think the word should be retired entirely (and maybe even a few outliers who think that the stigma associated with white people saying it should be lifted in order to fully overcome the word's history, but I guarantee you that's not the majority). Still, it represents a tiny but important way in which black people can reference their collective history with a single shorthand. Context is obviously important.
A bunch of white people deciding that they have the authority to declare the word verboten and actually punish black people for using it does not look like being a good ally. It looks like it's borne out of the same impulse to control people of color and tell them what they can and can't do. It's actually at least as racist as saying the word itself.
Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.
TLDR ur stupid and need to learn context.
pussy ass admins locked the thread bc they got called racists for banning a black person for saying his word
context is dead alfa
THEBILLDOZERShut the fuck up dishsoap
yes sir sorry sir
damn we cant even say our own reclaimed slur from 400+ years of oppression under actual slavery as a joke to our friends while in private map reviewing.
rgl really the linguistic slavery league
bruh shut up u got carried by exile and cray lmao