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Signed Up October 7, 2012
Last Posted October 11, 2014 at 11:23 AM
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#1069 GXL LAN Fall 2014 in News

Damn, I forgot about this, otherwise I woulda went since I'm in Boston

posted about 10 years ago
#64 Player skill rating added to the game in TF2 General Discussion

nice time 2 rank up and troll the steam forums again

posted about 10 years ago
#241 GXL LAN Fall 2014 in News

ill probably go if someone lends me a PC

posted about 10 years ago
#163 GXL LAN Fall 2014 in News

I live in Boston now, so I may go. Don't have a gaming PC anymore and not sure about my schedule that far ahead.

posted about 10 years ago
#204 Players you wish came back to invite/their respect in TF2 General Discussion
ThomasduhtrainDLman. years ago I thought I was decent at the game than he completely destroyed the pub server I was on. Looking back it's nothing super impressive but at the time I thought just being able to do forward rj's was impressive.

Some Guy later told me he was a 6's player which is how I first heard of 6's.

I wish Buffalo bill was still around as well as the other more obvious choices.

I'm moving to Boston in a few weeks for a job, and then maybe making a new gaming PC afterwards.

So mayb..(probably not, have u guys seen what valve done to this game??)

posted about 11 years ago
#114 War Of The Web -Place your votes in TF2 General Discussion

no im dlman learn the lore

posted about 11 years ago
#27 Compiling competitive changes we want for TF2 in TF2 General Discussion
ComangliaMoyComanglia-Have a in game option to not see cosmetic items, or specific cosmetic items/slots.Not going to happen. Why would Valve give you an option to remove the things that they make money off of, and that is a big part of the game?
The number of people who would actually use this option would be extremely low, probably almost completely Competitive players only. The vast majority of the people who play TF2 will leave it on, especially considering how large the TF2 economy is I highly doubt this would break Valve's bank. + The majority of the people who would turn off cosmetics would be the people who play the game the most, and are the people most likely to bring in new people other than Valve themselves.

they could make the option purchasable if it was really about money, a hat that lets you not see anyone else's cosmetic stuff.

posted about 11 years ago
#107 War Of The Web -Place your votes in TF2 General Discussion

i think im playing for 2 websites??

posted about 11 years ago
#85 What yall think of... in TF2 General Discussion
manadashtmBLoodSire Apparently though he is a top korean player (for what that is worth)...we have a Korean scene?Asia is decently sized; the Koreans are actually pretty freakin' good at this game. CS 1.6 was massive (though Brood War obviously took off way more); when I was there I played some TF2 and they're pretty good. This kind of game really appeals to their general choices (cartoony, tactile, fast, etc.). I've been thinking about contacting them but my Korean is SO rusty at the moment...

Back in the Col/Pandemic days, this korean player in our scene named Fayth (dunno if any of you remember him) had connections with a bunch of players in the korean scene. We would make random pug teams late at night (I remember playing with jaeger, animeman, ruwin) and played against them on their servers. It was really surprising since they followed our scene really well and knew all of us, they knew everyone who was on AA at the time too.

posted about 11 years ago
#50 Little TF2 things that annoy you. in TF2 General Discussion

How Valve has slowly turned tf2 into a giant joke.

posted about 11 years ago
#51 This is why I don't offclass in TF2 General Discussion

as someone who used to play a lot of 6s spy

that was really painful to watch =/

posted about 11 years ago
#68 Who pioneered 6s in TF2? in TF2 General Discussion
infinite-I've got a question for some folks here that I've thought about for some time. I'm not trying to troll so please take this seriously. I am generally interested in what folks here think would happen given the following hypothetical situation.

Let's say hypothetically TF2 wasn't out yet but was set for release tomorrow. All the current weapons/items were in the game at the point of release. Be honest.. do you think ESEA/ETF2L (6s) would come up with the same exact ban lists? I'm sure some things would be banned.. but can anyone honestly say the lists would be exactly the same as they are today? How would "vanilla" be defined?

I think a lot of comp players would be disgusted by how dumb the game is and wouldn't even consider playing it competitively.

posted about 12 years ago
#80 Your first match? in TF2 General Discussion

I don't remember my first match, but I do remember my first match that was shout casted. I was on my first team, 2shot/shadow gaming, which consisted of zambino/dl - scouts, die/sim - soldiers, buddha - demo, dumah - medic, backups (fox/coach).

It was on cp_well (my fav map to spy on, although this was before I played spy), with leogeo and some other guy casting. We were a mid level team facing another team in similar skill (I forgot which team). The main reason why I remember it is because after the match I immediately went to try to download and watch the cast - to watch the big clutch plays I made, only to find out that leogeo completely missed out on them.

Two notable moments were one time we were defending our 2, and the other team was in yard about to push in. I went sniper and got 3-4 consecutive headshot kills on the other team, so I went to try to watch that in the video cast, and leogeo was focused on our pocket soldier building uber the whole time, and only managed to partially catch the last headshot. The other moment I believe was that the game was at a tie and our team had mid and was battling in their yard, Zambino and I managed to slip behind and backcap their 2nd, and finally their last for the win. When I went to watch the video, the cast was on the yard battle the whole time and leogeo and the other caster were surprised and confused when the game just ended due to backcaps.

That was one of my most memorable games, others being a match against Pandemic where I sorta legitimized playing spy in 6s by repeatedly getting picks on Fragile/Reptile, and random AI vs Xensity matches where fanom warped around everywhere.

posted about 12 years ago
#47 Who pioneered 6s in TF2? in TF2 General Discussion

5v5 shotgun shootout with leogeo casting

posted about 12 years ago
#88 i'm dl ask me anything in TF2 General Discussion
Mr_Owlare you also the yeti dlman8


PizzaI don't think this was aksed already; why did you quit?

Wanted to focus on my studies + all the updates made it really hard to play at a high level due to really inconsistent FPS.

KhakiPizzaI don't think this was aksed already; why did you quit?he mentioned that he would start playing again if he had a good job+the time to commit

I have another question if you don't mind

Did you ever have a tf2 gamer girlfriend who pocketed you in pubs and everything?

i think the term "tf2 gamer girlfriend" is pretty lame, but yeah.

KeyCan you get Jaeger to come back? :D

he gets awful fps in tf2 too, and hes into fighting games and playing carries in the dumpster bracket of dota2.

posted about 12 years ago
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