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SteamID64 76561197978308259
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SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:9021265
Country United States
Signed Up March 19, 2015
Last Posted December 11, 2016 at 6:10 AM
Posts 735 (0.2 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 1.6
Windows Sensitivity
Raw Input 1
Refresh Rate
120Hz + Lightboost
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse G303
Keyboard Logitech G610
Mousepad Tt Esports Conkor
Headphones Audio Technica ATH-M50X
Monitor VG248QE
1 ⋅⋅ 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 ⋅⋅ 49
#19 Silk Road founder sentenced to life in Off Topic
mustardoverlordI'm not even sure what he did should be a felony, let alone life in prison-worthy

Really? He facilitated the means for over 1 million illegal transactions (many of them drug transactions, but some firearm and other illegal goods/services transactions as well).

If he got a year in prison for each transaction, he'd be looking at 1 million years in jail. RIP.

But then there was also the whole thing about him hiring a hitman...

mustardoverlordwell, we don't give the goldman sachs or bear stearns board life in prison, and they ultimately caused hundreds of times more damage in human cost, so I think we have a bit of a double standard here.

Well, I do partially agree with you. I think many of the executives at goldman sachs should be in jail for fraud and other illegal market manipulation part of which contributed to the huge global financial crisis. But I wouldn't directly compare the crimes of the silk road guy with goldman sachs. Last I heard, I don't remember goldman sachs direct involvement in 1 million illegal drug and firearm transactions.

These large financial institutions have so much wealth and influence in the government they can get away with almost anything. I remember a quote from a financial expert at the BBC. "Governments do not rule the world. Goldman Sach's rules the world." It's sad but there is some truth to that statement.

posted about 9 years ago
#4 Interesting Lerp / cl_interp demonstration video in Videos
mebyou should read

and not refer to a 2008 youtube video for game engine insight

If I wanted to confuse my friend, I would have linked them to this TLDR developers document. I know the video I posted from 2008, but the concept is still the same.... But seriously are there any more modern demonstration videos? I've not found any.

posted about 9 years ago
#1 Interesting Lerp / cl_interp demonstration video in Videos

This is a video I've known about for a while know... I was just talking to some people about interp and the relationship between the player model and the actual hit boxes and how changing lerp adjusts the positioning of the hitbox in relationship to the player model.

Thought I'd also post here. Yes this is a Day of Defeat Source video, but since its source engine still it should be quite similar to TF2.

Just thought some people might find it helpful. I was unable to find any TF2 interp type videos with demonstrations like this.

posted about 9 years ago
#39 Gunboats Pocket in TF2 General Discussion

I like running gunboats as pocket. Gives me a lot more freedom, and I'm generally able to play more aggressively and chase people down etc. If I die I can also rollout back to my teams position faster by pogo jumping and stuff. I think there are some times where a soldier probably should switch off of gunboats for a bit. Such as holding last when you are at a disadvantage... you need every bit of DPS you can get, or in some last push cases where the soldier is going to be tanked and is the main part of the uber.

But yes in addition to having more freedom, you spread the heals out and give more heals to the scouts, which is very important. Keeping scouts buffed accross the point wins mid fights.

As someone mentioned it can cause weaker ubers. I agree. A gunboat pocket should never take a solo uber, and involving a scout in an uber is always great.

The other main disadvantage I see on fulltime gunboat pockets is they might not have the best ability to protect their medic from scouts with no shotty. But with good comms and people watching flanks this shouldn't be much of a problem.

posted about 9 years ago
#14 WTF happened to my friends TF2 in Customization
JarateKingIt's definitely clean tf2.

Definitely NOT clean tf2. He used a pastebin of the same config I use. Secondly, this has only happened to him once since he started using the config where it rendered those textures that way. The end result may be similar to "clean tf2" but that's not what he's using... I just wanted to make it clear that this is the result of the game not loading some textures properly for some strange reason.

posted about 9 years ago
#9 WTF happened to my friends TF2 in Customization
aim-jesus christ this looks so cool, too bad it wont work on sv_pure 2

Or will it? My friend said he is using the same config I'm using (one thats popular on, a modded chris's), which definitely does NOT do any of that. So AFAIK all the strange looking textures were rendered that way in error.

posted about 9 years ago
#1 WTF happened to my friends TF2 in Customization

My friend launched TF2 to join a snakewater lobby and his game looked like this:

He was at a solid 299 FPS the entire game. He had tons of errors in console. He mentioned he could see everyone really easily, especially in those dark corners where people sometimes hide on snakewater!

Here is a dump of the errors in console.

I'm guessing just a bunch of textures didn't load properly? I've never seen anything like this before. Are there any legit configs that allow you to run the game and make it look like this in comp tf2?

posted about 9 years ago
#20 Can this laptop give 144hz? in Hardware

I agree that laptops are not ideal for gaming. If you must buy a laptop however (e.g. need one for school), try to get one with at least a mid-range dedicated graphics card (GPU) not one with an integrated GPU. And I'd highly recommend using a decent notebook cooler when you plan to game, to prevent overheating and thermal throttling, and just to increase the lifespan of the computer.

posted about 9 years ago
#683 Cheater/Hacker thread in TF2 General Discussion
phobiahe's a 6'8 black man and i'm a 5'11 skinny white guy, no thx man no thx

Just give him a punch in his lmaobox then run away!

posted about 9 years ago
#9 CONTROVERSIAL interview with ESEA admin in TF2 General Discussion

Watch it before it gets taken down!!

I've seen different uses for that clip before but man.... I'm literally crying right now because I was laughing so hard!

Good Shit!

posted about 9 years ago
#29 ESEA Client Update - Always On??? in TF2 General Discussion
DreamboatAlways on means more bitcoins

Exactly what I was thinking.... lmao. However in all honesty CPU mining bitcoins might make them 1 cent a year per user. Bitcoin mining is now exclusively done on ASIC chips. CPU/GPU mining won't even come close to covering the cost of electricity consumed.

"please note that running the ESEA Client and playing on ESEA servers is entirely optional, there are other places to play, and if you're uncomfortable with the Client always running then you should uninstall and cancel your subscription."

Seems like a deal with it or GTFO statement. Personally I'd like to see some proof that the ESEA client actually does something as far as anti-cheating for TF2 goes.

posted about 9 years ago
#675 Cheater/Hacker thread in TF2 General Discussion


Name: Toko

Profile Link:

A friend of mine was suspicious of " toko" and reported him to me. I did a little research and dug into some logs and found this particular log:

77% Sniper accuracy across 16,247 damage. 64 headshots, 548 DPM. He got really focused by the enemy scout and soldier, or I have no doubt he would have gotten an absolute insane amount of kills/dpm.

I found the server owner and he provided me with the STV:

After watching it and seeing multiple cases where he hits back to back headshots 5-7 times in a row without missing, its clear he is using silent aim. I would say the most convincing ticks are near the end starting at about 116K. He headshots the scout jumping in his face first shot. The scout isn't even in his scope what-so ever when he fires the shot. Yes lag compensation might have a bit to do with it, but it wouldn't effect it that much, unless the guy had several hundred ping (which he did not). Then he snipes a few more players like the demo, soldier medic, heavy all in a row without missing right near the end. And even headshots the scout again which is randomly jumping his first shot.

I tried to add him yesterday (before reviewing the demo), as some people I can get to just admit to cheating, but he hit ignore and also made his profile private.

TERRYCREWSHello friends
An update from UGC

We've not added anyone to the ban list this offseason so far due to other priorities (mostly site and rule changes - ticket system coming soon!). HOWEVER, due to the combined contributions of this thread, as well as TF2C help, we've basically queued up ~25 cheaters to be banned before the season begins, and are keeping track of ~10 others that lack sufficient evidence (STV, POV, etc). Our current ban list has 10 people banned specifically for cheating - 35 is a lot!!! Do note that for now, there are different ban lengths for match and non match hacking, but the lengths are not set in stone.
As a reminder, you're free to add any of the UGC admins (preferably NA admins) to report suspicious players with sufficient evidence. Thanks for all the contributions, looking forward to more!

Thanks for the update. 25 cheaters banned is a lot! And I'm sure there are still more that we will continue to uncover as time goes on...

anicca| steamname: Kyl3mass3y [Live]
| steam3ID: [U:1:175360402]
| steamID32: STEAM_0:0:87680201
| steamID64:
| customURL:
| steamrep:

dude is actively cheating on stream just like acle.
that was fast
phobiaKyl3Mass3y is my irl friend, i'm gonna call him and ask him why he's hacking

Dayumm... I would have liked to see another hacker stream. What happened with the last guy was hilarious. Definitely give your friend a scolding! Also, just curious did someone spot his hack on his stream such as his login info or F11/Insert menu? Or was it just obvious based on his game play?

posted about 9 years ago
#27 How to airshot wild strafers? (MGE) in Q/A Help

If they are hard to airshot wait for them to bomb and time their rocket so you can surf it giving you a height advantage and fire down 2-3 rockets on them. :P

posted about 9 years ago
#2 Ping on tournament servers in Q/A Help

I'd love to have a solid 50-60 ping. But instead I'm stuck with 80-120 ping usually!

I used to have quite a few large ping spikes that would drive me up from 80 to 200 ping with my old shit router.

I got a newer asus $100 router that seems to handle more network usage such as someone on youtube or skype at the same time that I'm playing TF2 a lot better. Other than that I don't really have any other suggestions, other than making sure your computer isn't updating things while you are playing (windows updates, AV, torrents etc)

posted about 9 years ago
#5 High cpu temps? in Hardware
spammyAny temperature below 90 is fine. When it hits 90 or more you should be watchful.

90C is far too high for that CPU. Many laptop CPU's can handle around 90C fine.

According to Intel the i5-3750K has a TCASE of 67.4C. For some reason there is no Tj spec for this CPU. TCASE is the temperature @ the heatspreader, Tj would be the temperature of the individual CPU dies, which would generally be 5C or so hotter at least.

Either way though, 60C under load is fine.

posted about 9 years ago
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