Name: Toko
Profile Link:
A friend of mine was suspicious of " toko" and reported him to me. I did a little research and dug into some logs and found this particular log:
77% Sniper accuracy across 16,247 damage. 64 headshots, 548 DPM. He got really focused by the enemy scout and soldier, or I have no doubt he would have gotten an absolute insane amount of kills/dpm.
I found the server owner and he provided me with the STV:
After watching it and seeing multiple cases where he hits back to back headshots 5-7 times in a row without missing, its clear he is using silent aim. I would say the most convincing ticks are near the end starting at about 116K. He headshots the scout jumping in his face first shot. The scout isn't even in his scope what-so ever when he fires the shot. Yes lag compensation might have a bit to do with it, but it wouldn't effect it that much, unless the guy had several hundred ping (which he did not). Then he snipes a few more players like the demo, soldier medic, heavy all in a row without missing right near the end. And even headshots the scout again which is randomly jumping his first shot.
I tried to add him yesterday (before reviewing the demo), as some people I can get to just admit to cheating, but he hit ignore and also made his profile private.
TERRYCREWSHello friends
An update from UGC
We've not added anyone to the ban list this offseason so far due to other priorities (mostly site and rule changes - ticket system coming soon!). HOWEVER, due to the combined contributions of this thread, as well as TF2C help, we've basically queued up ~25 cheaters to be banned before the season begins, and are keeping track of ~10 others that lack sufficient evidence (STV, POV, etc). Our current ban list has 10 people banned specifically for cheating - 35 is a lot!!! Do note that for now, there are different ban lengths for match and non match hacking, but the lengths are not set in stone.
As a reminder, you're free to add any of the UGC admins (preferably NA admins) to report suspicious players with sufficient evidence. Thanks for all the contributions, looking forward to more!
Thanks for the update. 25 cheaters banned is a lot! And I'm sure there are still more that we will continue to uncover as time goes on...
anicca| steamname: Kyl3mass3y [Live]
| steam3ID: [U:1:175360402]
| steamID32: STEAM_0:0:87680201
| steamID64:
| customURL:
| steamrep:
dude is actively cheating on stream just like acle.
that was fast
phobiaKyl3Mass3y is my irl friend, i'm gonna call him and ask him why he's hacking
Dayumm... I would have liked to see another hacker stream. What happened with the last guy was hilarious. Definitely give your friend a scolding! Also, just curious did someone spot his hack on his stream such as his login info or F11/Insert menu? Or was it just obvious based on his game play?