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Country Pirate
Signed Up July 22, 2014
Last Posted August 5, 2019 at 4:58 PM
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1 ⋅⋅ 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53
#61 Ultiduo Cup in TF2 General Discussion

something kush related



posted about 8 years ago
#14 ESEA S21 W3: -bird noises- vs. Running with Scizors in Matches

my dude cyrus gants pounding yet again

posted about 8 years ago
#415 Comanglia's Config / FPS Guide in Customization
Jaggerdomthewhiteguyquick question why is the water white and how do i fix it?it's probably because you have dxlevel 80 in launch options, if it is change it to dxlevel 81.

ah okay thank you

posted about 8 years ago
#413 Comanglia's Config / FPS Guide in Customization

quick question why is the water white and how do i fix it?

posted about 8 years ago
#57 Post your rig in Hardware

i saw this thread title and thought it was referring to weed...

Show Content
ive been baited
posted about 8 years ago
#13 How to improve a scout in Q/A Help

how much does he comm? and is he feeding a lot and taking unneeded 1v1s? if he is a flank scout, i'd ask him to play more around the combo and heals so he has a higher chance of not just feeding and hell also learn to play a lot "slower" instead of running in to just frag everything. idk if itd work with your team's dynamic but its worth a shot. if he plays with the combo more you can more or less "micro manage" him until he is able to make the decision you want him to be making on his own. and as everyone else said it takes time to understand the game and he should watch as many demo and demo reviews as possible. it helps immensely.

posted about 8 years ago
#8 Have weekly ESEA result recaps in Site Discussion

i would love this if an espn-esque scoreboard came to fruition. also including euro and aussie matches. thatd be really rad.

posted about 8 years ago
#20 free chipotle in Off Topic
wattno longer working

"Chipotle: Darn, you just missed it. Reply MORE to sign up for future offers. Msg freq varies. Msg&data rates may apply."

same thing happened to me but mens wearhouse.

posted about 8 years ago
#6 ESEA S21 W3: The Bugs vs. -bird noises- in Matches

pound them cyrus, pound!

posted about 8 years ago
#12 free chipotle in Off Topic
kevi saw this on twitter while i was in class but i live in the hood so no chipotle near me

i also was in class just not in the hood o.O

posted about 8 years ago
#115 m0rehud black in Customization


p.s. its everything i wanted ty

posted about 8 years ago
#113 m0rehud black in Customization
ProSkeezdomthewhiteguyProSkeezThe only way to see current time left in the server is if you go through scoreboard, but it'd be nice to always have it up.
id love this added and is there anyway i can make the buff/hurt crosses smaller/removed while still keeping the number colors changed depending on buff/hurt? id really like this

edit: also quik are you interested at all in adding custom backgrounds because i did it to my version and it looks really nice

I edited my own version of m0rehud black with those changes + a couple more if you'd like it.

sure hit me with it id love to try it

posted about 8 years ago
#23 ESEA S21 W1: Hands Off vs. Titanium hWhite in Matches
Tery_domthewhiteguyis there anyway this match vod not be private? because i really want to watch the match or do i have to look for it in the twitch vods
There were some issues regarding the audio (completely out of sync) so it was set to private. I believe mathsad will retry uploading it eventually. Best to try via Twitch.

okay totally understandable but yeah i found the vod on twitch so its all good

posted about 8 years ago
#111 m0rehud black in Customization
ProSkeezThe only way to see current time left in the server is if you go through scoreboard, but it'd be nice to always have it up.

id love this added and is there anyway i can make the buff/hurt crosses smaller/removed while still keeping the number colors changed depending on buff/hurt? id really like this

edit: also quik are you interested at all in adding custom backgrounds because i did it to my version and it looks really nice

posted about 8 years ago
#21 ESEA S21 W1: Hands Off vs. Titanium hWhite in Matches

is there anyway this match vod not be private? because i really want to watch the match or do i have to look for it in the twitch vods

posted about 8 years ago
1 ⋅⋅ 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53