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Signed Up February 19, 2013
Last Posted August 16, 2014 at 9:17 AM
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#2145 Frag Clips Thread in Videos

posted about 10 years ago
#2 [Stream] kissakala in Requests

best kala around

posted about 10 years ago
#75 i52 LAN Fundraiser in News
MGEMikeNice roster mix^, two can play at this game

Two? lol

posted about 10 years ago
#6 Medic HUD Help in Customization
MR_SLINflatlineI believe if you change the xpos/ypos to 9999 it should go away.Great idea! Thanks flatline.

I have one other issue

When I have slot2 or slot 3equipped on Medic, my ubercharge shows. However when I have slot1 equipped, it disappears. Does anyone know how to change it so that my ubercharge always shows no matter what weapon is equipped?

This is impossible to do, it has nothing to do with HUD files or anything similar that, it's designed to work like that (it used to only show percentage for slot2, but after the medic update, they added it to slot3 aswell because of the Ubersaw).

posted about 10 years ago
#54 Coworker Issues in Off Topic
Bmcs777What was the original post?

Read what I wrote earlier, in my long post, i summed the op

posted about 11 years ago
#51 Coworker Issues in Off Topic
Rickfrog keep it real bro I know someone's gotta take a stand for women.. especially since they are all whores on their knees


I'm done with this forum

posted about 11 years ago
#48 Coworker Issues in Off Topic
mfrog i dont know how anybody around u deals with ur shit without punching ur fucking face off ur neck oh my god

It's cool, you don't have to worry about me, I don't surround myself with people who considers sexism funny in any way, so there's no risk of me getting my face punched off my neck.

sildeezyDoog, I only posted because I thought you were trolling, and I thought you were doing an amazing job.

I highly doubt thefragile's post was made with the intent of promoting a sexist agenda. If you want to take it that way, that's on you, g.

Also, I'm pretty sure you're trolling still.

edit: wait, if you thought my post was serious, does that mean your name really is Joe? I just kinda gave you a fictional name.

You think I'm trolling because I brought light to something I found sexist?

Nvm guys, clearly you're not interested in understanding my main point.

posted about 11 years ago
#43 Coworker Issues in Off Topic
sildeezyhpYeah, totally. Imagine if he said what he said in a pool, under the water, mid balloon fight at a city fair surrounded by two thousand pound gorillas, eating a triple warf cone of ice cream, during a torrential rain storm, eventually he would either get smacked in the mouth with a shoe or get all of his tickets taken away.


You know, I actually thought you were honest, what you wrote in your previous honest. Was disappointed to find out that you were just trolling, though I don't know why you found this topic to be a good one to troll, guess you're one of these people who think that they can say whatever they want without taking responsibility for the consequences, correct me if I'm wrong.

posted about 11 years ago
#40 Coworker Issues in Off Topic


donttouchmyfrogAlderdonttouchmyfrogAldermore like #whatyougetfornotunderstandingwhatajokeisheheheheheehehehhe #sexistcommentconsideredasjokeif sexist comments cant be taken as a joke, most comedians would be broke.heh

so we should put up with sexism because comedians can't find less obsolete ways to be funny?[/ote]
no, people should be able to tell when things are meant to be taken as satire and when things are serious.

So you think that sexism and other forms of discrimination can be justified by being labeled as "jokes"? If yes, where do you think we should draw the line? Is there a way to draw a line so that no one feels offended? If no, should we still insist on making up jokes solely based on discrimination? Do you genuinely think it is funny when someone says "sexual favors" as a response to the OP who was asking why everyone was being nice and giving this coworker of his rides when she needed and he was the only one bothered? Do you feel like we shouldn't talk about these serious matters on a forum like this? Do you think that this kind of forum should remain one where people can say whatever they want without having to face the social consequences? Do you think that sexism is not an important matter? Do you want to browse a forum where sexist posts are upfragged and no one questions them? Would you feel content if this would apply to your real life?

posted about 11 years ago
#38 Coworker Issues in Off Topic
AlderdonttouchmyfrogAldermore like #whatyougetfornotunderstandingwhatajokeisheheheheheehehehhe #sexistcommentconsideredasjokeif sexist comments cant be taken as a joke, most comedians would be broke.


so we should put up with sexism because comedians can't find less obsolete ways to be funny?

posted about 11 years ago
#36 Coworker Issues in Off Topic
Aldermore like #whatyougetfornotunderstandingwhatajokeis

heheheheheehehehhe #sexistcommentconsideredasjoke

posted about 11 years ago
#31 Coworker Issues in Off Topic

hahahahahaha #whatyougetforconfrontingsexismoninternet

posted about 11 years ago
#27 Coworker Issues in Off Topic
Admiral_ObesitydonttouchmyfrogsildeezydonttouchmyfrogTheFragilesexual favorsWow, everytime i see this kind of sexist responses getting upfragged I feel genuinely sick inside, and it just reminds me how patriarchal these types of communities and forums are. I'm ashamed on your behalf.
I agree, joe. One time I was streaming and thefragile kept sending me messages asking for my phone number/asking me to get on skype naked. It was the first time I felt like I wasn't going to make it in tf2 because I was a girl.

Hey, thefragile, this is from girl gamers everywhere: GO AWAY.

Any girl gamers who want to wear this tag feel free #goawayfragile

I know I'll be wearing it.
Wow that's so disgusting, you shouldn't have to face this kind of shit because you happen to be a girl, too bad people aren't taking statements like fragile's more seriously, to realize it's not just an innocent joke, but a part of a patriarchal structure that people are hesitant to question.

When an impartial observer has to spend 5 minutes figuring you if you're joking or actually offended your argument probably isn't very good.

cool, edited

posted about 11 years ago
#24 Coworker Issues in Off Topic

Getting minus fragged for openly defending that sexism is incredibly disgusting.


posted about 11 years ago
#22 Coworker Issues in Off Topic
sildeezydonttouchmyfrogTheFragilesexual favorsWow, everytime i see this kind of sexist responses getting upfragged I feel genuinely sick inside, and it just reminds me how patriarchal these types of communities and forums are. I'm ashamed on your behalf.
I agree, joe. One time I was streaming and thefragile kept sending me messages asking for my phone number/asking me to get on skype naked. It was the first time I felt like I wasn't going to make it in tf2 because I was a girl.

Hey, thefragile, this is from girl gamers everywhere: GO AWAY.

Any girl gamers who want to wear this tag feel free #goawayfragile

I know I'll be wearing it.

Wow that's so disgusting, you shouldn't have to face this kind of shit because you happen to be a girl, too bad people aren't taking statements like fragile's more seriously, to realize it's not just an innocent joke, but a part of a patriarchal structure that people are hesitant to question.

Edit: apparantly I didn't express myself clear enough, this is not a joke.

posted about 11 years ago
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