SnowshoeI was able to fully recover the 2010 TF2 menu:
Yes... this means you can have avatars on the main menu. Or reference the player's username.
MainMenuOverride avatar:Player's name (you may have to cut off the "Welcome back," part depending on how you want to use it):"AvatarImage" { "ControlName" "CAvatarImagePanel" "fieldName" "AvatarImage" "xpos" "30" "ypos" "20" "zpos" "0" "wide" "40" "tall" "40" "visible" "1" "enabled" "1" "image" "" "scaleImage" "1" "color_outline" "52 48 45 255" }
"TopLeftDataPanel" { "ControlName" "EditablePanel" "fieldName" "TopLeftDataPanel" "xpos" "15" "ypos" "35" "zpos" "-10" "wide" "300" "tall" "65" "visible" "1" "PaintBackgroundType" "2" "bgcolor_override" "46 43 42 255" "WelcomeLabel" { "ControlName" "CExLabel" "fieldName" "WelcomeLabel" "font" "HudFontSmallBold" "labelText" "#WelcomeBack" "textAlignment" "west" "xpos" "70" "ypos" "5" "wide" "300" "tall" "15" "autoResize" "0" "pinCorner" "0" "visible" "1" "enabled" "1" } }
change values as you see fit, whatevs. you can also use %playername% instead of #WelcomeBack, that should work too.
Hopefully Valve never deletes this leftover stuff from TF2's code. Otherwise it will probably break.
do I put this in my hudlayout.res, clientscheme.res or some other location in my HUD files?