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Signed Up December 29, 2014
Last Posted December 22, 2015 at 9:15 PM
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#11 ALLSTARS- a bball.tf community video in Videos

good video !

posted about 9 years ago
#5 ballmasters- a community bball movie in Videos

A+ fragmovie
but then i'm biased
much love to the bball community for all <3

posted about 9 years ago
#5 Roamer LFT Mid-Open in Recruitment (looking for team)

He and I had a team going for a while earlier, but while I was with him, I learned that he is dedicated, smart, an excellent fragger, great gamesense, tolerant, and he knows how to play this game. He taught me almost everything I know, even if it isn't much, but that just shows how persistent and willing he is to win, and he channels all of that energy into the match. If I were looking for a roamer, I'd pick him up right away.
Give this guy a team goddammit.

posted about 10 years ago
#80 BBall Tourney in TF2 General Discussion

rainman and I are not playing.

posted about 10 years ago
#62 BBall Tourney in TF2 General Discussion

Drop it(!)

Drayne: http://steamcommunity.com/id/drayneman/

Rainman: http://steamcommunity.com/id/pugsaretheshit

posted about 10 years ago
#37 BBall Tourney in TF2 General Discussion
sildeezyIf you ban shotty jumping people will just body block with rockets, or worse, they will do the really passive "stand right next to the hoop and hit directs/hoopshots" strat. For those of you who don't know what that is, it's basically waiting until the person is on the way down from their jump, is about to land on the hoop (so prediction really isn't necessary) then shooting a really easy close range airshot to stop the jumper from scoring. It's in probably the most lame/borring/passive strat in bball.

You really can't regulate shotty jumping without removing the shotty entirely. If people are gonna play that gay in bball it's their own prerogative. Usually the better team wins anyway in bball tournies.

It was worth a shot, man. Just don't want the gameplay to slow down.
People are probably going to hoopshot anyways. Oh well.

posted about 10 years ago
#32 BBall Tourney in TF2 General Discussion
KairuRainmanJDawg4.) Shotgun jumping is allowed
Thanks for making this happen, jdawg.
I suggest that we ban shotty jumping because it's not fun to play against nor is it entertaining to watch. Let's be honest. People go to please to be enjoying not to be bodyblocked and shottied but rather to enjoy it. We should keep it that way.

This is pretty much why I never play tournaments.

But on the other hand, you can't really police jump shotgun. Is it a matter of how close I am? What If I'm jumping from your side of the court and shotgunning you in the back because you got past me? What if I know you're like 10 hp and I just spawned, so I jump forward, and shotgun you at half court to take the intel from you?

It's a nice idea, but it can't realistically be stopped. Not to mention it's just as easy to bodyblock and use rockets.

I feel that if we set some boundaries on what a shottyjump is, this idea might gain traction. So, for starters, I think it counts as a shotgun jump when both players are in the air and one shoots the other with a shotgun. Now, as your example pointed out, it's probably not that simple, but it's a start. As you said, it's just as easy to use rockets and bodyblock, but using a shotgun means that your bodyblock has a longer reach and is thus so much more annoying to deal with. You can strafe around bodyblocks. Not around hitscan
But all the above was obvious.
If it's so easy to just use rockets, then just use rockets. However, again, we need to set boundaries for this rule to become legitimate. Can we think of any more?

posted about 10 years ago