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Signed Up August 20, 2012
Last Posted August 29, 2013 at 12:08 PM
Posts 219 (0 per day)
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#16 +Fragging your own posts? in TF2 General Discussion
freshmeatWhy are +-frags on this website anyway

there's a point for this kinda stuff on rebbit because it changes the post order, but the only thing it does here is nothing, except making people read posts with a bias if there are lots of +-frags going on, which is pretty shitty if what you want is thought out discussion from everyone. it encourages sheep mentality for no good reason really.

sheep mentality is best mentality

posted about 11 years ago
#89 OTHER HOBBIES? in Off Topic

ultimate frisbee

posted about 11 years ago
#4 Recommend me some good DnB in Off Topic

inb4 pt

posted about 11 years ago
#26 Germans unite in Off Topic

man up yall be some pussy bitches

posted about 11 years ago
#155 New kind of 6v6? in TF2 General Discussion
57R4c3Sorry for the late reply but this thread really got me thinking about a way to implement 6's in a way which would not change the game mechanics too drastically so Valve would agree to it in addition to the HL one.

I think that essentially Enigma was just trying to balance the 3 different groups which would result in a fast paced organized game CLOSEST to 6's - because Valve is never going to implement a complex system that breaks their dynamic of the game. So why not try the next best thing? And quite frankly he got it right. The 6's community should take EVERY SINGLE OPPORTUNITY to get the game out there - even if it might require some slight tweaking. It won't be perfect but why not just get it out there for people to see and experience?

I think the real trick is in setting up the right parameters for choosing classes. Valve said they're willing to add a 6v6 option - is there any way to impose the 6's structure without directly supporting it? I think the solution is to simply set "group limits."

6's is basically composed 4 OFFENSE + 1 DEFENSE + 1 SUPPORT.


Why not work with these limits? If (very big IF) Valve is willing to set a limit of 4 offense players, 1 defense and 1 support, a mild form of 6's is already in the making. So how else can you make it like 6's? Set up another rule - maximum of 2 players per class. And lastly, allow players to offclass in their "group type" only - a medic can offclass as sniper/spy, a demo can offclass as heavy/engie, etc. (This sounds ridiculous I know but bear with me...)

There are def some downsides to this system. Obviously you'd have to include pyro. Then you might get the occasional idiot that'll go spy when the team really needs a medic or someone who will go engie when a mobile demo would be best. This would make teams frustrated but believe it or not - I think this is exactly what would "save" 6's.

After playing with these group limits, people are eventually going to realize there are optimal choices. Think of it as a training ground to 6's. People will eventually grasp that a medic is a strong general support class and there are limited times to play spy. A pyro is best for sneaky flanking. Scouts and Soldiers are favored for direct combat over a pyro. A demo can deal more dmg than an engie, etc.

Some good things - some players are really good as other classes but they don't have a permanent place in 6's. If you're a really good pyro now you can play pyro or heavy - but it's going to come at a price.

Anyway before this gets too long, it can work. It's not 6's exactly, but pretty damn close. #1 thing is that any class can play so Valve doesn't have to setup silly restrictions on not being able to play a class they created. Doesn't mess too much with their dynamic.

The only question remaining is, WHEN will the players realize that 2 scouts, 2 soldiers, 1 demo and 1 medic is going to be the best choice? Heh.

*I also liked the idea of 3 offense classes, 1 defense and 2 support - I felt this might make an interesting 6's variation but maybe it's too different...

You cant just decide that a pyro is an offensive class, or a heavy a defensive class. The reason tf2 is a fun game is b/c you can do either with any class, except for maybe with medic which is a strictly support class.

posted about 11 years ago
#13 The Hunter (multiplayer) in Off Topic
LazyPandaThe game says I don't have any liscences though. Is a membership worth it?


posted about 11 years ago
#21 New kind of 6v6? in TF2 General Discussion

took the community five years to realize 6's is shit, should have listened to good old Carrots when he said we need to change the way the game is played, not the weapons that are allowed / disallowed. ctf_atrophy 4 lyfe

posted about 11 years ago
#29 carnage in TF2 General Discussion

"it's an extreme form of relaxation, for an equally extreme lifestyle..."


posted about 11 years ago
#3 Pocket lft IM in Recruitment (looking for team)


posted about 11 years ago
#138 How to Get to In-Game Comp Lobbies in TF2 General Discussion

seems like robin thinks that esea sets to many limits for players, and highlander to a lesser degree. hmmmmm.....

posted about 11 years ago
#12 Sudden performance increase? in TF2 General Discussion

thats some nigga shit

posted about 11 years ago
#33 FreeStyle [df. ...] Quake Live jump movie in Off Topic
the301stspartandrmtcit is sad that tf2 has so many limits on its physics engine. it is the main reason why i still am concerned with tf2 becoming a real mlg sport -- lack of advance movement techniques.
Wow. Your post contains 3 statements. And all are wrong. Gg

are you saying that tf2 DOES NOT have limits on its physics engine? i think it is very obvious that it does.

are you saying there ARE advanced movement techniques in tf2? b/c compared to ql and tfc and ut2k4 and cs tf2 has very LIMITED advanced movement techniques.

posted about 11 years ago
#30 FreeStyle [df. ...] Quake Live jump movie in Off Topic

it is sad that tf2 has so many limits on its physics engine. it is the main reason why i still am concerned with tf2 becoming a real mlg sport -- lack of advance movement techniques.

posted about 11 years ago
#71 Interp Toggle Exploit in TF2 General Discussion

nice find

posted about 11 years ago
#41 mangachu in TF2 General Discussion

minus frag and move on

posted about 11 years ago
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