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SteamID64 | 76561198027739706 |
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Signed Up | August 20, 2012 |
Last Posted | August 29, 2013 at 12:08 PM |
Posts | 219 (0 per day) |
capnfapnI think bunnyhopping could work in tf2 if it was only a slight increase (10% or so?) and it took skillz.
blackbanjoIn the beginning, we tried a lot of different formats and class limits. By the time Season 2 of Cevo rolled around, 6v6 and the current class limits had been finalized. The main difference from current TF2, besides the weapon modifications, was the way we played maps and the rules they were played with.
We played a lot of 2fort, dustbowl, ctf_stronghold, gravelpit, granary with gates...never hydro though.
looks like blackbanjo found an internet hookup in his farm after all...
brownymasterdrmtcCons:turtsmcgurtsbecause the cons so obviously outweigh the pros that it isn't worth it.plz i would like to hear the cons
Holding +jump for free speed is dumb.
Heavy becomes broken.
Heavy becomes top tier.
Every class to mid faster (mainly heavy)
Soldiers don't need to sacrifice as much HP for speed (only height)
Scout is less useful (you can just bunnyhop around as pyro with more HP, go sniper to mid really fast, and chasing things is harder since you'll probably push them faster)
Defeats the purpose of classes having different speed pro/cons.
Makes any explosive class move more efficiently (1 RJ and bhop and you stream across mid).
And if you ever say that there should be a special part of the mod that doesn't let heavies bunny hop, you'll see how shitty it is to complicate the game even more for a stupid hold +jump mod.
You can airstrafe more.
You can "offclass" more.
You need less engagement intelligence to play the game effectively in exchange for the immense skill of learning how to do small airstrafes and hold down +jump
EDIT: Also, those who want to say not +jump holding but instead require precise timing, that's impossible without changing the game itself. Ever been desynced? It's because bhop is server-sided, as it's not a normal game mechanic, and you can't get good precision on the server side for bhopping.
Brownymaster, what you don't understand about bhop is that the ratio of speed to each class remains the same, with or without bhop. so the max bhop speed of a heavy is slower than the max of a medic, in the same ratio that it is without the existence of bhop. this cancels out any argument about one class being more powerful than another one, unless you can explain it to me another way. as for finding a way to implement bhop that keeps it challenging, im not sure if this is possible, but maybe there is away if you play around with the physics engine (idk im not an expert in this field).
you use the heavy with gru as an example for bhop not being balanced, but bhop would be nothing like the gru, because everyone would be able to bhop whenever they wanted to, unlike gru where only heavy can use it when he switches to his melee.
i dont see how everybody getting to mid faster is a con, because everyone still gets to mid in the same ratio of time as they would without bhop.
IDEALLY, someone would make a mod where bhop would be as challenging as it is in tfc, where you CAN'T do a low rj to accelerate to your max bhop speed, because a low rj is much faster than 170% of the soldiers defualt speed, and if you do do a low rj and try to bhop in tfc, you will be dropped down to 100% default speed the second you touch the ground b/c you went over the 170% default speed cap.
so far the only really arguments i see are that it would make a even greater barrier between pubbers and comp players, and that the tf2 engine limits the creation of a bhop system that has a significantly steep learning curve.
turtsmcgurtsbecause the cons so obviously outweigh the pros that it isn't worth it.
plz i would like to hear the cons
MagikarpEpic counter by Killing.
since when is looking at past events that are similar to the current situation, for the purpose of justifying a disciplinary action an "epic counter"? sounds more like an easy way out of a situation, imo.
its probably a sign
is no one other than me going to address the pros and cons of implementing bhop into comp tf2?
all of you are idiots
maybe if there was a cap of 120% of default speed for each class,this idea would be more reasonable. however im not sure if this sort of mod is possible to make, while maintaining the difficulty in bhop as it currently is, as seem in
if 120% of original speed bhop were adapted to competitive play the only things i would see changing would be the level of difficulty to get to the maximum class speed, the ability to make more and different jump combinations on every single map, and the ability to get to mid faster, without any change to the time ratios of classes to each others default speeds.
Cro0Ked_spadez is also in invite now
what have you done with your life
possibly the best comeback ever
please ban, we have enough nuisances to the community as it is. not banning anybody is only encouraging them
Plus you're social life that would be brought down to a minimal lool.
engineers dont have social lives anyways
says the tf2 community