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Signed Up August 20, 2012
Last Posted August 29, 2013 at 12:08 PM
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#12 Unfinished compLexity TF2 Highlight Video in TF2 General Discussion
downpourthe colours seem darker on youtube than they are on the download version

good observation. thank you for your input on this thread.

posted about 11 years ago
#1 true nigga in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 11 years ago
#39 WoW MOP in Off Topic

get a life nerds

posted about 11 years ago
#15 POLL: how long have you been in comp TF2 in TF2 General Discussion

when people stilled used tf2.gather

posted about 11 years ago
#15 Charity Event Polls in TF2 General Discussion
disengagedrmtccharity for tf2. is it just me, or is there something seriously fucked about that?dramatic, do you even play this game anymore? even if you do, why do you just come into these positive threads and insist on saying negative comments?

idk tf2 is too easy of a game anyways. lol jk, i don't really play anymore, and idk usually people donate money for people who are starving, need healthcare etc.. donating for more ppl to play more videogame seems sort of ridiculous.

posted about 11 years ago
#11 Charity Event Polls in TF2 General Discussion

charity for tf2. is it just me, or is there something seriously fucked about that?

posted about 11 years ago
#20 The ZBryan Rollout in TF2 General Discussion
boomerkirbyThe second purpose is denying them health, so if the medic takes a lot of damage from a team mate, then you can hopefully finish the job. This works the other way around too - if you don't drop the medic but damage him enough for some spam to do the job, then have your team collapse on them without endangering your medic.

The third purpose is being able to wait for the medic and drop him once he's between the entrance and choke and banana/elbow/whatever. The one way this can be countered is if 1) scouts getting the call that you're up there, but they're easy to deal with. If they're being a problem, then go down drop down, wait a couple seconds, jump back up. Take the health kit again for more health and then drop the medic if you can. 2) Combo getting the call and knowing you're still behind them and constantly keeping tabs on you. Instead of dropping the medic then, distract for your team.

You're relying on getting the demo kill for both these to come into play, and that demo kill is far from guaranteed. You're relying on waaaay too much to go as planned.

It's a gimmick rollout that might win you one or two mids per scrim/match. Fast gunboat routes to mid are suicide unless you're playing some seriously garbage scouts and a slow ass demo

Also, you're not denying the enemy team any health other than that initial demo pack, assuming you get that kill AND deny him the pack... the pack is getting taken either way how are you denying their team the pack??? Unless you're just chilling in that choke the whole mid, in which case you already won the mid for your team with the demo pick and they probably aren't committing their med

Third purpose... "you already won the mid for your team with the demo pick and they probably aren't committing their med"

The whole point of this kind of shit is to insta-win mid by surprising and gaying the fuck out of the demo, at which point your follow up strats are useless. If you die w/o getting that demo, your team is 5v6 before your combo can even get there

mad cuz hes a demo

posted about 11 years ago
#15 !pick 1 medic in Off Topic
heerojust think. you're ingin - what's an average day in life?

you wake up. the world is spinning. it's a monday morning; you're hungover. you look beside you to the empty spot on your king size bed that you wish could be occupied by someone you could love - but alas, the world is cruel. you gingerly touch your feet to the hardwood floor, and it makes a creak - creaaak - that only amplifies the loneliness consuming your apartment. you walk down the stairs - there it is again - creaaak - and move yourself to the kitchen, where you open your dusty cabinet and pull out the finest whiskey, pouring yourself a finger. it's 10am; time to go to work. you make your way down to the mines, selflessly putting yourself in danger to harvest valuable minerals to better the world; thinking back to your days as an engineering student; what bright days those were, so full of hope and amibition. on your way home you think about how you're gonna unwind, and realize it feels like one of those days where you want to just play some tf2. you walk through the door, it's dark outside now, and again the familiar creaaak follows you to your computer desk. you sit down and log onto irc. /j #tf2.pug.na, /authserv auth blackdiamond MiningEngineersForever123;<3. "oh man, who is this dpyro guy? haha - i totally trolled him. thank god i'm me, guys." you rush to post this on teamfortress.tv/forums, excited at the prospect of gaining respect, admiration - forget that, you're truly excited at the prospect that someone is going to acknowledge your lonely existence. you pour yourself a shot of vodka. just another day in the long life you've got left to live.


posted about 11 years ago
#43 I'm mad at misconceptions (about TF2) in TF2 General Discussion
"TF2 isn't fast enough" just seems like a lazy excuse by and for people who are mad at engineer or pyro or heavy or whatever, or the fact that they can't play with their team well enough to "stop holding and push". Of all the pvp games I've ever seen (EDIT: exclude fighting games from this), TF2 is the only one that gets faster when the skill level is raised, at least to the insane degree it does. There's more pussyfooting, and there's more caution too, but the former usually happens on maps or rulesets that reward it (cough cough warmfront) and the second doesn't slow the game down enough to out-do what the players bring to make the game faster, at that level of play. Better rollouts, better pushes, more aggression, more cohesion, yeah.

Think 20 minutes is too much? Play KotH Bo3. 4-5 minutes per round still too much? Play Arena, surely telling people to kill eachother instead of focus on an objective is a good thing! Oh, wait, permadeath makes people pussyfoot even more. Oops.

when people say that the game is too "slow", i dont think they are referring to the length of the rounds. my best guess is that "people" (aka redditors)are saying is that the same way quake is a faster paced game than tf2, tf2 by comparison is slow. the same way tfc is faster paced than tf2, makes tf2 slow. for people who played games like tfc and quake, tf2 really does feel like playing in maple syrup (im speaking from personal experience).

IMO the people you are referring to may have a point, seeing as the VAST majority of TFC'ers (excluding ppl like reptile, dummy) did not start playing competitive tf2 after it came out, or years later, for the reason that tf2 was way too slow.

you might say as a rebuttal that tf2 IS fast, which it is, compared to many fps's on the market today, but not compared to games like quake and tfc.

posted about 11 years ago
#6 what happened to this site looking like gotfrag in TF2 General Discussion
bscthis site has the brightness of a sun going into supernova now

the end is near

posted about 11 years ago
#89 Ban dflame from #tf2.pug.na Petition in TF2 General Discussion

looks like good old gotfrag is back

posted about 11 years ago
#18 LFT Soldier High Open / Low IM in Recruitment (looking for team)

not low im or high open. more like middle of open

posted about 11 years ago
#52 fucked my tailbone in TF2 General Discussion

wtf you people, how about doing something useful, like READING

posted about 11 years ago
#27 Warm ups & Consistency in TF2 General Discussion
Purpleeeeeeeedrmtcyou dont need a warm up ritual if you are good at the game. consistency comes with high levels of practice. all being "good" at something means is that the lowest level at which you can ever perform is still at a level that is competitive.
There's a reason that the top nfl players have warmups. The top soccer players have warmups. People who have achieved amazing things. They have warmups. The warmup itself allows you to unlock that consistency and skill.

thats true, but i don't think warmups are nearly as important as practicing

posted about 11 years ago
#25 Warm ups & Consistency in TF2 General Discussion

you dont need a warm up ritual if you are good at the game. consistency comes with high levels of practice. all being "good" at something means is that the lowest level at which you can ever perform is still at a level that is competitive.

posted about 11 years ago
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