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SteamID64 76561198014305821
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Country Uganda
Signed Up September 15, 2012
Last Posted December 1, 2013 at 11:25 AM
Posts 4 (0 per day)
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Mousepad Goliathus Control Edition
#251 It begins! in Off Topic


Pretty please, with a cherry on top.

posted about 11 years ago
#92 my new hud. in Customization
ompe_I've marked the things I'd like to change but I lack knowledge to do so, I've looked at clientscheme and I'm honestly not sure what to edit.In the Fonts section of ClientScheme.res, the first font is called "Default". You want to change the font from Verdana to something you like. Compare the original ClientScheme to my ClientScheme to see an example of what I've done. As for the overlap, I don't see anything overlapping there? It looks fine to me.

It doesnt say ping or score, it only shows like first 2 letters of the word, any way of fixing that?

edit. fixed my first issue with font so thanks alot for that one, never would have figured it out on my own

posted about 12 years ago
#90 my new hud. in Customization
I'm not sure why you'd get any overlapping; I just kept the default width values for the elements (besides name) and everything was fine. As for the font, you can change this by changing the "Default" font in ClientScheme.res. This is the font used for the scoreboard, win panel, death notices, etc.

Sorry if I was being confusing, but I'm not using your hud, im merely inspired by some elements in your hud. Heres how my scoreboard looks like at the moment


I've marked the things I'd like to change but I lack knowledge to do so, I've looked at clientscheme and I'm honestly not sure what to edit.

posted about 12 years ago
#84 my new hud. in Customization

Hey omp, your hud inspired me to work on my hud and so far its been going great, however there are certain elements in my hud that I cant seem to edit properly, scoreboard is being one of them, things like score, ping overlapping and player/ping/score fonts


any help is appreciated

posted about 12 years ago