leftover chili my mom made
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SteamID64 | 76561198049425784 |
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Country | United States |
Signed Up | February 27, 2021 |
Last Posted | March 12, 2025 at 2:06 PM |
Posts | 265 (0.2 per day) |
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trippaunited kingdom has mike. also new age players like toemas and papi and stuff
was MGE Shite actually good at the game or did we all just fall for brit propaganda? think about it
scorch shot is banned in highlander but not 6s lol
looking to split a bnb, if we've met at other lans or know each other online, hmu!
I would kill myself if I played any game 9 hours a day for 2 weeks
I agree with demo checks in principle but I think there should be some leniency extended for the first season without p-rec. Also, the ringer on untamed's team literally deleted his demo for their 5th demo strike, surely he should just get banned instead of giving the team a penalty? What as a TL are you supposed to do in that situation when you specifically make sure your ringer records his demos, but he just deletes them?
fygngl i totally forgot i made this thread
I didn't.
https://rgl.gg/Public/Team?t=12610&r=40 I apologize. He is playoffs IM
siyoI have the entire vod saved but I got copyright striked when uploading it to YT
upload it to bilibili
capslock ctap, shift crouch, ctrl jumpbug
Correct me if I'm wrong, but we still don't have projectiles pass through teammates right? https://www.teamfortress.tv/63208/is-there-a-single-reason This is the most recent mention of it I can find. Why is this not a thing yet? Can we at least have a new survey or test it or something? I also don't think there was ever a coherent argument against it. Sorry to derail the thread further but this shit is bugging me
Wicked02 https://clips.twitch.tv/LovelySincereCrabFunRun-C79jKqxRnfTUjFIv whats the counterplay to this?
Have your demo loch n load airpipe him
pajaroWhen is RGL going to just admit that their AC team fucks up every now and then instead of trying to build them up like this Pillar of an Ethical Institution of Competitive TF2? Like this guy never got banned for aim assist over this playoffs match with two full halves where he had 98% accuracy over ~26 minutes of play, and top fragged the combined log. half 1 half 2 and the other halves with 83%. In highlander. While still getting the most spy kills on his team.
I can confirm multiple people watched his demos, took note of suspicious ticks, reported him through the correct channels, and nothing happened. It still feels pretty bad that my season got ended by this and when I said he was cheating I got called a "retarded main player".