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Signed Up February 27, 2021
Last Posted March 12, 2025 at 2:06 PM
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#15 Main Team Joint Statement #2 in TF2 General Discussion
wonderoflInstead of being given important information, like if they would be banned or whether RGL thought this evidence was insufficient, I was given a snarky response about how it's my responsibility to go through the ticket system. I decided not to go through the ticket system. I thought it was more important to see if the head admin would stick to unimportant principles like these even to the detriment of the league. Cukei, safrix, cray, and della's furry friend have yet to be banned despite all of the work being done by others.

Wait what did safrix do?

posted 11 months ago
#25 Having a cup of tea. in The Dumpster

does tea before bed not keep you up at night?

posted about a year ago
#3 Technological Achievements in the TF2 Community in TF2 General Discussion

https://www.teamfortress.tv/61875/horizontal-velocity-hud-speedometer This is still super impressive to me

posted about a year ago
#3 RGL LAN 2024 Announcement in TF2 General Discussion
MothershipLastly, we wanted a location that would be big enough to host an open tournament

Please make this happen! Also, cu@ :)

posted about a year ago
#13187 stream highlights in Videos


posted about a year ago
#15 what athlete = b4nny in TF2 General Discussion

Grant Vincent

posted about a year ago
#8 rahThread: How long do u stick to ur new years res in Off Topic
RahmedRedTPCchad up and start doing it the moment you think of it instead of waiting for the new yearI've already started my own personal goals, only reason I thought about this is because next payday I want to sign up at the gym and coincidentally it's at the start of the new year.

Although, I'm thinking of just making a membership in february, 'cause there are way too many signups in jan

If you actually want to do it and are going to stick to it, start it ASAP instead of waiting

posted about a year ago
#43 On Scout Movement in TF2 General Discussion
digoIs this still a thing or it has been fixed?
So many times I notice scouts jumping and their legs ''go crazy'', like they twist or something. I believe this happens because of the crouch spam while airborne.
VirulenceI want to know how Scouts get that weird "launched by explosion" animation. Is it caused by double jumps with a crouchjump script? I find it unusually difficult to predict. Hard to explain, but it looks like this: http://youtu.be/T8gxLtvWJtY?t=1m44s

It was fixed a long time ago. You can only crouch twice in midair to prevent crouch spamming

https://www.dropbox.com/s/jr00chyg20vuibd/Review.pdf?dl=0 the ILDPRUT thesis doesn't talk about crouch spamming but it does explain why crouching in midair can produce some wonky behavior

posted about a year ago
#7 What did you all get for christmas? in TF2 General Discussion

a couple books i wanted, a cookbook, pyjamas, socks, some kitchenware stuff to bring back to school

i also got to bake with my sister for the first time in a while and we made apple pie and tiramisu. we used to bake together a lot as kids and it was nice to do it again

posted about a year ago
#4 xmas process map in Map Discussion
QubitI haven't heard of a winter version of process, but I believe someone has made a winter version of Product

tf2 has been around for too long when people think that product is the original and viaduct is the remake

posted about a year ago
#183 Esperanto should be the language of EU competitive in The Dumpster
AimIsADick1. Age isn't important here: what's important is that this article states that Ethnologue started as a christian group focused on the bible.

That is a religious link (even if outdated) is it not?

There already was a religious link (it is published by a religious group). As I have asked before, please show that the publisher influences the reliability or validity of the data in Ethnologue. A resource being produced by a religious group does not necessarily mean the resource is biased or inaccurate. The positive reputation Ethnologue enjoys among linguists is attested to by several of the sources you have linked.

AimIsADickMy complaint was about ethnologue's database being paywalled, hence not being transparent; which necessarily affects the sources I can get off that site.

Lots of sources are paywalled.

AimIsADickI don't use fucking google translate; that butchers Esperanto horribly. (examples: using "konservita" instead of "savita" when saving a person, "kaŝmemorigita" instead of "rapidmemorigita" to refer to caching)
and I cannot speak Spanish, nor Japanese now (which I attempted to study and indeed could barely speak it)

Please translate and speak the sentence I provided to verify this.

AimIsADickWhat? Are you even gonna explain your reasoning? (Mind you, you don't even speak or read the language yourself.)

So now all of a sudden, when I cite you a link by an esperantist himself doing proper study, you starting screeching about "no validity". You keep complaining to me to "read my own sources", yet you can't even fairly read my sources I give to you.

Please read and summarize the arguments in the essay you linked and I'll respond to them (so that I don't have to do it myself agian). Also, why are you assuming I'm not fluent in Esperanto?

posted about a year ago
#181 Esperanto should be the language of EU competitive in The Dumpster

18 year old article. This also again notes religious complaints about the publisher without noting any religious complaints about Ethnologue itself. The only complaints about Ethnologue are that it may overcount or undercount languages, which is a practically unsolvable issue (and also secular).

In the future, please READ SOURCES BEFORE LINKING THEM and then explain them in the post. I enjoy reading them and responding myself but it's a pain for other users that don't want to read multiple articles per post only to realize they are irrelevant or don't support your points. In the future, I will just remind you to read sources before citing them instead of reading them for you

AimIsADickHere: https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2020/02/world-s-largest-linguistics-database-getting-too-expensive-some-researchers, I cited this earlier too.
Also this: https://humans-who-read-grammars.blogspot.com/2019/11/ethnologue-changes-access-again.html

First article does not mention anything about Ethnologue's sources. Second article mentions it once to say that Ethnologue does provide sources but for some pages you have to request the sources from Ethnologue. I don't think it's an actual problem.

AimIsADickI can just repeat the same greeting again, but very slowly. (i didn't agree to use that particular sentence, it'd be too long.)

This casts further doubt on your Esperanto abilities. Please read and translate the longer sentence I provided to prove that you aren't reading from google translate or just speaking spanish (again)


Blatant Esperantist puff piece with no validity

posted about a year ago
#23 funniest tf2 dramas? in TF2 General Discussion

https://rgl.gg/Public/Match?m=15984&r=40 followed by getting picked up by froyo

posted about a year ago
#35 Returning back after a year. in TF2 General Discussion
AimIsADickwell, this site is still worthless. still hates me, and I have no reason to go into comp. if I could leave or delete my account on this website, I'd absolutely do it.

You should stay because even though people are sometimes rude to you, I still believe that there are a large number of users that like reading your posts (including me!)

posted about a year ago
#174 Esperanto should be the language of EU competitive in The Dumpster
AimIsADickIn any case: the real problem with Ethnologue is that they are: 1. Christian and 2. Colonial

Also, there is (unsurprisingly) problems with them regarding the transparency of their sources. which is a big red flag.

Ethnologue is neither Christian nor colonial. Their publisher is Christian, but you would need to find evidence of that affecting Ethnologue for it to be relevant. The Washington Post article isn't relevant. Some people thinking that SIL translators are religiously or politically biased really has nothing to do with Ethnologue (which is widely accepted to be a high quality and generally unbiasaed source).

You claim there are problems with Ethnologue citing sources yet provide no source for your own claim. Curious

Also, please provide an example of you speaking Esperanto. You could translate the sentence "im sorry im not good i apologize for my ego please forgive me, im just europeean" and record yourself speaking it in Esperanto. I think that would be convincing evidence for the users of this forum.

posted about a year ago
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